1.MethodsAll kinds of manifestations in clinical and videofluoroscopy were analyzed with chi square test according to number of patients with aspiration, silent aspiration, pneumonia and grades of nutritional status at discharge.目的探讨临床及电视透视检查下特征对误吸、安静误吸、肺炎、营养状态等结局的预测价值。
2)to examine by fluoroscopy透视检查

1.You need to have your eyes, ears and blood pre ure checked. You need to have a fluoroscopy done.你需要检查一下眼睛、耳朵和血压。你需要做透视检查
2.The welds passed the examination of radiographic test( ultrasonic inspection, magnetic testing).这焊缝通过射线透视检查(声波探伤、力探伤)格。
3.Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of ultrasonography and X-ray fluoroscopy in abnormal place of intrauterine contraceptive devices(IUD).目的 探讨超声、X线透视检查对判定节育环异常的价值。
4.436 the welds passed the examination of radiographic test (ultrasonic inspection, magnetic testing).这焊缝通过射线透视检查(超声波探伤、磁力探伤)合格。
5.Take an X– ray of your chest, then have an ultrasound examination.做个胸部透视,然后进行超声波检查。
6.Design of Tension Control for Vertical Projection Car Inspection System垂直透视轿车检查系统张力控制设计
7.Cardiomegaly can be detected by physical examination and by a chest rediograph.心脏肥大能用物理检查及胸部透视查出。
8.Investigation and Obtaining Evidence of the Procuratorial Organization in Civil Protest:Dialysis and Expectation;民事抗诉中检察机关的调查取证:透视与前瞻
9.The concept of kundalini can also be examined from a strictly psychological perspective.昆达里尼的概念也可以从严格的心理透视被检查。
10.Blood tests a chest X-ray and an electrocardiogram may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.为了确诊,可能需要验血,胸部X光透视和心电图检查.
11.The passing of a light through the walls of a body part or organ to facilitate medical inspection.透视法用一束光照过身体的一部分或器官以进行医学检查
12.Click to view both PivotTable and Chart.单击此处可查看数据透视表和数据透视图
13.The examine is then directed to fix on the examiner's right eye.接着就叫被检查人注视检查人的右眼。
14.An item name cannot be found. Check that you've typed the name correctly and the item is present in the PivotTable report.某个数据项名称无法找到。请检查确认名称键入是否正确,且透视表中有该数据项。
15.He got into a confrontation on a Manhattan sidewalk with a television cameraman while walking to take his physical, then apologized.他走在曼哈顿的人行道上要去进行身体检查时,透过电视台的摄影机道歉。
16.I went to my doctors,and after X rays,tests and lab work were done,they told me I had cancer.我去看了医生,做了x光透视、各种检查和化验。 他们告诉我说,我得了癌症。
17.a body of inspectors.检查员、巡视员的团体。
18.Television fluoroscopy电视X射线荧光检查

to examine by fluoroscopy透视检查
3)Videofluoroscopy Swallowing Study电视透视吞咽功能检查
4)TV inspection电视检查

X线透视检查X线透视检查 一种X线检查。检查部位在x线管与荧光屏之间,X线通过受检部位,从荧光屏上观察受检部位的影像。其优点为简单易行,能立即获得检查结果;可同时观察器官的形态和动态。缺点为不能记录病变的影像,不利于复查对比;影像不太清晰,细微的结构易漏掉。常用的透视部位为胸部、腹部,四肢等。