
1.Exploratory development of MMSE for senile dementia patients简易智能精神状态检查量表在老年痴呆患者中的应用研究
2.Visual inspection for the surface quality of equipment and weld seams. Review the manufacture’s reports.目视检查设备和焊缝的外表面质量。检查制造厂的自检报告。
3.Quality inspection of electronic watch will be carried out by appointed inspector.电子表的质量检测将由指定的检查员进行。
4.instrument and apparatus for measuring or checking the pressure of liquids or gases测量 量或检查液体或气体压力用仪器和仪表
5.Hashtable's capacity overflowed and went negative. Check load factor and capacity, and possibly the current size of the table.哈希表的容量溢出并且为负。检查加载因子和容量,并在可能情况下检查表的当前大小。
6.Use clamp ampere meter to measure the current and check if the heating power is normal.用钳形表测量电流,检查发热功率是否正常。
7.standard meter for checking or calibrating electricity production and supply meters标准仪,用来检查或校准电力生产和供应计量表
8.conduct a survey进行测量/考察/调查/检查
9.China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said it had impounded the orange pulp in the eastern province of Shandong and the apricots were seized in Shenzhen.中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局表示,柳橙果肉是在东部省份山东查获的,杏脯是在深圳查获的。
10.On superficial examination, the teeth appear normal.表面检查牙齿似乎正常。
11.laser surface fineness meter激光表面光洁度检查仪
12.surface dynamic profilometer表面动态光洁度检查仪
14.film submission form [film censorship]电影送呈表格〔电影检查〕
15.The circuit tester is a simple test instrument which only shows whether the circuit is intact or whether there is a break.电路导通器是一种简单的量测仪表,它只能检查电路的通断状况。
16.Single sampling procedures and tables for inspection having desired operating characteristics by variables for percent nonconformingGB/T8053-1987不合格品率的计量标准型一次抽样检查程序及表
17.Does FDG Uptake Correlate with VEGF Family and Their Receptors Expression in Lung Adenocarcinoma?;肺腺癌PET检查中FDG吸收量与VEGF家族及其受体表达是否相关?
18.Stresses of Quality Assurance Audits and Quality Assurance Inspections;质量保证监查和质量保证检查的重点

Nursing quality examing lists护理质量检查表
3)inspection for external quality外表质量检查
4)strip surface quality inspection带钢表面质量检查
5)Chinese agrammatism battery汉语语法检查量表
1.Objective To develop a Chinese agrammatism battery for evaluating the impairment of verbal communicating of agrammatism patient and to test its value in clinical application.目的 设计了一套汉语语法检查量表 ,以准确、全面地评定汉语失语症患者的语法缺失程度 ,并测试其临床应用价值。
6)Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) checklist-civilian versionPTSD检查量表平民版

检查检查  医务人员运用五官和手及各种医疗设备对人体所进行的各种检查、观察。如体格检查、心电图检查、X线检查等。