1.The Control Study of EEG Changes and Curative Effects in Depressive Disorder Patients Who Accepted ECT;电抽搐治疗抑郁症时的脑电图变化及疗效对照研究
2.Study on the cognition of depression disorder before and after ECT;抑郁症电抽搐治疗的认知功能研究

1.Study on the Cognition of Depression Disorder before and after ECT;抑郁症的电抽搐治疗:认知功能影响的研究
2.A Random Control Study of EEG in 240 Cases Treated with Whole and Half Dose Stimulation of ECT.;半量与全量电抽搐治疗240例病人的脑电图等差异的临床随机对照研究
3.The effects of modified electric convulsive therapy on cognitive function无抽搐电休克治疗对认知功能的影响
4.Efficacy of Modified Electroconvulsive Therapy in Acute Depression无抽搐电休克治疗抑郁症急性期临床疗效研究
5.Controlled study on therapeutic effects of electroacupuncture and modified electric convulsive therapy on catatonic schizophrenia电针与无抽搐电休克治疗紧张型精神分裂症疗效对照观察
6.Modified electroconvulsive treatment of refractory schizophrenia无抽搐电休克配合药物治疗难治性精神分裂症的临床对照研究
7.Observation on the effect of modified ECT in the treatment of 33 patients with refractory depression and nursing care无抽搐电痉挛治疗难治性抑郁症33例效果观察及护理
8.Study on efficacy of modified electroconvulsive therapy (MECT) together with risperidone in treatment treatment-resistant schizophrenia(TRS).利培酮合并无抽搐电休克治疗难治性精神分裂症的临床研究
9.Modified electroconvulsive therapy augmentation of sertraline for treatment-refractory depression无抽搐电休克合并舍曲林治疗难治性抑郁症的对照研究
10.Control Study on MECT and ECT in Treatment of Schizophrenia无抽搐电休克与传统电休克治疗精神分裂症对照研究
11.the administration of a strong electric current that passes through the brain to induce convulsions and coma.用强电流刺激大脑,从而导致抽搐和休克的治疗方法。
12.Effects of different narcotics on the efficacy of MECT in schizophrenics不同麻醉药物对精神分裂症患者无抽搐电休克治疗的影响
13.Effects of Etom Idate and Propofol during MECT丙泊酚、依托咪酯应用于无抽搐电休克治疗的效应评价
14.Effect of butorphanol pretreatment on the muscle fasciculation and myalgia treated by modified electroconvulsive therapy布托啡诺预处理对无抽搐电休克治疗肌颤和肌痛的影响
15.Relationship of modified electroconvulsive therapy and gamma-aminobutyric acid pathway in the hippocampus of depressed rats无抽搐电休克治疗大鼠抑郁症与海马γ-氨基丁酸通路的关系
16.a drug used to treat or prevent convulsions (as in epilepsy).一种用来治疗或制止抽搐(类似癫痫症)的药物。
17.an anticonvulsant drug (trade name Gemonil) used in the treatment of epilepsy.一种用来治疗癫痫症的抗抽搐药物(商标是Gemonil)。
18.Effects of etomidate and propofo1 on the duration of seizure and cardiovascular reactions in modified electroconvulsive therapy依托咪酯和丙泊酚对无抽搐电痉挛治疗脑电发作时间和心血管反应的影响

modified electroconvulsive therapy (MECT)改良电抽搐治疗
3)Electric acupuncture convulsive therapy (EACT)电针抽搐治疗
4)modified electric convulsive therapy无抽搐电休克治疗
1.Application of remifentanil combined with propofol in modified electric convulsive therapy;瑞芬太尼与异丙酚在无抽搐电休克治疗中的联合应用
2.Effects of modified electric convulsive therapy on P300;无抽搐电休克治疗对P300的影响
5)Modified electro-convulsive treatment改良性电抽搐治疗
1.The Attitude of Families of Psychotics to MECT and Their Needs for care;精神病患者家属对无抽搐电休克治疗的态度及护理需求
2.Objective To explore the influence of psychololgical intervention on anxi-ety in family members of patients treated with modified electroconvulsivetherapy(MECT),and their compliance to MECT.目的探讨心理干预法对门诊无抽搐电休克治疗(MECT)患者家属焦虑情绪的改变以及患者对治疗依从性的问题。

电抽搐疗法电抽搐疗法electric convulsion treatment  电抽搐疗法(eloctrie eonvuls‘on tre“卜ment)亦称“电休克治疗”,是使一定强度的电流通过大脑,引起意识丧失和全身抽搐来治疗精神病的一种方法。1938年意大利塞里蒂(Cerletti)和比尼(B ini)首先创用,曾得到广泛应用。自20世纪50年代精神药物问世后,已日渐少用。对本疗法的利弊存在争论。有人认为,电抽搐治疗过十强烈,可引起脑部损伤,且引起病人恐惧,故不主张使用:也有人一认为本疗法操作简便,经济安全、奏效迅速,尤其是对抑郁症,疗效较药物迅速而可靠,因而主张继续使用。适应征为抑郁症、更年期忧郁症、躁狂症的兴奋、精神分裂症的木僵和兴奋。禁忌征为颅内压增高。需使用精神药物以巩固疗效,否则易复发。治疗时用专-「1的电休克治疗机。通常每周治疗3次。疗程视病情而定,一般为6一12次。目前对电抽搐治疗作了改良,治疗时使用肌肉松弛剂可以防止患者全身抽搐,不至于产生骨折等合并症 (赵亚忠撰刘协和审)