2)Chest pain/diagnosis胸痛/诊断
5)headache clinic头痛门诊
1.Effect of cerebral blood flow and hemorheology on deep needling at Fengchi(gb) in migraine patients;深刺风池穴对偏头痛患者脑血流动力学及血液流变学的影响
2.Effects of estrogen on behavior and expression of 5-HT in periaqueductal gray of migraine rats;雌激素对偏头痛大鼠行为学改变及中脑导水管周围灰质5-HT表达的影响
3.Effect of Yangxue Qingnao Grain on C Reactive Proteins in Patients with Migraine;养血清脑颗粒对偏头痛患者超敏C反应蛋白的影响及疗效的观察

1.My headaches are so-called migraines which recur all the time.我的头痛又叫偏头痛,老是不停发作。
2.Thomas Jefferson’s headaches: Were they migraines?托马斯·杰弗逊的头痛:是偏头痛吗?
3.Botox: Taking Pains to Relieve Headaches肉毒杆菌??偏头痛克星
4.TCD Examination of Migraine Patients with or without Aura典型偏头痛和普通型偏头痛TCD检查对照研究
5.Pathophysiological Research of Pain in Migraine and Cluster Headache偏头痛与丛集性头痛的疼痛发生机制研究
6.It's effects are not limited to the head only, but affect the entire body.偏头痛不仅影响头部,对全身都有影响。
7.Once the headache is over, the Migraine attack may or may not be over.头痛期结束后,偏头痛发作结束或者还没结束。
8.Exteroceptive Suppression of the Masticatory Muscles in Patients with Tension-type Headache and Migraine;紧张型头痛和偏头痛的咀嚼肌外感受抑制实验
9.Clinical Research on Treating Migraine of Internal Disturbance of Phlegm-Heat with Tou-tong an Decotion头痛安方治疗偏头痛痰热上扰证的临床研究
10.The longitudinal association between migraine and cognitive changes was assessed by generalized estimating equations.在偏头痛和非偏头痛患者之间的纵向关联由普通估计方程来评估。
11.The associations with psychiatric disorders were stronger for migraine with aura than for migraine without aura.有先兆的偏头痛比无先兆偏头痛具有和精神障碍更强的相关性。
12.The presence of migraine attacks, especially migraine with aura, was the major predictor for these associations.偏头痛发作,尤其是有先兆的偏头痛,是主要的预测因素。
13.The Role of NF-κB Protein on the Nociceptive Transmission of Migraine Attacks;NF-κB蛋白在偏头痛痛觉信息传递中的作用
14.An Experimental Study of Central Control Mechanism of Pain in Migraine;偏头痛中枢痛觉信息调控机制的实验研究
15.A Basic Study for the Role of Nitric Oxide on the Nociceptive Transmission of Migraine Attacks;NO在偏头痛痛觉信息中枢传递中作用的基础研究
16.The Clinical Observation on Analgesic Effect by Electroacupuncture at Meridian Point of Shaoyang in Patients with Migraine电针少阳经穴对偏头痛的镇痛作用的临床观察
17.Clinical Study on the Treatment of Blood Stasis Type Migraineur of with Tianyuanzhitongtang天元止痛汤治疗血瘀型偏头痛的临床疗效观察
18.Clinical Efficacy of Xuangui Zhitong Drop Pill on Treatment of Qi Zhi Xieyu Type Migraine玄归止痛滴丸治疗气滞血瘀型偏头痛临床疗效

Chest pain/diagnosis胸痛/诊断
5)headache clinic头痛门诊
1.Effect of cerebral blood flow and hemorheology on deep needling at Fengchi(gb) in migraine patients;深刺风池穴对偏头痛患者脑血流动力学及血液流变学的影响
2.Effects of estrogen on behavior and expression of 5-HT in periaqueductal gray of migraine rats;雌激素对偏头痛大鼠行为学改变及中脑导水管周围灰质5-HT表达的影响
3.Effect of Yangxue Qingnao Grain on C Reactive Proteins in Patients with Migraine;养血清脑颗粒对偏头痛患者超敏C反应蛋白的影响及疗效的观察

基底动脉偏头痛综合征基底动脉偏头痛综合征 病名。即经前紧张性头痛综合征。详见该条。