1.The study of the expression of AQP-4 after brain hemorrhage in human;急性脑出血后灶周脑组织水通道蛋白-4的表达
2.The expression and significance of AQP-4 protein in the brain tissues of rats with HIBD;新生鼠缺氧缺血损伤脑组织水通道蛋白-4表达及意义
3.Expression of AQP-4 in mice kidney during development and maturation;水通道蛋白-4在小鼠肾脏发育中的表达

1.Progression of the aquaporin-4 and its potential significance in forensic medicine;水通道蛋白-4研究进展及法医学意义
2.Expression of aquaporin-4 in eye tissue of normal rat大鼠眼组织中水通道蛋白-4的表达
3.Expression and distribution of aquaporins-4 in digestive organs of sprague-dawley rat水通道蛋白-4在大鼠消化器官的表达与分布
4.Expression of aquaporin-1 and aquaporin-4 in rats’ eyes with glucocorticoid induced intraocular hypertension皮质类固醇激素性高眼压大鼠眼内水通道蛋白-1和水通道蛋白-4的表达
5.Effect of Facal Mild Hypothermia on the Brain Edema and AQP4 after ICH at Rats;局部亚低温对大鼠脑出血后脑水肿和水通道蛋白-4的影响
6.Expression of Aquaporin-4 in Brain from Rats with Subarachnoid Hemorrhagic Edema;水通道蛋白-4表达与蛛网膜下腔出血后脑水肿的关系
7.The Relationship of Aquaporin-4 Expression and Brain Edema in Cirrhotic Rats with Hepatic Encephalopathy;肝硬化肝性脑病大鼠脑水通道蛋白-4表达与脑水肿的关系
8.Relationship between Changes of Aquaporin-4 Expression and Brain Edema after Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation in Rats大鼠心肺复苏后脑水通道蛋白-4表达变化与脑水肿的关系
9.Research about Dynamic Changes of Aquaporin-4 Around Hematoma in Rats Following Intracerebral Hemorrhage;实验性脑出血大鼠血肿周围水通道蛋白-4变化的动态研究
10.A Correlative Study between the Expression of Aquaporin-4 and Molecular Mechanism of MR DWI after the Hepatic Failure in Rats;肝功能衰竭大鼠脑水通道蛋白-4表达与MR DWI的相关性研究
11.Relationship of Aquaporin-4 and Neuromyelitis Optica;水通道蛋白4与视神经脊髓炎的关系
12.Expression and Distribution of Aquaporin 1 and Auaporin 4 in Laryngeal Carcinoma and Its Significance;水通道蛋白1及4在喉癌组织中的分布及意义
13.The Study of Mannitol's Effect on Aquaporin-4 Expression of Ischemic Cerebral Edema甘露醇对缺血性脑水肿水通道蛋白4表达水平影响的研究
14.The Study on the Relationship between TCM "the Spleen's Governing Transportation and Transformation of Dampness" and Aquaporins (AQP3, AQP4);脾主运化水液与胃粘膜水通道蛋白3、4表达的相关性研究
15.The Effect of AQP4 on Ischemic Cerebral Edema;水通道蛋白4在缺血性脑水肿中的作用机制研究
16.Research on Expression of AQP4 in Early Human Traumatic Brain Edema;水通道蛋白4在人创伤性脑水肿早期表达的研究
17.Effect of Electro-Nape-Acupuncture on Aquaporin4 and Water Content of Brain after Brain Ischemic Injury in Rats;电项针对脑缺血大鼠水通道蛋白4及脑水含量的影响
18.Change and Significance of Aquaporin-4 in the Infant Rats Brain Edema Induced by Lipopolysaccharide;水通道蛋白4在内毒素致幼年大鼠脑水肿中的变化及意义

