1.This article is based on a survey of 360 vocational college students from Anhui Province on their self reporting inventory(SCL-90)and coping styles(CSQ).通过症状自评量表(SCL-90)和应付方式问卷对安徽省306名高职生进行测量,考察高职生心理健康状况、应付方式及其相互关系。
2.Methods Beheivior interventions were conducted in relatives of 65 senile dementia patients for 3 weeks and improvement status of their coping style assessed with the Coping Style Questionniare(CSQ) before and after interventions.方法对65例老年痴呆患者的亲属进行为期3周的行为干预,并采用应付方式问卷对干预前后的应付方式改善情况进行评定和分析。
2)questionnaire/psychological test应付方式问卷/心理测验
3)cope scale应付问卷
4)Coping questionnaire应对方式问卷

1.A Study of Questionnaire Design for College Students Coping Pressure Styles大学生压力应对方式问卷的初步编制
2.The Survey and Compiling of the Coping Style Questionnaire for Undergraduates Employment Pressure;大学生就业压力应对方式问卷的编制与实测
3.Reliability and Validity of the Ways of Coping Questionnaire for Schizophrenic Patients;精神分裂症患者应对方式问卷的信度与效度
4.COPE Dispositional Inventory Scale:Re-visioning for Primary and Secondary Teachers应对方式问卷(COPE)在中小学教师样本中的修订
5.The Using Report of Spoken English Anxiety Sources Scale for Non-English Major Student and It s Relation with Coping Styles;口语焦虑源问卷试用报告及其与应对方式的相关研究
6.Study on the Relationship of Personality and Coping Styles with Military Undergraduates;16种个性因素问卷高分与低分军校大学生应对方式的比较研究
7.Use a questionnaire to survey [find out about] attitudes to smoking.使用问卷方式调查对吸烟的意见。
8.Methods A total of 596 students were investigated by using Eysenck Personality Questionnaires (EPQ) and some sexual knowledge questionnaires in an art polytechnic school of Jiangsu Province.方法应用艾森克人格问卷以及性知识问卷对江苏省某艺术学校596名学生进行匿名问卷调查。
9.forced choice questionnaire必选式问卷必选式问卷
10.open ended questionnaire开放式问卷 开放式问卷
11.Preparing and Applying of College Students' Dormitory Communication Questionaire of Stair Model萨提亚模式的大学生宿舍沟通方式问卷编制及应用
12.Use a questionnaire to survey attitudes to smoking.使用问卷方式调查封吸烟的意见。
13.To Study the Reliability and Validity of Defense Style Questionnaire;防御方式问卷(DSQ)的信度和效度研究
14.Study of the Reliability and Validity of Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ);防御方式问卷(DSQ)信度和效度研究
15.The Reliability and Validity of a Chinese Version of the Parental Bonding Instrument父母教养方式问卷(PBI)的信效度研究
16.Application of Gene Expression Programming in Questionnaire Analysis基因表达式编程在问卷分析中的应用
17.The influence of coping strategies on preschoolers behavioral problems;应对方式对学前儿童行为问题的影响
18.The relation between emotional and problem focused coping;情绪与问题指向应对方式的关系研究

questionnaire/psychological test应付方式问卷/心理测验
3)cope scale应付问卷
4)Coping questionnaire应对方式问卷
5)Coping Styles应付方式
1.Investigative Research on the University Students Coping Styles;当前大学生压力应付方式的调查研究
2.Investigation on the personality patterns,coping styles and social support statue in patients with stroke;脑卒中患者的人格特征、应付方式和社会支持状况的调查研究
3.Coping styles in the university students with different personality;不同个性大学生应付方式的差异性研究
6)Coping ways应付方式
1.Research on Relation between Military Cadets Personality Tendency and Social Support and Coping Ways Choosing;军校学员人格倾向和社会支持与应付方式选择之间关系的研究
2.Methods: By randomized group sampling method,576 undergraduates were assessed with Eysenck Personality Questionnaire,Coping ways questionnaries and Self-Rated Health Measurement Scale.目的:探讨大学生人格特征,应付方式与自测健康状况的关系。
3.The research indicates that there is a significant correlation between Fantasy in the questionaire about coping ways and Job Interest in the job stress questionnaires,and there is a more significant correlation between Rationalization and Fantasy.研究表明应付方式问卷中的幻想与工作压力问卷中的工作兴趣有显著的相关,而与合理化有非常显著的相关。

LN神经心理成套测验LN神经心理成套测验Luria-Nebraska Neuropsycho-logical Battery,LNNB  LN神经心理成套测验(Luria一NebraskaNeuroPsyehologieal Batrery,LNNB)美国内布拉斯卡(N ebraska)大学戈尔登(Golden,e.J.)等根据苏联神经心理学家鲁利亚所编的神经心理测验发展而来(1980)。鲁利亚的测验偏重临床经验,测验未标准化,LNNB增减了测验内容,使之标准化。LNNB包含269个项目,分属于11个分测验内其中包括神经系统检查、失语检查、记忆、智力测验等内容。在土述项目中再衍生了注个附加量表,即疾病特有病症量表,左半球和右半球定位量表。测验项目原始分分“0”(正常)、,’l”(边界)和“2”(异常)三级,分测验粗分总分换算成T分,制出全量表T分剖图,以资作出有无脑损害和定侧解释。我国有徐云和龚耀先修订J’LNNB,制定了一个长沙常模(l 986) (龚雄先撰林传燕审)