1.Relationship Study between Character and Mental Health of University Students;大学生性格与心理健康的相关研究
2.A study on the character traits of the primary school children and the effects of the character traits on learning disability;小学生性格特性及其对学习障碍影响的研究
3.Space Can Build Character——A Case Design of Children s Room;空间塑造性格——以儿童居室设计为例

1.intellectual type of character理智型性格 理智型性格
2.nonconforming personality非尊奉人格 非尊奉性格
3.implicit personality theory内隐人格论 内隐性格
4.individuality of character性格的个别性 性格的个别性
5..Standards of character and conduct·性格与行为标准。
6.IPAT Humor Test of PersonalityIPAT性格幽默测验
7.a sanguine nature [ disposition ]乐观开朗的性格[天性]
8.a sanguine nature disposition ]乐观开朗的性格天性]
9.About Hegel s Theory of Character;丰富性·定性·坚定性——黑格尔性格理论札记
10.The Conflicts of the Characters in the Narrative Poem "Kong Que Dong Nan Fa" and the Duality of the Heroine s Character;《孔雀东南飞》人物性格冲突及刘兰芝性格二重性
11.a balanced disposition intermediate between extroversion and introversion.介于内向性格和外向性格之间的相对平衡的性格
12.Comparison of Hegel s Ideal Personality Theories and Jin shengtan s Character Personality Theories;黑格尔的理想性格理论与金圣叹的个性性格理论之比较
13.Luxury and cruelty is quite alien to his nature.奢侈和残忍与他的天性格格不入。
14.Jealousy is foreign to her nature.妒忌与她的天性格格不入
15.a character formed by strict discipline靠严格的纪律培养起来的性格.
16.personality trait disorder人格特质障碍 性格特质违常
17.tall men and short character;一个体格高大和性格病态并存的时代;
18.Doctors have diagnosed Garth as a split personality.大夫诊断加思是分裂人格(或:多重性格)。

1.Relationship between Annoyance and Personality of College Students.;大学生烦恼与性格关系研究
2.Research on the comparison between medical students MIMPI personality otherness in Yunnan and Hebei;云南河北两校医学生MMPI多项性格差异性比较研究
3.Influence of the personality and educational background on nurse student s ability in interpersonal communication;性格与学历对护生人际沟通能力的影响
1.The Research Lead by Interaction about Story and Disposition;由交互主导的产品故事和性格之共生研究
2.This article mainly described the wonderful jade disposition and love.文章主要描写了妙玉的性格与爱情。
3.And,in this kind of novel regarding character"disposition"an"destiny"in the portray,in many works all displayed character s destiny leadership this characteristic.并且,在这一类小说中对于人物“性格”与“命运”的刻画上,许多作品里都表现出了人物的命运主导性这一特点。
1.With the application of puzzle theory, this paper lodges a kind of arithmetic, which analyzes the characters of students, then practices statistical classifying method of the puzzle theory in analyzing and elicits the cognition style.提出了一种算法,该算法从学生性格因素出发,利用模糊推理中的统计模式分类方法分析得出其认知风格。
2.This article analyzes the environmental factors that greatly influence their characters and life decisions.笔者将在本文中探讨影响二者性格和人生选择的环境因素。
1.The novel shows the violent conflict between the traditional concept of racial discrimination & slavery system and Huckleberry’ s outright and kind characteristics, in which Huckleberry grows up and becomes mature.马克·吐温的小说《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》通过白人孩子哈克帮助黑奴吉姆摆脱被奴役、被出卖的命运的故事,塑造了哈克这样一个与文明社会呆板的社会规范格格不入,保持了正直、善良、纯朴的天性,头脑清醒、聪明,天真可爱、追求自由的艺术形象,表现了哈克蔑视文明世界的法律和世俗观念、厌恶种族歧视、同情黑奴命运的叛逆性格
2.The conflict of his thoughts,the capriousness of his behavior and his embarrassing living situation had much to do with his cowardly characteristics.明清易代之际的文坛泰斗吴梅村先是与清廷对抗,表示誓死不仕清的决心,后又做了屈辱的“贰臣”,而又用他的全部后半生赋出其生命永远的悔,其思想的矛盾,行为的反复与他尴尬的生存处境和懦弱的性格有密切的关系。
