2)Summary on Research in Gelotophobia恐笑症研究
6)Phobic disorders恐怖症

1.claustrophobia n.对寂闭著的场所的恐怖症
2.On the Psychological Intervention and Correction of Social Phobia;对一例社交恐怖症的心理干预及矫治
3.An abnormal fear of being in narrow or enclosed spaces.幽闭恐怖症处于狭窄或被包围场所的异常恐惧
4.Diagnosis of Social Phobia of Vocational College Students and Psychological Treatment--For a typical example of social phobia in Higher Vocational College Students;高职学生社交恐怖症的诊断及心理矫治——以一个典型高职学生社交恐怖症的病案为例
5.any phobia (other than agoraphobia) associated with situations in which you are subject to criticism by others (as fear of eating in public or public speaking etc).任何一种由于对社会外界现象产生的恐怖症
6.suffering from claustrophobia; abnormally afraid of closed-in places.患有幽闭恐怖症;不正常地害怕封闭的地方。
7.suffering from mysophobia; abnormally afraid of dirt or contamination.患有不洁恐怖症;不正常地害怕污物或者污染。
8.Sometimes, the result of extreme paranoia is a phobia.有时,这种极度偏执狂的结果便是恐怖症
9.The Formation of Social Life Phobia in University Students and Chinese Face-culture;大学生社交恐怖症的形成与中国的面子文化
10.Cyber Psychological Psychotherapy on Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia;伴有广场恐怖症的惊恐障碍的网络心理学治疗新技术
11.Some people who suffered a panic attack develop a[ phobia], a deep fear of ever repeating the activity that[ brought] on the attack.重复性的遭受恐慌袭击会产生一种深深的恐惧,以至于会演变成恐怖症
12.Aversion to gay or homosexual people or their lifestyle or culture.同性恋恐怖症对同性恋者或其文化或生活方式的厌恶
13."Phobia: Extreme and irrational fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation."恐怖症: 对某种对象、某类物体或情景的极端无理性的害怕。
14.A Vermont woman described as claustrophobic is being charged with interfering with a flight.佛蒙特州一名号称患幽闭恐怖症的妇女被控干涉航班飞行。
15.The Study of the Syptoms Charicteristics of Social Phobia and Application the Group Morita Therapy to the Social Phobia;社交恐怖症的发病特征以及集体森田疗法治疗的应用研究
16.The Interpretation of the Theme of “The New Year Sacrifice”:The Culture of Lu Town and Sister Xianglin s Claustrophobia;鲁镇文化和祥林嫂的幽闭恐怖症——《祝福》主题的重新解读
17.Psychological Interventions for Patients with Phobia Claustrophobia Induced by MRI Examination核磁共振成像检查致幽闭恐怖症患者的心理干预
18.When did he contract somnambulism? it's horrible.他什么时候患上夜游症的, 好恐怖。

Summary on Research in Gelotophobia恐笑症研究
6)Phobic disorders恐怖症
