1.Comparison in Curing of Dementia Praecox for Mongol and Han people with Risperidone;维思通治疗蒙汉精神分裂症比较
2.Aripiprazole and Risperidone in the Treatment of Schizophrenia.;阿立哌唑与维思通治疗精神分裂症的对照研究
3.Curative Effect of Risperidone with BDZs in the Treatment of Excitement and Agitate with Schizophrenia in Acute Phase.;维思通合并BDZs对精神分裂症急性期兴奋与激越的疗效观察

1.Comb~ined method of general convalescence nursing and veiston is superior to veiston only.综合康复护理配合维思通治疗慢性精神分裂症的疗效优于单用维思通
2.Information Thinking and Postmodern Thinking;信息思维与后现代思维的歧异与会通
3.improve(or Ibetter ) Ithe mind through study;通过学习改进(或者)思维;
4.Four-Dimensional Thinking Space for Modulation in Communication Principles;通信原理中调制技术的四维思维空间
5.Simply Discussing How to Train Students Creative Idcation of Maths;通过扩散思维培养学生创造性思维能力
6.Image Translation from the Perspective of Common Sense in the Fields of Thought and Culture;思维与文化共通感视角下的意象翻译
7.Cultivate Student s Creative Thought By Formula Teaching;通过公式教学,培养学生创造性思维
8.The Viewpoint of Nonlinearity--Thinking to the 21st Century;非线性观点——通向21世纪的思维
9.Flexibility and Constancy:The Reflection of Chinese "Mental thought" and Western "Physical thought" on Physical Activity变通与同一:中西方体育活动中“心性思维”和“身体思维”的文化差异
10.Divergent thinking is the main ingredient of creative thinking in singing, which uses "connection" and "change" to realize divergent thinking in singing.歌唱的发散思维是歌唱创造性思维的主要成分,要通过“通”和“变”去实现。
11.It humanizes the whole world through it's own specific thinking.它通过自己独特的肉身化思维,把整个世界人化。
12.It affects thinking, feeling, language, and the ability to relate to others.它会影响到思维、觉、言和与人沟通的能力。
13.The Influence of Orthodox Economics on the Development of Circulating Theory and Practice;主流西方经济学思维对流通理论与实践的影响
14.Communication and Cooperation in Project Based on Game Theory;基于博弈思维的项目沟通协调方法研究
15.Pursuing the Good through Pursuing the Truth--A review of Plato s academic process of pursuing the Good;通过求真来求善——对柏拉图求善思维历程的考察
16.Penetrating into Taiji Thoughts via Chinese Traditional Culture;通过中国传统文化透视太极拳的思维方式
17.On the Thinking Similarities of Advanced Maths and Primary School Maths;论高等数学与小学数学思维上的相通性
18.Thinking Globally, Acting Locally-A Powerful Tool for Exploring De-contextualized Teaching Models;宏观思维 在地行动——探索“通适性”教学研究的利器

1.Effect of Risperdal Combined with Occupational Therapy on Chronic Schizophrenia;维思通结合职业治疗对慢性精神分裂症的疗效观察
2.Comparative study on behavioral and psychiatric symptoms of Alzheimer s disease treated with Risperdal;维思通治疗阿尔茨海默病行为和精神症状对照研究
3.A Study on the Change of Serum Thyroxin Treated With Risperdal or Clozapine;维思通和氯氮平对血清甲状腺素水平检测的比较
3)flexible thinking变通思维
1.The higher improvement of flexible thinking we get,the more co-structural creative figures we can create.通过探讨同构创意图形的几种组合形式和变通思维之间内在本质的联系,了解两者之间可以相互转换,思维的转换可以创造出同构创意图形,同构创意图形让人产生思维的转换,不断提高变通思维能力从而创造出更多的同构创意图形。
4)common thinking普通思维
1.The relation and the difference between dialectical thinking and common thinking should be treated from the three periods of the development of human thinking.从人类思维发展的三个阶段看辩证思维与普通思维的联系与根本差别。
5)communication of thought思维沟通
6)Empathy Thinking通感思维

刘思通刘思通 刘思通   宋代医生。字直甫。衡阳(今湖南衡阳)人。其先辈刘祀为儿科名医。刘氏继承家学,有所发展,颇有医名。