1.Application of Perfectionism Scale on Interpersonal Relation for Chinese College Students in 1562 Senior high School Students;中国大学生人际关系完美主义量表在1562名高中生中的试用
2.Practice of Perfectionism Scale for Chinese Adolescents and Youths in College Students;中国青少年完美主义量表在827名大学生中的应用

1.Implicit Perfectionism and Its Relationship With Explicit Perfectionsm内隐完美主义效应及其与外显完美主义的关系
2.Correlation between High-school Students Perfectionism and Their Perceived Parents Perfectionism;高中生的完美主义与知觉到的父母完美主义的相关分析
3.He is also a perfectionist and he sets high standards for himself.他也是完美主义者对自己高标准要求。
4.That teaches girls perfectionism.这会让女儿有完美主义思想。
5.his perfectionism seemed excessive to his students.我们应该走出完美主义的误区。
6.Research on Mechanism and Characteristics of the Implicit Perfectionism;内隐完美主义作用机制及其特性研究
7.Review of Studies on the Relationship between Perfectionism and Mental Disorders;心理障碍与完美主义关系的研究进展
8.The Relationship between Self-esteem and Perfectionism in College Teachers;高校教师完美主义与自尊的关系研究
9.Perfectionism and Mental Health of College Students;大学生的完美主义与心理健康的关系
10.Qualitative Study on Personality Traits of Negative Perfectionist消极完美主义者人格特征的质性研究
11.The Relationship of Perfectionism and Self-Esteem and Subjective Well-Being in College Students;大学生完美主义与自尊、主观幸福感的关系
12.Effect of Perfectionism on Mental Health and Self-esteem and Subjective Well-being.;完美主义对心理健康、自尊及主观幸福感的影响
13.A belief that moral or spiritual perfection can be achieved by people in this life.完美主义信仰在生命中相信人生可以达到道德或精神的完美境界
14.Reflection of Kate Grenville’s Radical Feminism:An Interpretation of Dark Places and The Idea of Perfection告别激进女权主义——评凯特·格伦维尔的小说《黑暗之地》与《完美主义
15.The Study on Relationship of Perfectionism and Suicidal Intention in Undergraduates;大学生完美主义与自杀意念的关系研究
16.Research on the Relationships with Perfectionism, College Performance and Health in Undergraduates;大学生完美主义与在校表现、健康的关系研究
17.The Relationship between Perfectionism, Stress, Coping, Social Support and Depression;完美主义、应激、应对、社会支持和抑郁的关系研究
18.On Relationship of Perfectionism and Self-Esteem,Self-Consistency and Congruence Suicidal Intention in Undergraduates;大学生完美主义、自尊、自我和谐和自杀意念研究

3)Domain-specific perfectionism特殊完美主义
4)General perfectionism一般完美主义
5)Syntonic perfectionism和谐完美主义
1.Results Syntonic perfectionism psycholo.目的编制一份测量和谐完美主义者合理认知与行为的量表。
6)the perfectionism education view完美主义教育观
1.However,the perfectionism education view ignores the other social factors that restrict education greatly,idealizes teachers ability,and sets an idealized target that is impossible to achieve;meanwhile,it imposes all the responsibility and obligation to achieve the target opinionatedly on education and teachers,which ultimately resul.完美主义教育观认为学校教育能够把任何学生培养成为完美个体,使学生个体具备完美的知识和道德素养。
