1.Objective: To compare the curative effect and safety of Concerta and Ritalin.目的比较盐酸哌甲酯控释剂(专注达)与速释剂(利他林)治疗儿童ADHD的疗效和安全性。
2.Conclusion:Concerta is an effective and safe drug in the treatment of ADHD.目的:评价专注达治疗儿童注意缺陷多动障碍的疗效及安全性。

1.Research of OROS MPH in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder;专注达治疗儿童注意缺陷多动障碍的研究
2.Information Consumption、Fusion and Manifestation on Science and Technology Special TV Program;电视科技专题节目的信息损耗、溶注与表达
3.Focus on Expression --A Conception on the Forum of Words and Phrases;关注表达——一堂语言文字专题讲座的构思
4.20 The concentration of the true spiritual aspirant is attained through faith, energy, recollectedness, absorption and illumination.对真正的灵修者来说,专注是通过信、力、念、定、慧达到的。
5.According to 1990 statistics, more than 270,000 valid trademarks have been registered; And 66 countries and regions have applied for patent rights in China.据1990年统计,中国有效注册商标已达27万多件,向中国申请专利的国家和地区达66个。
6.To look at, especially attentively or continuously.注视,密切注意注视,尤指专注的或不间断的
7.served by hand [summons]由专人送达〔传票〕
8.A child can concentrate more on when doing the things he likes to do or wants to do, and lead to twice the results with half the effort.」孩子去做喜欢或想做的事,他可以更专注,对于他的学习也可以达事半功倍的效果。
9.Betsy Damon,the well known American specialist on water re-source and ecological protection is one of them.这其中就有多年关注北京水系统规划的美国知名的水资源生态保护专家贝茜·达蒙女士。
10.Money was their chief preoccupation.钱是他们所专注的东西
11.It is splendid of her to be so attentive.她那样专注是了不起的。
12.We concentrated on the task before us.我们专注于眼前的任务
13.Patents Registry [Intellectual Property Department]专利注册处〔知识产权署〕
14.But he listens intently, democratically.但他会专注、民主地倾听;
15.To look at attentively and thoughtfully.注视专心和留意地看
16.Her look was very intent.她的目光十分专注。
17.register of professional accountants专业会计师注册记录册
18.read with absorbed interest津津有味 [专注] 地读

1.The major component of concentration is the ability to focus one s attention on the task at hand and thereby not to be disturbed or affected by irrelevant external and internal stimulus.专注主要是指把注意力集中于即将到来的任务 ,而不受不相关的内部或外部刺激所干扰和影响。
4)Daxian Teachers College达县师专
1.Researches into the Feasibility and Development Programming of Daxian Teachers College Upgrading to Sichuan Arts and Science University;达县师专升格为四川文理学院的可行性与发展规划研究
2.Grasping the Opportunity of West Development to Speed up the Construction of Daxian Teachers College;论如何抓住西部开发机遇加快达县师专跨越式发展
5)Specialist Registers专业注册
6)focusing place专注场所
1.In terms of the responsibilities of users and the object locations that users operate, the common place is divided into focusing place and affecting pl.文中提出一种协同系统中工作空间感知处理模型,该模型把所有共享的对象置于一个全总集合中,视为广义的空间场所,按各用户工作职责范围划分为个人专注场所和按各用户所在的操作对象位置划分为影响工作场所,依据各场所的接近程度,确定用户间的行为感知强度,从而研制感知信息收集、发送算法和感知信息理解表示方法。
