2)involution depression/diagnosis更年期抑郁症/诊断
3)Initial treatment of depression初诊抑郁
1.The cost-effectiveness analysis of depression treatment with fluoxetine,clomipramine and venlafaxine;氟西汀、氯丙咪嗪、文拉法新治疗抑郁症的成本-效果分析
2.Acupuncture versus Western Medicine for Depression in China:A Systematic Review;国内针刺与西药治疗抑郁症疗效比较的系统评价
3.Related Factor Analysis of First Post-stroke Depression;初发脑卒中患者并发抑郁症相关因素分析

1.physioneuetic depression体因性抑郁症 体因性抑郁症
2.postschizophrenic depressio精神分裂症后抑郁症
3.Manic depressives oscillate between depression and elation.躁狂抑郁症患者抑郁与躁狂交替发作.
4.biogenic amine hypothesis of depression抑郁症的生物胺假说
5.simple affective depression单纯性情感性抑郁症
6.Poe suffered from depression.爱伦?坡患上了抑郁症
7.International Committee on the Prevention and Treatment of Depression国际抑郁症防治委员会
8.The relationship between depression during pregnancy and postpartum depression and patfern of delivery妊娠期抑郁症与分娩方式及产后抑郁症的关系
9.Depressed Brain:The Neurobiology of Depression and New Approaches to Antidepressant抑郁的大脑:抑郁症的神经生物学研究和抗抑郁新药研发
10.Antidepressant: Any drug used to treat depression.抗抑郁药:在精神病科用于缓解抑郁症的药物。
11.manic depressiveph.【医】1. 躁狂抑郁(性)的,2. 躁狂抑郁症患者
12.The Varation of the Rorschach Depression Index before and after the Treatment of Depression;罗夏测验抑郁指数在抑郁症治疗前后的变化
13.Effect of anti-depression drug on patients with unstable angina pectoris combined with depression不稳定型心绞痛伴抑郁症的抗抑郁药疗效
14.Relationship of the levels of melatonin and depressive disorder血浆褪黑素水平与抑郁症抑郁发作的关系
15.Clinical evaluation of antidepressant combined with quetiapine in treatment of depression喹硫平合用抗抑郁剂治疗抑郁症的临床评价
16.(psychiatry) a state of depression with all the classic symptoms (anhedonia and lethargy and sleep disturbance and despondency and morbid thoughts and feelings of worthlessness and sometimes attempted suicide) but with no known organic dysfunction.具有所有典型症状的抑郁症
17.Contrast Studies of MMPI between Anxiety and Depression焦虑症和抑郁症患者的MMPI对照研究
18.Study of depressive symptoms of patients with chronic schizophrenia慢性精神分裂症患者的抑郁症状研究

involution depression/diagnosis更年期抑郁症/诊断
3)Initial treatment of depression初诊抑郁
1.The cost-effectiveness analysis of depression treatment with fluoxetine,clomipramine and venlafaxine;氟西汀、氯丙咪嗪、文拉法新治疗抑郁症的成本-效果分析
2.Acupuncture versus Western Medicine for Depression in China:A Systematic Review;国内针刺与西药治疗抑郁症疗效比较的系统评价
3.Related Factor Analysis of First Post-stroke Depression;初发脑卒中患者并发抑郁症相关因素分析
1.Clinical effect of paroxetine in patients with coronary artery disease and depressive disorder;帕罗西汀治疗冠心病伴抑郁症疗效观察
2.A Comparison of Type A Behavior in Bipolar Disorder and Depressive;双相障碍与抑郁症的A型行为比较
3.Objetive:To observe the curative effect of treating Depressive with anxiety by combination of Citalopram and Deanxit.目的:观察西酞普兰合用黛力新治疗伴有焦虑症状的抑郁症的疗效。
6)depressive disorder抑郁症
1.A Comparative Study of Sertraline and Amitriptyline in the treatment of Depressive Disorder;盐酸舍曲林与阿米替林治疗抑郁症的临床对照研究
2.Clinical Study of Citalopram in the Treatment of Depressive Disorder;西酞普兰治疗抑郁症临床研究
3.The Effect of Yueju Pill to the Ethology,5-HT and Blood Plasm Cortisol of Depressive Disorder Mouse;越鞠丸对抑郁症模型小鼠行为学、5-羟色胺及血浆皮质醇的影响

儿童抑郁症儿童抑郁症child depression  儿童抑郁症(ehild depression)儿童遇到不幸的处境(如亲人患重病或死亡,父母不和等),都可表现情绪低沉,同时注意力不集中、兴趣丧失、睡眠不佳、饮食无心等。这类症状在其他精神疾病中也可见到,但像成人那样的抑郁症,在青春期前却很少见。有人认为儿童抑郁症常表现为不典型或称为隐匿性抑郁症,即以躯体症状表现如难以解释的腹痛、头痛、厌食、遗尿等,而不是情绪抑郁作为主要症状。有人甚至认为心烦、逃学、出走、欺侮别的小孩等也可以是“隐匿性”的症状。但是,如果在整个病程中不出现抑郁的最主要症状一一情绪低落,那就不是抑郁症。抑郁反应的治疗首先是消除诱发因素,同时鼓励小孩把不愉快的情绪表达出来,不要闷在心里。抗抑郁药一般只用于病情较重或年龄较大的儿童。 (金星明撰赵亚忠审)