1.Diagnostic value of video-EEG in children with sleep-related paroxysmal events视频脑电监测在睡眠相关事件鉴别诊断中的应用价值

1.Analysis of sleep-related problems in 32 autistic children32例自闭症儿童的睡眠相关问题分析
2.Dreams have close ties with sleep.梦与睡眠紧密相关。
3.Sleep paralysis is sometimes associated with narcolepsy.相关症状——睡眠瘫痪有时伴随发作性嗜睡症。
4.A Study on the Relationship between Sleep-disordered Breathing and Acute Stroke;睡眠呼吸障碍与脑卒中的相关性研究
5.Sleep Quality and Psychological Auailable in Athletes;运动员睡眠质量及其相关因素的研究
6.On the Relation between Sleeping Quality of 3-5-year Children and Family Sleeping Environment;3~5岁儿童睡眠质量与其家庭睡眠环境的相关研究
7.Clinical and Polysomnographic Characteristics of Patients with Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Disordered Breathing快动眼睡眠期相关阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征人群特征的研究
8.Relationship between Sleep Duration、Obesity and Obesity-related Hormones in Children;睡眠时间与儿童期肥胖及相关激素的关系
9.Investigation on Association between Residual Sleepiness and Central Sleep Apnea Events in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome;阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停患者残余嗜睡与中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停事件相关性的研究
10.Potentially, the most serious problem associated with insomnia is related to obstructive sleep apnea.与失眠相关的最严重的潜在问题是阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂时。
11.A study on the experimentation of sleep in relation to the mental health situation and personality in the insomniacs失眠症患者的多导睡眠图检测及其与心理卫生状况的相关研究
12.Study of Sleep State Perception in Insomniacs and Patients with OSAHS: Characters and Related Factors;失眠患者与OSAHS患者睡眠感知特征及相关影响因素的研究
13.The clinical study of multiple factors in sleep apnea syndrome;睡眠呼吸暂停综合征的临床多因素相关研究
14.Analysis on Difference of Sleep Status in Patients with Oral Cancer after Operation;口腔癌患者术后睡眠状况调查与相关因素分析
15.The Relationships Between College Students Sleep Quality and Type A Behavior;大学生睡眠质量与A型行为模式的相关研究
16.The Relativity Research of Sleep Method and the Ageds physical Endowment level;老年人睡眠方式与其体质水平的相关性探讨
17.A Study on the Correlation between Sleep Quality,Anxiety and Depression in Railroad Workers.;铁路职工睡眠质量与焦虑、抑郁相关研究
18.Investigation on students sleeping status in five demonstrating senior high schools of Anhui Province;5地市720名高中学生睡眠状况相关因素分析

sleep related parameters睡眠相关参数
3)Sleep phase睡眠时相
1.Effect of the Tianwang Buxin Pill(天王补心丸)on the sleep phase of insomnia rats;天王补心丸对失眠大鼠睡眠时相的影响
4)Sleeping state睡眠时相
1.decoction on sleeping state of free-moving rats.目的:观察夜交藤对自由活动大鼠睡眠时相的影响。
5)sleep stage睡眠时相
1.An investigation on the apnea events and the correspondent sleep stage;睡眠呼吸暂停事件的睡眠时相调查
2.Objective To understand the influence of different sleep stages on respiratory regulation in normal people.目的了解不同睡眠时相对正常人呼吸控制功能的影响。
6)paradoxical sleep异相睡眠

模具加工时FANUC先行控制相关参数调整一、0MC/0MD   参数号码 参数含义 典型设定 备注 45#3 切削进给插补后直 1 635为时间常数 线加减速有效 393#0 自动拐角降速功能有效 1 如果拐角要求 高时设1 395#2 切削进给插补后直线加 1 减速有效(先行控制) 395#3 依速度差控制拐角降速 1 482,483, 487设定 395#6 插补前直线加减速 1 类型B有效 399#2 前馈控制对切削进给 通常设0 和快移均有效 399#4 依进给类型的在位检 0