1.Addiction of Mice Used Haloperidal Combined with Subthreshold Morphine;氟哌啶醇与阈下剂量吗啡合用对小鼠成瘾性的研究
2.The mice tail-erecting test and jumping test were used to study the addiction of IGPS.方法:采用小鼠福尔马林实验、扭体实验研究IGPS镇痛活性,通过小鼠竖尾实验和小鼠跳跃实验研究其成瘾性,通过纳洛酮拮抗实验和预先给予一氧化氮供体左旋精氨酸(L-Arginine,L-Arg)和一氧化氮合酶抑制剂N-硝基-L-精氨酸甲酯(N-nitro-L-arginine methy1ester,L-NAME)初步探讨IGPS镇痛作用与阿片受体和一氧化氮(Nitric oxide,NO)系统的关系。
3.The long-term misuse ofordinary analgesics can easily result in addiction and tolerance.尖吻蝮蛇蛇毒中非成瘾性止痛剂的研究 疼痛是 许多疾病的症状,是机体受伤害性刺激的一种保护性反应。

1.Comparative study on undergraduates addictions to Web and PE;大学生网络成瘾性与体育成瘾性行为的比较
2.Because addiction to nicotine is as strong as an addiction to heroin, abstinence is difficult.因为尼古丁成瘾性同海洛因成瘾性类似,戒除很难。
3.Researches on the Relations between Toluene Inhalation & Mice Neurotoxicity and Addiction;甲苯吸入对小鼠神经毒性和成瘾性的实验研究
4.Study of Non-Addictive Analgesic in Agkistrodon Acutus Venom;尖吻蝮蛇蛇毒中非成瘾性止痛剂的研究
5.Prevalence of Smoking, Drinking and Addictive Substance Use Among Middle School Students in Beijing;北京市中学生使用烟草、酒精等成瘾性物质状况
6.A Study on the Implicit Aggressiveness of Gaming Addicts网络游戏成瘾者的内隐攻击性研究
7.Relationship between Aquaporin-4 and Cocaine Addiction;Aquaporin-4与可卡因成瘾的相关性研究
8.Research of Event Related-Potentiral to the Addicat of Internet Game;游戏性网络成瘾的事件相关电位研究
9.A Study on the Cognitive Foundation of Undergraduates Internet Addiction Disorder;大学生网络成瘾者非适应性认知研究
10.The Developmental Study of the IAD Diagnostic Criterion;网络成瘾症(IAD)诊断标准的发展性研究
11.Correlative Study on Internet Addiction and Depression Among Middle School Students中学生网络成瘾与抑郁的相关性研究
12.Conclusion: Boys are more likely to get addicted to computer games than girls.结论:在青少年中,男性比女性更易电脑游戏成瘾;
13.Addiction to narcotics such as opium, heroin, or morphine.麻醉瘾对成瘾药物如鸦片、海洛因或吗啡成瘾的
14.According to the present statistics, the inverse proportion of the IADis between 3% and 14%, and male are more addictive to than female.根据目前的统计,网络成瘾比例一般在3%—14%之间,男性通常比女性更容易成瘾。
15.The inveterate reward-related memory induced by addictive drugs is a major factor for the persistence of addiction.成瘾药物所产生的奖赏记忆的长久性可能是成瘾长期性的重要原因之一
16.I'm this sex addict with a learning disorder who forgot how to play basketball.我对性成瘾 又学习障碍 又变得不会打篮球了.
17.Research on the Definition, Characteristics and Prevention of Adolesents' Internet Addiction;青少年网络成瘾的界定、特性与预防研究
18.Relationship Between the Internet Addiction and School Management;高中生网络成瘾与学校管理类型的相关性研究

3)addictive personality成瘾个性
4)addiction medicine成瘾性药
6)Dependent addiction依赖性成瘾

成瘾性成瘾性addiction  参见"成瘾"。