1.The pharmacoeconomic analysis of Shuxuetong and vinpocetine in treatment of cerebral infarction输血通和长春西汀治疗脑梗塞的药物经济学分析

1.The pharmacoeconomic analysis of Shuxuetong and vinpocetine in treatment of cerebral infarction输血通和长春西汀治疗脑梗塞的药物经济学分析
2.NTT Communications injects more funds to an Internet companyNTT通讯公司为一家因特网公司输血
3.the amount of blood pumped out by the ventricles in a given period of time.给定时间内通过腔室输出的血液量。
4.Our aim was to investigate the possible risk of cancer transmission from blood donors to recipients through blood transfusion.我们的目的是研究通过输血癌传播的可能风险。
5.Encourage vs.discourage--discussion on urban railway development in Beijing s new city;“输血”还是“抽血”?——对北京新城轨道交通建设的一些思考
6.pocket first-aid pump for fluid infusion and blood transfusion袖珍急救输液输血泵
7.It lowers blood glucose by reducing the amount of glucose produced by the liver and helping the body respond better to the insulin made in the pancreas.降血糖作用通过减少肝脏葡萄糖输出和提高机体对胰岛素敏感性。
8.Clinical Study on Treatment of Obstructed Oviduct by Huo Xue Tong Guan Decoction and Dan Shen Injection;活血通管汤与丹参注射液治疗输卵管阻塞的临床研究
9.Effects of Cyclic and Continuous Nutrition to Blood Glucose Levels and Serum Inflammatory Mediators in Mechanical Ventilated Patients with Respiratory Failure周期性与持续性营养输注对机械通气患者血糖及炎症因子的影响
10.input/output channel statistics输入输出通道统计学
11.inputoutput multiplexer输入输出多路调制(通道
12.communication input/output control system通信输入-输出控制系统
13.input-output channel controller输入输出通道控制器
14.automatic blood warming products自动温血器﹝输血用﹞
15.someone who gives blood to be used for transfusions.捐献血液用于输血的人。
16.METHODS To propose the strategy for assur ing blood transfusion by analyses of the related blood standards and references.方法通过对相关血液标准和文献的分析和总结,提出安全输血保障的策略。
17.Retrospective analysis of fetoscopic photocoagulation of communicating placental vessels of twin-twin transfusion syndrome胎儿镜下胎盘血管交通支凝固术治疗双胎输血综合征6例临床分析
18.The role of blood transfusion branch in hospital's clinical transfusion management输血科在医院临床输血管理中的作用

general standard of equipment for infusion输血输液器材通用标准
3)Blood transfusion输血
1.New development of blood transfusion-related acute lung injury(TRALI);输血相关性急性肺损伤及其新进展
2.The correlation between blood transfusion and tumor recurrence;输血与肿瘤复发的相关性
3.Discusses the clinical blood transfusion to nurse the experience;探讨临床输血的护理体会
1.Analysis of immunoglobulin in patients with malignant tumor before and after blood transfusion;恶性肿瘤患者输血前后免疫球蛋白测定结果分析
2.Comparison of Transfusion and Its Costs for Patients underwent Conventional Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass;体外循环与非体外循环冠状动脉旁路移植术输血情况的对比研究
3.Investigation on present status of transfusion departments of hospital in Ningbo region;宁波地区医院输血科(血库)现状调查分析
1.Field portable transfusion device;介绍一种野战便携式输液输血器
6)Blood transfusion and infusion quantity输血输液量
