语言表征,linguistic representation
1)linguistic representation语言表征
1.Therefore,they first found the conceptive representation,then express it in the form of their first language,which means that the children have acquired the linguistic representation.但是,当儿童获得了语言表征之后,原先的概念表征还是继续发挥着它应有的作用。
2.Factual representation, psychological representation and linguistic representation are closely interrelated.现实表征、心理表征与语言表征是紧密联系的三个概念。

1.Factual Representation, Psychological Representation and Linguistic Representation;现实表征 心理表征 语言表征
2.On Rationale of Linguistic Presentation & Translation-From the Perspective of Chinese Dynamic VS English Static中英动静态语言表征认识理性与翻译
3.Linguistic Representation of Male and Female Writer Gender Difference in Chinese Literature;汉语文学作品中男女作家性别语言差异的语言表征
4.Language Presentation and Language Switching Effects of Less Proficient Chinese-English Bilinguals: An ERPs Study;不熟练汉英双语者语言表征与切换的ERP研究
5.The Language Manifestation among Different Ranks of Mandarin quality in the Hei Longjiang transitional language of Chinese;黑龙江中介语不同等级的语言表征探析
6.On the linguistic representations of black hunmor in Catch 22;《第二十二条军规》中黑色幽默的语言表征探讨
7.Talk on Mental Representation of Language in Foreign Language Listening Comprehension;小议外语听力理解中语言的心理表征
8.The Feature of Conceptual Representation in the Second Language Of Proficient Uygur Bilinguals熟练维-汉双语者第二语言的概念表征的特征
10.Scan Dialect Point from Expressing Way in Particular;从方言的特殊表达语序审视其语法语义特征
11.The Expression Function and Artistic Character in Film Color Language;电影色彩语言的表意功能与艺术特征
12.The Characters of Language on Chunqiu and its Pragmatic Principles;《春秋》经的语言特征及其表达机制
13.The Characteristics of the Mental Representation of Second Language Knowledge;中国大学生第二语言知识的心理表征特征
14.Many grammatical features of a language are purely superficial aspects of linguistic structure.语言的许多语法特征都纯粹是语言结构的表层现象。
15.Exploring the Effects of Frequency and Language Proficiency on the Representation of Formulaic Sequences in the L2 Mental Lexicon;探索词频和语言水平对公式化语言在二语心理词汇中表征的影响
16.Neat Patterns of Grammar Representation & Family Resemblance of Language Usage;语法表征的齐整模式与语言运用的家族相似
17.On the Basic Characteristics of Tone and the Expressive Form of Dialectic Tone;论语调的基本特征及方言语调的表现形式
18.A cross-linguistic study of the space representation--Review of the relativity theory on language and thought;空间表征的跨语言研究——语言与认知的相关性分析

language representation语言表征
1.This thesis attempts to figure out the relationship between languages and numbers in terms of cognition,culture,language representation and neuroscience to clearly understand the relationship between languages and numbers,which will present a theoretical guidance for cognition research of languages and numbers.分别从认知、文化、语言表征及神经科学等不同角度加以综述,可以更清楚地去认识语言和数字之间的关系,这对语言和数字的认知学习具有重要的理论意义和指导意义。
3)speech formation言语表征
1.Objective token of curriculum knowledge refers to the implementation mechanism on public dimension,which includes the written formation and speech formation.课程知识的客观表征是课程知识在公共维度的实现机制,它通过文字表征形成了书写的课程知识,通过言语表征形成了言说的课程知识。
4)linguistic representations语言学表征
5)non-language representation非语言表征
6)representationality of language语言表征性

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。