1.Objective To get messages of the recognition about malocclusion of undergraduate students with malocclusion,analyze the reasons why they can not receive orthodontics treatment,and provide theoretical basis for the publicity of orthodontic knowledge.目的了解当前普通在校有错颌畸形的大学生对错颌的认知度,并分析其未能进行正畸矫治的原因,为以后的正畸知识宣传提供理论依据。
2.OBJECTIVE To investigate the prevalence of malocclusion among students in primary school in QiqiHaer.目的了解齐齐哈尔市部分地区小学生错颌畸形的患病率、错颌类型构成比。

1.The investigation of malocclusion cases with Personality Disorder in clinic伴有人格障碍特征的错颌畸形患者调查
2.Intial Study Involving in Compensation of Mandibular Ramus in Malocclusion;错(牙合)畸形中下颌升支代偿作用的初步探讨
4.Soft-tissue and hard-tissue profile changes following orthodontic treatment of bimaxillary protrusion in adults with teeth extraction成人双颌前突错畸形患者拔牙正畸治疗后颅面软硬组织的变化
5.The study on TMJ morphological changes in patients with Angle class Ⅲ malocclusion pretreatment and after treatment安氏Ⅲ类错?正畸前后颞下颌关节形态变化的研究
6.Clinical study of maxillary protraction with rapid maxillary expansion in skeletal Class Ⅲ patients上颌前方牵引联合快速扩弓矫治骨性Ⅲ类错畸形
7.The prevention and treatment of secondary dento-maxillofacial deformities with orthodontics and orthognathic surgery following the repair of cleft lip and palate正畸-正颌联合防治唇腭裂术后牙颌面畸形
8.The Influence of Facial Asymmetric Deformity and Orthognathic Surgery on the Temporomandibular Joint偏颌畸形及其正颌手术对颞下颌关节的影响
9.The small chin deformity was a commen developmental deformity of the jaw.小颏畸形是一种常见的颌骨发育性畸形。
10.The main skeletal factors influencing malocclusion include the saggital and vertical skeletal relationship and the gradient of chin;影响错?畸形?型的骨骼因素主要包括上下颌矢状关系、垂直骨型、颏部倾斜度。
11.Soft and Hard Tissue Changes of Class Ⅱ Division 1 Cases after Orthodontic Treatment;安氏Ⅱ~1类错(牙合)畸形矫治前后颅颌面部软硬组织的结构变化及分析
12.Study on the Widths of Bone and Dental Arch in Class II, Division 1 Malocclusion among Different Vertical Facial Skeletal Types;不同垂直骨面型安氏II~1类错(牙合)畸形颌面骨骼及牙弓宽度的研究
13.Simultaneous Surgical Correction of Dentomaxillary and Chin Deformities with Mandibular Body Osteotomy下颌体部截骨术同期矫正牙颌及颏部畸形
14.The Retrospective Study of Orthognathic Surgery for Dentofacial Deformity;正颌外科矫治牙颌面畸形的回顾性研究
15.A Clinical Study of Orthognathic Surgery for Mandibular Protrusion正颌外科矫治下颌前突畸形术后疗效分析
16.The Clinical Study of Mandibular Protrusion Deviation Treated with Orthadontic and Orthgnathic Treatment;正畸正颌联合治疗下颌前突伴偏斜畸形的疗效研究
17.A study of soft and hard tissues changes in patients with skeletal classⅢmalocclusion after orthodontic and surgical treatments正畸-正颌联合治疗骨性Ⅲ类牙颌面畸形术后软硬组织变化的研究
18.A study of Bolton toothsize discrepancies among malocclusion patients错畸形患者Bolton指数分析

malocclusion orthodontics错颌正畸
3)maxillofacial abnormalities颌面畸形
4)Jaw abnormalities颌畸形
1.Analysis and Research of Malocclusion from Congenital Hypodontia of Mandibular Incisor;下切牙先天缺失与牙颌畸形关系的分析研究
2.Multi-factor Analysis for the Orthodontic Treatment Desire in Malocclusion Adolescents;影响牙颌畸形青少年正畸求诊意愿的多因素分析
3.Objective:To investigate the relationship among the congenital hypodontia of mandibular incisor and malocclusion and the variation of medial distal dimension of mandibular canine.目的 :探讨下颌恒切牙先天缺失情况 ,与牙颌畸形的关系以及下尖牙近远中径的变化。
6)Jaw deformity偏颌畸形
1.A Relationship Study Between Developmental Lateral Jaw Deformity and Cervical Spine Disorders;发育性偏颌畸形与颈椎功能紊乱的相关性研究

口腔颌面部发育畸形口腔颌面部发育畸形developmental deformities of oro-maxillofacical regiones 由于遗传或其他先天的因素引起,少数亦可由后天的炎症、损伤或内分泌紊乱等引起局部发育异常。其中以唇、腭裂最为常见,其次是牙颌畸形和面裂。此外,偶亦可见颌面半侧萎缩或肥大,治疗主要是进行整形修复。