1.The logistic regression analysis of the risk factor in suicick behaviour with alcoholism;酒中毒自杀行为危险因素的Logistic回归分析
2)Alcoholic intoxication酒精中毒
1.Measurement of hepatocyte growth factor in the blood serum of alcoholic intoxication patients and its signification;酒精中毒患者血清中肝细胞再生因子水平的测定及其意义

1.pathological intoxication病态酒精中毒 病态酒精中毒
2.alcoholic dementia酒毒性痴呆;酒毒性痴呆;酒精中毒性痴呆;酒精中毒性痴呆
3.alcoholic polyneuropathy酒精中毒性多元神经症
4.alcoholic delusion of jealousy酒精中毒性嫉妒妄想
5.coholic hallucinosis急性酒精中毒性幻觉症
6.a tranquilizer (trade name Librium) used in the treatment of alcoholism.治疗酒精中毒的镇静剂。
7.Excessive drinking induces alcoholism.饮酒过度会引起酒精中毒
8.The reseach of Jiusuyu on alleviating a hangover and promoting alcohol metabolism of acute alcoholism mouse酒速愈对急性酒精中毒小鼠解酒作用及酒精代谢的影响
9.acute delirium caused by alcohol poisoning.由于酒精中毒而引起的严重精神疾病。
10.An alcoholic is one who becomes physically dependent on alcohol and over-whelmingly involved in getting and using it.酒精中毒者是一个身体里离不开酒,并完全沉溺于寻酒和饮酒的人。
11.MethodsPart 1: The Pharmacology research of JiuSuYu and effect of JiuSuYu on liver function of acute alcoholism mice1.酒速愈预防性给药对急性酒精中毒小鼠醉酒时间、醉酒率的影响
12.Damage of retinal pigment epithelium caused by alcoholism酒精中毒致视网膜色素上皮损伤观察
13.delirium tremensph.1. 【医】(因酒精中毒引起的)震颤性谵妄
14.Other diseases brought on by alcoholism, such as liver disease and pneumonia, must be looked for and treated.因酒精中毒而带来的其它疾
15.Personality characteristics in alcohol-abusing persons vary considerably.酒精中毒者的个人性格特征变化很大。
16.Alcoholic Cerebellar Degeneration:A 38 Case Report酒精中毒性小脑变性(附38例报告)
17.Clinical Analysis on 16 Cases of Hypoglycemic Coma Caused by Alcoholism;酒精中毒性低血糖昏迷16例临床分析
18.Analysis of 57 cases of acute alcohol intoxication treated with Naloxone;纳洛酮治疗急性酒精中毒57例分析

Alcoholic intoxication酒精中毒
1.Measurement of hepatocyte growth factor in the blood serum of alcoholic intoxication patients and its signification;酒精中毒患者血清中肝细胞再生因子水平的测定及其意义
1.Effects of motor functional training on microstructure of the sciatic nerve in the rats with chronic alcoholism;运动训练对慢性酒精中毒大鼠坐骨神经功能恢复的影响
2.Establishment of rat model of peripheral neuropathy of chronic alcoholism;大鼠慢性酒精中毒性周围神经病模型的建立
3.Chronic Alcoholism and Cerebrovascular Disease;慢性酒精中毒与脑血管病
4)Alcohol intoxication酒精中毒
1.The influence of acute alcohol intoxication on rabbits with head injury;急性酒精中毒对兔脑外伤后的影响
2.Objective\ To investigate the therapeutic effects of gluthion on acute alcohol intoxication.目的 观察古拉定对急性酒精中毒 (AAI)治疗作用。
3.From the point of psychopathic psyohologes between alcohol intoxication and crime, and puts forward three psy-chological preventive approaches against crimes in intoxication according to its features of forming and developing.本文从变态心理学、犯罪学的角度,对酒精中毒与犯罪的关系进行了探讨,根据酒精中毒性犯罪形成、发展的特点,提出了有针对性的三种心理预防方法。
5)poisoning with spent grains酒糟中毒
6)Chronic alcoholism慢性酒中毒
1.Objective:To study the relation between cognitive impairment and brain structure of patients with chronic alcoholism through assessing the cognitive impairment of the patients.目的:评估慢性酒中毒性精神障碍患者认知功能损害的状况,探讨其认知功能损害与磁共振成像(MRI)脑结构测量的相关性。

酒中毒酒中毒alcoholism  酒中毒(aleoholism)酒是亲神经物质,一次大量饮用可出现急性神经精神症状:长期饮用可产生人格改变、各种精神症状、内脏和神经系统损害。酒中毒大体上可分为急性和慢性两大类。急性酒中毒时多数表现为普遍醉酒,极少数情况下出现病理性醉酒。后者在少量饮酒后,即出现严重的意识障碍、错觉和幻觉,甚至产生暴行,往往发生在癫痛、脑动脉硬化症、有头部外伤史及病态人格者。慢性酒中毒有多年酗酒史和酒依赖。人格改变表现为意志薄弱,适应能力下降,情绪不稳,不顾及家庭,自私,说谎,不知整洁,无羞耻心;祖往有肝功能障碍、胃炎、性功能减退。在慢性酒中毒基础上还可能出现急性精神病症状,如震颤澹妄、酒中毒幻觉症、柯萨科夫精神病、酒中毒性嫉妒妄想等。戒除慢性酒中毒者的酒癖,可应用戒酒硫(antabuse)或(eyanamide)每日5 00毫克。服此类药物期间,饮酒后可导致颜面潮红、发汗、心悸、呼吸困难、恶心呕吐,从而逐步产生条件性厌恶感。也可皮下注射催吐剂阿朴吗啡后令病人闻酒味,当快要呕吐时给病人饮一杯酒,连续若干次,使之形成厌恶条件反射。同时应配合个别及集体心理治疗。 (赵亚忠撰刘协和审)