
1.in the Northern [Southern, Eastern, Western] hemisphere在北 [南,东,西] 半球
2.Either the northern or southern half of the earth as divided by the equator or the eastern or western half as divided by a meridian.(地球的)半球被赤道分开的南半球或北半球,或被子午线分开的东半球或西半球
3.the Northern and Southern H -北半球及南半球(以赤道为界)
4.The right side of the brain is known as the creative side.大脑右半球被称为富有创造性的半球
5.The dominant hemisphere of olfaction is the right hemisphere.右侧大脑半球为嗅觉“优势半球”。
6.Either of the lateral halves of the cerebrum;a cerebral hemisphere.大脑半球大脑侧面半部分的任何一个;大脑半球
7.Eastern Hemisphere东半球(气象传真用语
8.In the southern hemisphere, the picture was similar.南半球的情况也差不多。
9.calm zone of Capricorn南半球副热带无风带
10.International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology南半球气象国际会议
11.This part is generally in the eastern Hemisphere.这部分主要位于东半球
12.The old man is from the Old World.这个老人是东半球
13.any of several small Old World finches.几种产于东半球的雀鸟。
14.small Old World gallinaceous game birds.东半球小型鹑类猎鸟。
15.They live in this hemisphere .他们生活在东半球
16.mean hemispherical intensity平均半球面发光强度
17.syndrome of cerebellar hemisphere injury小脑半球损害综合征
18.the hemisphere north of the equator.赤道以北的那个半球

5)semi-spherical part半球件
1.The machining experiment is made on semi-spherical part by orthogonal test method.结果表明,半球件车削加工后,球顶处于强烈的压应力状态,球面上切向残余应力表现为拉应力,轴向残余应力表现为压应力;切削参数对加工表面残余应力影响的显著性顺序为进给量、切削深度和切削速度。
6)hemisphere surface半球面
1.If you will accomplish a part machining of hemisphere surface and ball platform face of the radius needing by using it,you only need evaluate correlative variable in the main program.使用时只需在主程序中对相关变量进行赋值即可完成所需半径的半球面及球台面的零件加工。
2.The paper analyzes some tool arc related errors in cutting hemisphere surface on CN lathe, and advances a method and some formula to correct this error Cutting accuracy value was also given in this pape提高了数控车床加工半球面时的加工精

半球半球  指*大脑半球或小脑半球。