1.Objective To investigate the value of volume reconstruction ( VR ) in showing the ear lesions and to compare with otherpost-processed methods.目的探讨容积重建技术(VR)对耳部疾病的应用价值并与其他几种后处理技术做比较。

1.An identifying mark on the ear of a domestic animal.耳戳打在家畜耳部的便于识别的记号
2.To mark the ear of(a domestic animal)for identification.打耳记在家畜的耳部打上识别用戳记
3.Liquid medicine administered into the ear.耳药水用于耳部的液体药水
4.surgical removal of the stapes of the middle ear.切除中耳部镫骨的手术。
5.The branch of medicine that deals with the structure, function, and pathology of the ear.耳科学医学的分支,研究耳的构造、功能和耳部病理学
6.④Features of ear The great majority of the people have triangular lobes but lacks Darwinian point.④耳部特征:大部分人缺少达尔文结节,耳垂以三角形居多。
7.Our ears are made up of three parts: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear.我们的耳朵由三部分组成:外耳、中耳、内耳。
8.Having ears, auricles, or earlobe - shaped parts or extensions.有耳状部分的有着耳形、耳叶形、或耳廓形部分或附加物的
9.The fluid in the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear.内淋巴耳内部膜质内耳中的水样液
10.Shaped like an ear or an earlobe;having earlike parts or extensions.耳形的形状类似耳或耳廓的;有着耳形部分或延展的
11.External earphone/headset jack allows the user to monitor recordings through an optional headset or earphone.外部耳机/耳机杰克让使用者透过唱片监察择耳机或耳机.
12.The soft, fleshy, pendulous lower part of the external ear.耳垂外耳下部柔软、肉质且呈下垂状态的部分
13.External earphone/ headset jack allows the user to monitor recordings through an optional headset or earphone.外部耳机/机杰克让使用者透过唱片监察择耳机或耳机.
14.Gently lift and pull the top of the earhook up and off the upper hinge pin. Then pull it away to remove it.轻轻抬起并拉起耳机挂钩顶部,与耳机上端按钮分离;取下耳机挂钩。
15.A Turk, especially a member of the family or tribe of Osman I.土耳其人土耳其人,尤指奥斯曼一世的家族或部落里的土耳其人
16.A part, as of a telephone receiver or hearing aid, that fits in or is held next to the ear.耳塞电话接收器或助听器上嵌入耳中或附著在耳上的部分
17.Reconstruction of a partial auricular defect with a postauricular chondrocutaneous flap耳后带血管蒂软骨皮瓣重建耳廓部分缺损
18.An instrument for examining the interior of the ear, especially the eardrum, consisting essentially of a magnifying lens and a light.耳镜,检耳镜检查耳内部(尤其是中耳)的仪器,主要包括一个放大镜和光源

Otologic surgical procedurese耳部手术
3)Partial auricle部分耳廓
1.A novel method for ear-orienting recognizing of the scallop shell is developed based on machine vision.为此提出了一种新的方法,利用机器视觉识别扇贝耳部朝向。
5)Tailing Lug尾部吊耳

耳耳1.众盛貌。 2.《三国志.魏志.崔琰传》:"与训书曰:'省表﹐事佳耳!时乎时乎﹐会当有变时。'……有白琰此书傲世怨谤者﹐太祖怒曰:谚言'生女耳'﹐'耳'非佳语。'会当有变时'﹐意指不逊。于是罚琰为徒隶。"后因以"耳耳"表示有所不足之辞﹐犹言罢了罢了。 3.挺拔貌。