1.Clinical effect observation on Seroxat treating migraine;赛乐特治疗偏头痛的临床疗效观察
2.Effect of Seroxat in premature ejaculation;赛乐特治疗早泄50例临床疗效观察
3.Effects of Seroxat on Premature Ejaculation: a Clinical Trial;赛乐特治疗早泄的临床研究

1.Paroxetine Hydrochloride Tablets in the Treatment of Pre-examination Anxiety;赛乐特治疗考前焦虑对成绩的影响研究
2.Observasion Supplementary Effect of n-3PUFA to Paroxetine for Depressive Disorder of Suicide Attempters;自杀未遂抑郁症患者赛乐特治疗中n-3PUFA的辅助效果观察
3.Island Xtreme Stunts乐高积木岛极限特技赛车
4.In 1985 they became Roxette.1985年,他们组合成洛克赛特乐队。
5.To live free, rich, happy, respectable with Cosette;自由自在地、富裕快乐诚实地和珂赛特一道过活!
6.The band released their debut set the following year.第二年,洛克赛特乐队推出了他们的首张专辑。
7.a skating competition, club滑冰比赛、 俱乐部.
8.she thought only of Cosette and of the possible future, and was almost happy.只惦念她的珂赛特和可能有的前途,她几乎成了快乐的人了。
9.A room in the house in Saville Row was set apart for Aouda, who was overwhelmed with grief at her protector's misfortune.艾娥达夫人住在赛微乐街福克先生特为她准备的一间房子里。
10.Famous singers Xiao Ke and Wang Zheng participated in as visitants.比赛还邀请著名音乐人小柯、歌手王筝作为特邀嘉宾。
11.An analysis of the with-ball technical characteristics and its application in 2008 China Football Club U-19 League2008年我国足球俱乐部U-19联赛有球技术特征及其运用分析
12.Ian Wright was the man who broke the records, becoming the club's all-time top scorer in a prolific seven-year spell.在高产的7个赛季里,依安赖特打破了俱乐部的纪录,成为了俱乐部历史上的最佳射手。
13.He must fight with Pepe Reina now for a starting place. We knew when we fought off Chelsea to sign him he was a talented goalkeeper.我最近有跟思科特谈过,我告诉他将会是我们下赛季一队的一员。”贝尼特斯告诉俱乐部官网。
14.BRDC (British Racing Drivers' Club)英国赛车驾驶员俱乐部
15.at a concert, conference, match, etc参加音乐会、 会议、 比赛等.
16.a yacht race, club, crew帆船竞赛、 俱乐部、 选手
17.It gives me much pleasure.看球赛让我很快乐。
18.Federation of International Music Competition世界音乐竞赛联合会

1.【Objective】To explore the efficacy and safety of paroxetine and amitriptyline treating patients withcentral pain.目的探讨赛乐特与阿米替林治疗中枢性疼痛病人的疗效和安全性。
1.Objective:To investigate the effect of naloxone,lizhusaile and methanesulfonate on treating hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).目的 :观察纳洛酮、丽珠赛乐、复方丹参联合治疗中、重度新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病 (HIE)的效果。
1.Clinical observation on the effect of Alprostadil combined Buflomedil treating diabetic peripheral neuropathy;凯时与赛莱乐联合治疗糖尿病周围神经病变临床观察
1.Objectives Observation on the Clinical effect of Peptic Ulcer with Weishaile.目的 观察胃赛乐胶囊治疗消化性溃疡的临床疗效。
1.Effects of dietary supplementation Sel-Plex on rumen fermentation and urine purine derivatives in simmental steer;日粮添加赛乐硒对西门塔尔牛瘤胃发酵和尿嘌呤衍生物含量的影响

赛乐特分子式:C17H26ClNO3S分子量:359.91CAS号:99129-21-2性质:原药外观为淡黄色粘稠液体,密度(20?C)1.1395,蒸气压<0.013毫帕(20?C),溶于大多数有机溶剂.对紫外光稳定.密度(20?C):0.9446,pH 4.9.制备方法:暂无用途:暂无