1.Assistant therapic effect of the botulinum toxin A on tiptoe after cerebral palsy;肉毒杆菌毒素A辅助治疗小儿脑瘫尖足疗效分析

1.Preliminary Analysis of Therapeutic Effects of AFO on Tiptoes of Children With Cerebral Palsy踝足矫形器矫治脑瘫患儿尖足初步疗效分析
2.Clinical treatment of tiptoes of children with spastic cerebral palsy using ankle-foot orthosis痉挛型脑性瘫痪尖足患儿临床治疗及其踝足矫形器的应用
3.Purpose To quantitatively evaluate the improvement of the tiptoe of the children with spastic cerebral palsy before and after put on ankle-foot orthosis(AFO).目的对痉挛型脑瘫患儿踝足矫形器配戴前后的尖足改善情况进行量化评定。
4.extending from the shank to the toe.鞋掌中部至足尖的鞋底。
5.Only voltage source converters meet this condition.只有电压尖变换器能满足此条件。
6.poised on tiptoe, in mid-air, etc用足尖、 在半空中...保持平衡
7.A pointed extension on the toe or heels of a horseshoe, designed to prevent slipping.马蹄铁刺马掌后跟或足尖上的尖形加长部分,用于防滑
8.It was in l830s that ballerinas began to dance on tip-toe (on point) ;在19世纪30年代,女演员开始用足尖舞蹈;
9.Her left foot tilts backward, and she stands on the right toe, with her eyes full of tender feelings and her body full of charms.左脚后勾,右足尖点地,顾盼有情,神采奕奕。
10.any of various seashore mollusks having a tapering tubular shell open at each end and a foot pointed like a spade for burrowing.各种海滨的软体动物,尖头的管状贝壳在每端都有开口,足尖如铲形适于挖掘。
11.To touch a mark or line with the toe or hands in readiness for the start of a race or competition.足尖或手抵在起跑线上比赛或竞赛开始前用脚尖或手触一个记号或一根线作准备
12.Chinese students, for all their faults, at least have a base upon which to build China's pinnacle.中国学生尽管有不足之处,至少具有一个可以建造中国尖塔的基
13.A small indentation or ledge on which the toe of a shoe can find support in climbing.立足点在爬山中鞋尖可以找到支撑的小凹陷或岩石空出部
14.After the World Cup, many top European football clubs were trying to sign him.世界杯结束后,许多欧洲顶级足球俱乐部都削尖脑袋想同他签约。
15.widely distributed fast-moving ten-armed cephalopod mollusk having a long tapered body with triangular tail fins.广泛分布的十肢头足类动物,游动迅速,身体长而尖,有三角形尾鳍。
16.Cent leg crouchs greatly: Bipod stands apart, be apart from slightly shoulder of wide Yu Shuang, sufficient needle is forward.分腿深蹲:两脚分开站立,距离略宽于双肩,足尖向前。
17.Helps raise the foot after toe off, thus eliminating everyday obstructions such as doorsteps, carpets and pavements.可帮助提高足尖,以越过门槛、地毯或行人道台阶等。
18.a pin-point, knife-point, pencil point, etc针尖儿、 刀尖儿、 铅笔尖儿

Ancient species尖足布
3)toe dance足尖舞
4)running on toes足尖跑
5)stand on tiptoe足尖站立

四种具足法──在家人四种具足法【四种具足法──在家人四种具足法】  ﹝出杂阿含经﹞  [一、信具足],谓在家之人,于如来所,起敬信心,闻胜妙法,心开意解,不生疑谤,信根坚固,是名信具足。  [二、戒具足],谓在家之人,起净信心,受佛禁戒,不杀不盗不邪淫不妄语不饮酒,持此五戒,一无毁犯,是名戒具足。  [三、施具足],谓在家之人,受前戒法,能于一切所有之财,不悭不惜,施济贫乏,修此舍行,是名施具足。  [四、慧具足],谓在家之人,既受戒行施,当以智慧,观察此身虚假不实,由贪嗔痴起诸烦恼,招集无量生死之苦,能修善道,证涅槃乐,是名慧具足。(梵语涅槃,华言灭度。)