2)To engage in hazardous activities;take risks.冒险参加冒险性活动;担风险
3)risk-taking incentive冒险动机
1.Bank franchise value has been verified to be connected closely with banks risk-taking incentive.银行特许权价值(FV)与银行的冒险动机密切相关,FV高的银行因珍惜其FV,避免破产后被吊销执照,会自动采取审慎的经营战略;反之,FV低的银行则冒险动机强烈,导致银行失败的可能性更大。
4)adventuresome adj.冒险性的

1.An undertaking or enterprise of a hazardous nature.冒险活动,冒险经历具有冒险性的任务或计划
2.a sporting offer一个带有冒险性的提议
3.Not inclined to undertake new, risky enterprises.不富于冒险精神的不从事新的冒险性事业的
4.Disposed to engage in risky activities or enterprises.爱冒险的乐于参加冒险性活动或事业的
5.lessen the impact, likelihood, risk of sth减少某事物的影响、 可能性、 冒险性.
6.A promoter of speculative or fraudulent enterprises.冒险性或欺骗性企业的发起人
7.To take part in a dangerous or risky undertaking.玩火,冒险参加危险或冒险的任务
8.the lure of adventure [Paris]冒险 [巴黎] 的魅力
9.Her clothing is suggestive of an adventurous personality.她的服饰显示了她爱冒险的个性。
10.Faber did not want to risk his life to no purpose.菲伯尔不想拿他的性命做无谓的冒险。
11.You need an element of surprise or adventure periodically in your life.你的生活中需要阶段性的惊喜与冒险。
12.Involving risk or danger; hazardous.冒险的;危险的涉及冒险或危险的;有危险的
13.She risked her life to help save mine.她冒着生命危险来帮助搭救我的性命。
14.He saved my life at the risk of losing his own.他冒着生命危险救了我的性命。
15.George’s game for anything with a bit of adventure in it.凡有一点冒险性质的事乔治都愿做。
16.the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger.勇于承担事情的特性包括冒险的或危险的。
17.The possibility of danger give ( a ) zest to the adventure可能发生的危险增加了那次冒险的刺激性
18.The possibility of danger gave (a) zest to the adventure.可能发生的危险增加了那次冒险的刺激性。

To engage in hazardous activities;take risks.冒险参加冒险性活动;担风险
3)risk-taking incentive冒险动机
1.Bank franchise value has been verified to be connected closely with banks risk-taking incentive.银行特许权价值(FV)与银行的冒险动机密切相关,FV高的银行因珍惜其FV,避免破产后被吊销执照,会自动采取审慎的经营战略;反之,FV低的银行则冒险动机强烈,导致银行失败的可能性更大。
4)adventuresome adj.冒险性的
6)leap in the dark冒险的行动

冲动1.诱动;挑动。 2.冲击撼动。 3.感情特别强烈,理性控制很薄弱的心理现象。 4.犹轰动。