生态适度人口,eco-optimum population
1)eco-optimum population生态适度人口
1.A study on eco-optimum population in different parts of China using theory of ecological footprint基于地区生态足迹差异的生态适度人口研究

1.A study on eco-optimum population in different parts of China using theory of ecological footprint基于地区生态足迹差异的生态适度人口研究
2.Ecological Footprint and Regional Eco-Optimum Population:--take China s Western Provinces as an Example;生态足迹与区域生态适度人口——以西部12省市为例
3.Study on the Optimum Population of Xianyang City Based on Ecological Footprint基于生态足迹的咸阳市适度人口研究
4.Appropriate Centralization of Population is a Way for West Area to Improve Ecological Environment;人口适度集中是改善西部生态环境的一条出路
5.Dynamic Optimal Population (DOP) with a Framework of Environment, Function and Location (EFL): Implications to Shanghai′s Population Management;城市生态学视野下的动态适度人口规模——兼论上海人口发展的基本态势
6.Modest Population Scale Based on Ecological Footprint Model--Take Nanjing for Example基于生态足迹模型的城市适度人口规模研究——以南京为例
8.The Investigation Into Healthy Child-bearing Knowledge And Attitude Of The Population At Rep roductive;关于生育旺盛人口优生知识与态度的调查研究
9.Earlier Chinese and Occidental thoughts of “Moderation”(Shidu) and the Expansion of Its Application:From Secular Ethics to Eco-Ethics;中西早期的“适度”思想及适用范围的扩展——从人间伦理到生态伦理
10.The population growth is adapted to material environment and ecological environment;人口增长必须与物质资料环境和自然生态环境相适应
11.Land eco-economical suitability evaluation based on niche fitness;基于生态位适宜度的土地生态经济适宜性评价
12.Review on Coordination Degree of Population,Economic Development and Ecological Environment System;人口、经济发展与生态环境协调性测度研究综述
13.A Survey of Eugenic Knowledge and Attitudes AmongIndividuals in Childbearing Age from 19 to 35Years Old in Shandong Province;山东省19—35岁育龄人口优生知识与态度调查
14.Knowledge of Eugenism and Attitude to Eugenism: A Survey of the Child - bearing Population Aged 19-35 in Shangdong;山东省19-35岁育龄人口优生知识与态度调查
15.Reproductive health knowledge and attitude among young female floating population年轻女性流动人口生殖健康知识及态度调查
16.Analysis of Ecological Adaptability of Traditional Residential Settlement in Qingkou Village箐口村传统民居聚落生态适应性探析
17.Quantitative Study of Optimum Population Size and Shaanxi Province Population Capacity;陕西省人口承载力与适度人口定量研究
18.The accurately proportioned human and animal figures have fluid lines, natural expressions and life-like movements.三彩人物和动物的比例适度,形态自然,线条流畅,生动活泼。

Ecological optimal population size生态适度人口规模
3)appropriate population适度人口
4)optimum population适度人口
1.Measurement and analysis on optimum population in Center District of Lanzhou;兰州市中心城区适度人口测算分析
2.A thermodynamic explanation of the population carrying capacity and optimum population;人口容量与适度人口的热力学解释
3.Under the goal of sustainable development,optimum population rests on the comprehensive carrying capacity of many factors,such as the ecological,economic and land,etc.在可持续发展目标条件下,适度人口取决于生态、经济和土地等多要素的综合承载力。
5)moderate population适度人口
1.Based on the view of sustainable development,the moderate population theory is set forth.本文从可持续发展的角度出发,阐述了适度人口理论,并根据我国人口控制的现状,提出变人口控制为户籍控制,变多线继承为单线继承的人口控制新策略,为我国人口与经济的可持续发展提供了崭新的思路。
2.When research the regional sustainable development of population, deter-mining the regional moderate population will provide a good quantitative founndation for sustainable development.研究区域的人口可持续发展时,确定一个区域的适度人口数量将给可持续发展提供一个量化的基础。
3.Moderate mobile population inevitably accompanies moderate population.流动人口是社会总人口的一个构成部分,有适度人口就必然有适度流动人口,决定一个国家适度流动人口规模P的主要决定因素是社会总人口G、制度自由度S、比较收益差别C、实际流动人口A、失业人口U、其他变量N,适度流动人口的基本函数方程式就是:P=f(G,S,C,A,U,—N)。
6)dynamic optimal population动态适度人口规模

生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。