1.Objective To study the changes of serum IL-2,IL-6,TNF-α contents,peripheral B cell number and T cell subsets distribution in patients with epilepsy.结论癫痫病是一种自身免疫调节异常的疾病。
2.Three kinds of wistar mice cerebrum cortex supernatant samples which are normal mice,epilepsy mice and mice injected with melatonin,are tested based on the fluorescence spectrum analysis.研究证明褪黑素对癫痫病有一定的抑制作用。
3.The samples are separately taken from normal mouse,epilepsy mouse and the mouse injected with melatonin.癫痫状态样品光谱在波数1 654 cm-1位置幅值有所减小;注射褪黑素样品光谱在波数1 654 cm-1位置幅值有所增加,证明褪黑素对癫痫病有抑制作用。

1.International League against Epilepsy国际防治癫痫病联盟
2.Flash photography is one of the trigger factors for epileptic seizures. In extreme cases attacks can be fatal.闪光灯是癫痫病发作的诱因之一。严重时,癫痫病发作会危及生命。
3.A Initial Study for the Time Distribution of Epileptic Seizure and Constitutional of Epileptics and Them Relationship;癫痫病人体质、癫痫发作时辰分布特点及两者相关性的初探
4.Nursing intervention on epilepsy patients undergoing video frequency electroencephalographic monitoring癫痫病人行视频脑电监测的护理干预
5.There are about fifty-million people worldwide who have epilepsy.现在全世界大约有5000万癫痫病患者。
6.split - brain operation to prevent epileptic seizures.阻止癫痫病发作的脑分裂手术
7.That young man evaded conscription by feigning epilepsy那个青年假装患有癫痫病逃避服兵役。
8.Comprehensive Study of CSF Igs in Patients with Eptlepsy癫痫病人脑脊液免疫球蛋白综合检测
9.Prophylactic use of antiepileptic drugs is not recommended, and potential interactions between antiepileptic and chemotherapeutic agents persuades against the use of enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs.抗癫痫病的药物与化疗剂之间存在潜在的交互作用,不推荐预防性使用抗癫痫病的药物。
10.In order to get good result, the patient with epilepsy should be under to doctor, used simulltaneously with drugs.癫痫病患者宜在医生的十配合药物治疗更佳。
11.Effects of Propofol on ECOG in Patients during Epiletics Foci Resection异丙酚对癫痫病灶切除中皮层脑电图的影响
12.Epilepsy,AED and Sex Hormones of Male Epileptics癫痫、抗癫痫药与男性病人性激素的相互关系
13.Conclusion The prognosis of epilepsy depends upon type and cause of the seizures, therapy and possibly gender of patients.结论癫痫的预后与癫痫类型、病因及治疗有关,也可能与性别有关。
14.The Postoperative Follow-up Study of Intractable Epilepsy and the Investigation of Pathology about Cortex of Temporal Lobe in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE) with Hippocampal Sclerosis;难治性癫痫术后随访及海马硬化型颞叶癫痫叶皮层病理学研究
15.An Epidemiological Investigation on Epilepsy Among Children of 0~14 Age in Jiangsu Province江苏省0~14岁儿童癫痫流行病学调查
16.The Research of Relationship among IL-1β, IL-6 and Epileptogenesis;IL-1β、IL-6与癫痫发病机制关系的研究
17.The Basic Experimental Study of the Mechanism of Refratory Epilepsy;难治性癫痫发病机制的基础实验研究
18.Expressional Changes of CLC-2, CLC-3 Chloride Channel in Hippocampus of Rats Following Induced Epilepsy by Lithium-Pilocarpine;氯通道在癫痫发病机制中作用的研究

1.Objective To study the changes of serum IL-2,IL-6,TNF-α contents,peripheral B cell number and T cell subsets distribution in patients with epilepsy.结论癫痫病是一种自身免疫调节异常的疾病。
2.Three kinds of wistar mice cerebrum cortex supernatant samples which are normal mice,epilepsy mice and mice injected with melatonin,are tested based on the fluorescence spectrum analysis.研究证明褪黑素对癫痫病有一定的抑制作用。
3.The samples are separately taken from normal mouse,epilepsy mouse and the mouse injected with melatonin.癫痫状态样品光谱在波数1 654 cm-1位置幅值有所减小;注射褪黑素样品光谱在波数1 654 cm-1位置幅值有所增加,证明褪黑素对癫痫病有抑制作用。
6)patients with epilepsy癫痫病人
1.Investigation and analysis of the needs for health education in patients with epilepsy;癫痫病人健康教育需求调查及分析

病因学病因学etiology 研究疾病病因及其作用方式的科学。如果研究表明某一或某些因素存在能促进疾病的发生或发病率上升,而去除或控制这些因素则发病率下降或消失,可认为该因素与某疾病之间有因果关系。