1.Change of the level of serum cytokines in patients with epilepsy after cerebral infarction;脑梗死后癫患者血清细胞因子水平的改变
2.Effects of epileptiform discharges and its influence on normal sleeping wave after sleep deprivation in children with epilepsy;睡眠剥夺对癫患儿波发放及其对正常睡眠波的影响
3.Clinical analysis of 18 cases of epilepsy in non-ketotic hyperglycaemia;非酮症糖尿病性癫18例临床分析

1.Clinical features of limbic epilepsies and limbic status epilepticus边缘性癫和边缘性癫状态的临床特点
2.CHESS EPILEPSY AND CARD EPILEPSY--Two New Patterns of Reflex Epilepsy弈棋癫?和纸牌癫?——二种新的反射性癫?
3.a rift within the lute不和[疯癫]的前兆
4.Carisbamate,a novel antiepleptic drug抗癫痫新药Carisbamate
5.of or relating to or characteristic of epilepsy.属于、关于癫痫的,或具有癫痫特征的。
6.the old lady is beginning to behave quite dottily.这个老妇人开始有点疯疯癫癫了。
7.I freely confess I'm as dotty as you are.我坦白承认,我跟你一样疯疯癫癫。
8.Never mind what he says, he's a cracker.不要理他说什么,他是疯疯癫癫的。
9.His landlady appeared to be slightly off her rocker.看来他的女房东有点疯疯癫癫。
10.Photo Sensitive epilepsies(PSE)were 4 cases(0.39%).光敏感癫痫4例,占癫痫患儿的0.39%。
11.Insaneness and Metaphor:On Madmen Iconography in Lu Xun Novels;疯癫与隐喻——论鲁迅小说中的疯癫意象
12.The Redemption through Madness:On the Madness and Divinity of Lear疯癫的救赎——论李尔王的疯癫与神性
13.The frequency of intractable seizures after stopping AEDs in seizure-free children with epilepsy无癫痫发作的癫痫患儿停药后难治性癫痫的发作频率
14.autonomic reflex epilepsy植物神经反射性癫痫
15.Of, relating to, or associated with epilepsy.与癫痫有关的,相关的
16.epilepsy characterized clinically by impairment of consciousness and amnesia for the episode; often involves purposeful movements of the arms and legs and sometimes hallucinations.知觉受损健忘等癫痫。
17."Convulsions, fits or epilepsy?"患过痉挛、惊劂或癫痫吗?
18.psychomotor epilepsy精神运动性癫痫发作

1.Change of the level of serum cytokines in patients with epilepsy after cerebral infarction;脑梗死后癫患者血清细胞因子水平的改变
2.Effects of epileptiform discharges and its influence on normal sleeping wave after sleep deprivation in children with epilepsy;睡眠剥夺对癫患儿波发放及其对正常睡眠波的影响
3.Clinical analysis of 18 cases of epilepsy in non-ketotic hyperglycaemia;非酮症糖尿病性癫18例临床分析
1.An Appraisal of the Curative Effect of Topiramate in the Treatmant of Refractory Partial-onset Epilepsy in Children;托吡酯治疗小儿难治性癫部分性发作36例
2.Methods: Forty epileptic patients for epilepsy surgery were randomly divided into two groups, the isoflurane group (n=20) and the sevoflurane group (n=20).目的:对比观察呼气末不同异氟烷和七氟烷浓度对癫患者脑电图及棘波的影响。
3.Objective:To Study the effect of brain hippocampus reactive gliosis in the process of occurrence and development of epilepsy and the effect of Topiramate(TPM)on it.目的:探讨脑海马胶质细胞增生在癫发生、发展中的作用及托吡酯对其的影响。
1.Aim:To explore the pathogenesis of calcium and calcium channel mRNA in epilepsy.目的:研究Ca2+及其通道mRNA在癫发病中的作用。
1.Aim:To investigate the prevalence of epilepsy in Shanghai rural area and to provide the evidence for the treatment and administration of epilepsy.目的 :了解上海农村地区癫患病率和治疗缺口 ,为开展癫治疗和管理工作提供依据。
2.Methods: Epilepsy census by means of Stratified cluster sampling has been carried out in 50000 people in Zhujing Town , Jingshan District , Shanghai in 2000,and the pharmaceutical therapy condition was investigated .目的 :研究社区人群癫患者药物治疗现状及影响其效果的主要因素。
