1.Results Spongiform was not discovered in white matter of the brain at 4 weeks but some apoptosis was found in brain stem and eddp white matter of the brain.目的用双环己酮草酰二腙(cuprizone)建立SD大鼠脑白质空泡样改变动物模型并观察病变部位特征。

1.Establishing a Model of SD Rat for Investigating Sponge-like Changes in the White Matter of the Brain一种研究脑白质空泡样改变SD大鼠模型的建立
2.The tubular vacuolization and dilation here is a result of ethylene glycol poisoning.乙二醇中毒引起肾小管扩张和空泡状改变。
3.Pathologically, large amounts of foam cells in diseased pulmonary alveoli and interstitial fibroplastic proliferation were seen, pulmonary cholesterol granuloma was found in 2 cases.病变肺组织肺泡内有大量泡沫细胞和间隔的纤维增生 ,2例有肉芽肿样改变。
4.the state of having become filled with vacuoles.变得充满空泡的状态。
5.The Impact of Changing Structure of Investment Entities on Stock Market:Discussions on Purchase and Sale Balance on Stock Market and Prevention of Stock-market Bubbles;投资主体结构改变对股市的影响——兼论多空均衡与股市泡沫的预防
6.The Evolution and Collapse Characteristics of Bubble and Bubble Cluster in Venturi文丘里管内空泡及空泡群的演变及其溃灭特性
7.The renal tubules showed varying degrees of vacuolar degeneration,necrosis and cast formation.肾小管病变有空泡变、坏死及管型形成。
8.If you want to adjust the brightness as you always do to the ordinary lamps, just change the distance between the photodetector and the bulb. It is easy and funny.如果要象普通调光台灯一样调光,只要改变探头和灯泡的距离即可,使用起来十分简单,有趣。
9.The renal tubules show varying degrees of vacuolar degeneration, necrosis and cast formation.肾小管呈现空泡变、坏死及管型形成。
10.Water caked the powder as hard as a stone.火药让水泡过,变得象块石头一样硬。
11.Combat also has undergone some significant changes, particularly with regard to siege and air warfare.战斗方式同样有重大的改变,尤其是压制武器和空战系统。
12.Study on Antibacterial Modification for Sepiolite-based Air Depurative Material海泡石基空气净化材料抗菌改性实验研究
13.Containing vacuoles or a vacuole.有空泡的,有液泡的
14.Retrogression of pancreatic acinar cells induced by prolonged alcohol intake in rats长期乙醇摄入导致胰腺腺泡细胞退行性改变
15.The use of cruise missile puts forth a extensive threat on the important target in the war field, and transforms the war manner, and so cruise missile becomes the important battle strengthen.巡航导弹的使用对战场重要目标构成了巨大威胁,并改变了作战样式,成为空中打击的主战力量。
16.Improve Vehicle NVH Performance by 2K PU Foam Cavity Sealing Application空腔封堵双组分聚氨酯发泡材料对改善车内噪声的研究
17.It seems that everything has been changed.似乎样样事情都已经改变了。
18.A pocket formed in a solid by air or gas that is trapped, as during cooling or hardening.气泡空气或气体由于冷却或变硬而形成固体,气囊产生于其中

To change or become different.改变,变样
3)Evolution of Bubble空泡演变
5)Changes of location and Time时空改变
6)spatial change空间改变
