
1.Thrombelastography examination in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura血栓弹力图检测特发性血小板减少性紫癜凝血状态
2.Study of hypercoagulative state in patients after catheter closure of atrial septal defect房间隔缺损患者介入封堵术后血栓前高凝血状态的研究
3.Analysis of the Correlation between Blood Coagulation State of Henoch-Schonlein Purpura and Renal Injury during Acute Phase;儿童过敏性紫癜急性期凝血状态与肾脏损伤的关系
4.Changes of fibrinolytic status and coagulation function of peripheral blood at the acute stage in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage脑出血患者急性期外周血纤溶状态及凝血功能的变化
5.The Dysfunction of Coagulation in ALI/ARDS Model of Rabbit and Therapeutic Effects of Heparin;兔ALI/ARDS的血凝状态异常及肝素的治疗作用
6.The Dynamic Changes of Cytokines and Blood Coagulation Status before and after Abortion on Goats山羊流产前后细胞因子和血凝状态变化的研究
7.The relation between platelet activation and hypercoagulability in elderly patients with chronic cor pulmonary exacerbation血小板活性与老年慢性肺心病高凝状态的关系
8.Coagulation and Fibrinolysis in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and Clinical Significance of Changes in State冠心病患者凝血纤溶状态改变及其临床意义
9.Influence of Low Molecular Heparin on the Congestive Heart-Failure with Hypercoagulability低分子肝素对充血性心力衰竭高凝状态的影响
10.Immediate Coagulation Mornitoring in Anticoagulation of Nephrotic Syndrome and Hemodialysis-dependent Patients;即时凝血监测在肾病综合征高凝状态及血液透析患者抗凝治疗中的应用
11.Correlation between TCM Symptom and Hypercoagluability of the Elder People;老龄人群中医证候类型与血液高凝状态相关性研究
12.Clinical Research of Blood Hypercoagulabale State of Patient Who Plan Making Radical Resection of Rectal Carcinoma in Period of Operation and Ulinastatin Interfered直肠癌患者围术期血液高凝状态及乌司他丁干预的临床研究
13.Comparative Analysis of Laparoscopic and Open Gastrointestinal Tumors Surgery for Coagulation Status腹腔镜与开腹胃肠肿瘤手术对血凝状态影响的对比研究
14.Study on the Intervention of Hypercoagulabale State in Hip Fracture of Aged People with Jiawei Taohong Siwutang加味桃红四物汤干预老年髋部骨折血液高凝状态的研究
15.Study on the relationship between the level of folic acid and the hyper-coagulable state in the patient with psoriasis银屑病患者外周血叶酸水平与其高凝状态的相关性研究
16.Investigation of Coagulation System After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention经皮冠状动脉介入治疗术后凝血系统动态变化的研究
17.Protein C activator from venom of agkistrodon halys on coagulation of experimental myocardial infarction rats蝮蛇蛇毒PCA对实验性心肌梗死大鼠血凝状态的影响
18.Relationship Between Hypercoagulability and Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetic Mellitus with Microalbuminuria2型糖尿病微蛋白尿与血液高凝状态、胰岛素抵抗的关系

1.The Effects of Longterm Oxygen Therapy (LTOT) on the Blood Coagulation Condition and Endotheliocyte Function in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease;长期氧疗对慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者血凝状态和内皮功能的影响
3)Blood hypercoagulability高血凝状态
4)High blood coagulation血高凝状态
5)hypercoagulative state高凝血状态
1.Study of hypercoagulative state in patients after catheter closure of atrial septal defect房间隔缺损患者介入封堵术后血栓前高凝血状态的研究
6)Hypercoagulable state血液高凝状态

凝血致活酶 ,血液凝固因子Ⅲ,凝血质药物名称:凝血因数Ⅲ英文名:Thromboplastin别名: 凝血活素;凝血酶原激酶;凝血因数Ⅲ;凝血致活酶 ,血液凝固因子Ⅲ,凝血质 外文名:Thromboplastin 适应症: 用于各种出血、止血。 用量用法: 肌注:每次7.5~15mg,Qd或Bid。局部止血时可湿敷。 注意事项: 1.肌注以前要摇匀。 2.不可静注(可引起血栓形成)。 规格: 注射液:15mg(2ml)。 类别:促凝血药