1.The study of the expression of AQP-4 after brain hemorrhage in human;急性脑出血后灶周脑组织水通道蛋白-4的表达
2.The expression and significance of AQP-4 protein in the brain tissues of rats with HIBD;新生鼠缺氧缺血损伤脑组织水通道蛋白-4表达及意义
3.Expression of AQP-4 in mice kidney during development and maturation;水通道蛋白-4在小鼠肾脏发育中的表达
1.Expression of aquaporin-4 in human colorectal carcinoma;水通道蛋白4在大肠癌组织中的表达
2.Change of brain aquaporin-4 mRNA expression and effect of aescin(七叶皂苷) treatment during cerebral edema following cardiopulmonary resuscitation in rats;七叶皂苷对心肺复苏后大鼠脑水肿期脑水通道蛋白4 mRNA变化的作用
3.Role of aquaporin-4 on cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats;水通道蛋白4在大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤中的作用
1.A Correlative Study Between the Ischemic Brain Edema and the Expression of Aquaporin-4;缺血性脑水肿与水通道蛋白-4表达关系的研究
2.Expression of aquaporin-4 in rat thyroid;水通道蛋白-4在大鼠甲状腺中的表达
3.Changes of astrocytes Aquaporin-4 expression in hypertonic medium;星形胶质细胞水通道蛋白-4在高渗液中的表达变化
5)Aquaporin 4水通道蛋白4
1.Role of astrocyte morphology changes in the search of Aquaporin 4 inhibitors by high throughput drug screening;星形胶质细胞形态学观察在高通量药物筛选水通道蛋白4抑制剂中的应用
2.Effect of mild hypotherma on aquaporin 4 expressions and cerebral edema in experimental rats after intracerebral hemorrhage;亚低温对实验性脑出血后水通道蛋白4表达及脑水肿的影响
3.Influence of hypertonic medium on aquaporin 4 mRNA expression in astrocytes in vitro;高渗液对体外培养星形胶质细胞中水通道蛋白4 mRNA表达的影响
1.Effect of aquaporin4 RNAi on brain edema following brain explosive injury;水通道蛋白4 RNA干扰对爆炸伤后脑水肿的影响
2.Objective To investigate the effects of Naoshuning,a TCM formula for activating blood circulation and alleviating water retention,on the protein expression of aquaporin4(AQP4) in experimental injured brain tissue of rats and its mechanism.目的观察脑疏宁对脑外伤大鼠脑组织含水量及水通道蛋白4(AQP4)表达的影响,探讨其治疗创伤性脑水肿的机制。

普通免疫球蛋白 ,人血丙种球蛋白,丙种球蛋白药物名称:丙种球蛋白英文名:γ-Globulin别名: 免疫血清球蛋白;普通免疫球蛋白 ,人血丙种球蛋白,丙种球蛋白外文名:γ-Globulin 适应症: 含有健康人群血清所具有的各种抗体,因而有增强机体抵抗力以预防感染的作用。主要用于免疫缺陷病以及传染性肝炎、麻疹、水痘、腮腺炎、带状皰疹等病毒感染和细菌感染的防治,也可用于哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、湿疹等内源性过敏性疾病。 用量用法: 肌注:每次2~5ml,3周1次,用于内源性过敏性疾病,每次10ml(含量10%者),3周内注射2次。胎盘球蛋白每次6~9ml。 注意事项: 1.按球蛋白来源可分为两种,一为健康人静脉血来源的丙种球蛋白制剂,按蛋白质含量有10%、16%、16.5%等数种(国内制品浓度在10%以上),其中丙种球蛋白占95%以上。另一种为胎盘血来源的丙种球蛋白(人胎盘血丙种球蛋白),即胎盘球蛋白,含蛋白质5%,其中丙种球蛋白占90%以上。胎盘球蛋白因丙种球蛋白含量以及纯度均较低,其用量应相应增大。 2.除专供静注用的制剂外,一般制剂不可静注。 3.注射大量时,可见局部疼痛和暂时性体温升高。 注:参见:“丙种球蛋白注射液”. 类别:免疫增强剂(免疫反应调节剂)