1.Effects of Penetration Enhancers on Percutaneous Absorption of Selegiline Patch;促渗剂对司来吉兰贴片透皮性能的影响
2.Therapeutic effect observation of selegiline hydrochloride in early stage of Parkinson s disease;盐酸司来吉兰治疗早期帕金森病的疗效观察
2)selegiline hydrochloride盐酸司来吉兰
1.Determination of dextroisomer in selegiline hydrochloride by HPLC;盐酸司来吉兰中右旋异构体含量的HPLC分析
3)Selegiline思吉宁 , 盐酸司来吉兰
1.The Jilantai Salt Lake,located in the southwestern part of the Baotou-Jilantai Sunk Basin,has undergone three stages,that is,flowout lake,inland lake and salt lake.位于包头-吉兰泰断陷盆地西南部的吉兰泰盐湖,其发育过程大体经历了外泄湖、内陆湖与盐湖三个阶段。
2.Evaluation on the First main composition and the seconel main composition of Pinus sylvestris growing were found out throngh the study of growing situation of introduced pinus sylvestris in Jilantai and by analysis methocl of main composition.本文通过对吉兰泰地区樟子松引种及生长状况调查,运用主成份分析法,找出该区评价樟子松生长的第一主成份、第二主成份,并运用 R 型因子分析法将其生长指标归类:地径、树高为一类,冠幅为一类;分析了灌水、施肥等人为经营措施对樟子松生长的影响;对照比较了樟子松林地改善后的林地环境。

1.The effect of sand defence and control which Jilantai Saltworks made from 1988 to 1997 was monitored through remote sensing.遥感监测了吉兰泰盐场1988—1997年9年间对吉兰泰盐湖治理沙漠的效果。
2.Palaeo-Lake Level Variations of Jilantai Salt Lake and the Environmental Change Since Late Qatrenary;晚第四纪吉兰泰盐湖古湖面与环境变化研究
3.Removal of Impurities from Brine of Jilantai Salt Lake and Preparation Process of Ultrafine Magnesium Hydroxide Powder as a Byproduct;吉兰泰盐湖卤水除杂及副产超细氢氧化镁工艺
4.Reconstruction of Paleo-Megalake Jilantai-Hetao Based on Remote Sensing and DEM;基于遥感与DEM的“吉兰泰—河套”古大湖重建研究
5.Environment Evolution and Salt Forming Process of Jilantai Salt Lake since 22ka BP近22ka以来吉兰泰盐湖的环境变化及成盐过程
6.Aeolian Landform Development and ControlMethods of Sand Hazards in the Northwestern Part ofthe Jartai Salt Lake Region吉兰泰盐湖西北部风沙地貌形态发育及沙害控制途径
7.Grey-Markov Process Prediction on the Chemical Dynamic Changes of Jilantai Salt Lake Brine吉兰泰盐湖卤水化学动态变化的灰色—马尔科夫过程预测分析
8."Tai means leaving of the small and coming of the big, so it is auspicious and smooth."“泰,小往大来,吉,亨。”
9.SALLEHUDDIN bin Pengiran Haji Yusuf, Pengiran彭吉兰·萨莱胡丁·本·彭吉莱·哈吉·尤素夫
10.narrow seas英吉利海峡和爱尔兰海
11.ABDUL MOMIN, Pengira彭吉兰·阿卜杜勒·莫敏
12.OSMAN bin Pengiran Haji Petra,Awangku阿旺库·奥斯曼·本·彭吉兰·哈吉·佩特拉
13."Three Rams Bringing Bliss" and "Nine Rams Driving Away the Cold Winter"吉祥图案“三羊开泰”和“九羊消寒”
14."Three Rams Bringing Bliss" is one popular auspicious design among the Chinese people.“三羊开泰”是中国民间常见的吉祥图案。
15.The three members are Euro union, Thailand and Djibouti.这三个成员分别是欧盟、泰国和吉布提。
16.Tagore s “GITANJALI” and His Artistic View;读《吉檀迦利》,体会泰戈尔的艺术观
17.A Trial Analysis of Religious Ideas of Tagore s <Gitanjali>;泰戈尔《吉檀迦利》的宗教思想试析
18.MASRAINAH BINTI PENGIRAN HAJI AHMAD, Pengiran Hajah彭吉兰·哈贾赫·马斯赖纳赫·宾蒂·彭吉兰·哈吉·艾哈迈德

selegiline hydrochloride盐酸司来吉兰
1.Determination of dextroisomer in selegiline hydrochloride by HPLC;盐酸司来吉兰中右旋异构体含量的HPLC分析
3)Selegiline思吉宁 , 盐酸司来吉兰
1.The Jilantai Salt Lake,located in the southwestern part of the Baotou-Jilantai Sunk Basin,has undergone three stages,that is,flowout lake,inland lake and salt lake.位于包头-吉兰泰断陷盆地西南部的吉兰泰盐湖,其发育过程大体经历了外泄湖、内陆湖与盐湖三个阶段。
2.Evaluation on the First main composition and the seconel main composition of Pinus sylvestris growing were found out throngh the study of growing situation of introduced pinus sylvestris in Jilantai and by analysis methocl of main composition.本文通过对吉兰泰地区樟子松引种及生长状况调查,运用主成份分析法,找出该区评价樟子松生长的第一主成份、第二主成份,并运用 R 型因子分析法将其生长指标归类:地径、树高为一类,冠幅为一类;分析了灌水、施肥等人为经营措施对樟子松生长的影响;对照比较了樟子松林地改善后的林地环境。
1.Asymmetric synthesis of rasagiline抗帕金森新药雷莎吉兰的手性合成
2.Rasagiline,a new medicine for curing parkinsonism) was synthesized from 1-ind anone by condensation,reduction,resolution,catalytic hydrogenation,etc.以1-茚酮为原料,经缩合、还原、拆分、催化氢化得R-1-氨基茚,再与3-溴丙炔反应,经成盐合成雷莎吉兰盐酸盐。
1.Neuroprotective effects of Rasagiline on PC12 cell death and apoptosis induced by Aβ_(25-35);雷沙吉兰(Rasagiline)对Aβ_(25-35)诱导PC12细胞凋亡的防护作用
2.Due to extensive metabolism and wide distribution to tissues, the plasma concentration of rasagiline is very low in humans.4%);雷沙吉兰是第二代选择性单胺氧化酶B抑制剂,临床主要用于帕金森病的治疗。

吉兰达约,D.  意大利画家。生于佛罗伦萨,1494年1月11日卒于同地。他的绘画颇受当时佛罗伦萨市民欢迎,其绘画作坊常承接包括壁画、祭坛画、装饰画等在内的大量订件。合作者尚有其兄弟及妹夫。他的作坊也是培养青年画家的重要场所,米开朗琪罗即出其门下。1480年,他被教皇邀至罗马作画,现西斯廷礼拜堂仍有他当年作的几幅壁画。吉兰达约的代表作是在1485~1494年间,应佛罗伦萨富商G.托尔纳博尼之请所作的圣玛丽亚诺韦拉教堂壁画。壁画装饰于整个圣坛两壁,一组表现圣母生平,一组表现圣约翰生平。他的绘画叙事生动、人物环境翔实,风格平易近人,并以宗教内容表现世俗生活。如《圣母的诞生》,就是一位富商家庭的写照,甚至将现实中的妇女画入作品中。吉兰达约的祭坛画,也以精于写实著称,如《牧羊人的礼拜》(1485)。