1.The image of bisexual body is indispensable to Zhang Ailing s writings.张爱玲的写作离不开两性躯体形象。
2.In Bakhtin s opinion,the morality is the base of construction of the world and the body,and the body is the result of construction of the self and the other.在这个意义上,巴赫金所理解的躯体是“我”与“他人”共同参与建构的躯体

1.The body of a human being.身躯,躯壳人的躯体
2.Of or relating to the body.躯体躯体的,与躯体有关的
3.somatotopic localization躯体部位定位 躯体部位定位
4.somatic motor component躯体运动成分 躯体运动成分
5.The human body excluding the head and limbs;trunk.(人体的)躯干不包括头部和四肢的人的身体;躯体
6.angiokeratoma corporis diffusum弥漫性躯体血管角皮瘤
7.dressed half of a hog carcass.切开的公猪的半边躯体
8.toward the posterior end of the body.朝向躯体背面的末端。
9.dressed half of a beef carcass.切开的牛的半边躯体
10.A little body often harbour a great soul.躯体虽小,心灵伟大。
11.Body Writing in Recent Years:From Bakhtin s Theory of Body;从巴赫金的躯体理论看近年来的“躯体写作”
12.Having no body, form, or substance; incorporeal.无躯体的,无形的无躯体的,无形的,无实体的;脱离肉体的
13.When you project, your astral double leaves the physical body and the mind splits.当你投射时,你的星体躯体离开物质躯体,意识分裂为二。
14.The comparison of the personalities,physical complaints and life quality in patient with somatization disorders and depression presented with somatic complaints躯体化障碍与以躯体症状为主诉的抑郁症个性、躯体主诉、生活质量比较
15.A withered, shrunken, or well - preserved body that resembles an embalmed body.干枯的躯体类似于木乃伊的干枯、皱缩或保存得很好的躯体
16.The Body Falling Into the Trap of Time and Space;时空牢笼里的躯体——新时期女性诗歌文本中的躯体意象再考察
17.Items and expense of accessory tests and examinations and related factors of somatization disorder and undifferentiated somatoform disorder躯体化障碍和未分化躯体形式障碍患者辅助检查项目和费用调查
18.A dead body, especially one intended for dissection.尸体尤指有待于解剖的死者躯体

3)body experience躯体体验
1.Pregnancy s Calendar narrates body experience peculiar to females from a maiden s viewpoint,whereas The Sun s Birth replaces this theme with civic living scenes she is extraordinarily familiar with.但由于两位女作家各自固守的精神立场不同,如果说小川洋子以一个少女的视角叙述了女性独特的躯体体验的话,池莉则以其无比熟稔的市民生活场景对这一主题进行了置换;如果说小川洋子的写作可以归划女性主义阵营的话,而池莉的作品则与女性主义阵营无关,甚至在某种程度上又一次落入了男性欲望的无意识表达。

躯体1.亦作"躯軆"。 2.身体。 3.指身分。