原发性进行性失语,primary progressive aphasia
1)primary progressive aphasia原发性进行性失语
1.Objective To analyze the imaging characteristics of one patient with primary progressive aphasia (PPA).目的分析1例原发性进行性失语患者的脑影像学特点。
2.Objective To exhibit the changes of association fasciculi of primary progressive aphasia(PPA) with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and fiber tractography technique.目的应用扩散张量成像(DTI)及纤维追踪成像(F iber tractography)检查结果,揭示原发性进行性失语(PPA)患者大脑半球内、半球间联系纤维结构改变。

1.Linguistic analysis of primary progressive aphasia原发性进行性失语的语言学分析(英文)
2.Prion protein codon 129 genotype preva-lence is altered in primary progressive aphasia原发进行性失语患者的朊蛋白密码子129基因型患病率改变
3.essential progressive atrophy of iris原发性进行性虹膜萎缩
4.A total of 23 patients with aphasia caused by acute cerebrovascular diseases were examined continuously for 8 weeks.对23例急性脑血管病所致的失语患者进行连续8周的失语检查。
5.Methods: The cause and treatment of239 pregnancies with arrhythmia were retrospecively analysed.方法:对239例妊娠合并心律失常进行回顾性分析,分析其发生原因及处理方法。
6.On the Necessities of Grammar Teaching with Communicative Principles;浅谈运用交际原则进行语法教学的必要性
7.Introducing Music into College English Teaching: Feasibility and Principles;音乐引进大学英语教学的可行性及原则
8.Primary progressive multiple sclerosis as a phenotype of a PLP1 gene mutation原发性进行性多发性硬化症是PLP1基因突变的表型
9.The Relativity of Politeness Principle and Language Application Mistakes;礼貌原则的相对性及引起的语用失误
10.chronic progressive acrocyanosis慢性进行性手足发绀
11.progressive idiopathic atrophod erma进行性特发性皮萎缩
12.The progress of the research on molecular epidemiology of primary open angle glaucoma原发性开角型青光眼的分子流行病学研究进展
13.Effectiveness of Undergraduate Nursing Students Health Education for Patients with Essential Hypertension;对原发性高血压进行护理健康教育的效果评价
14....to lose their virginity and engage in unprotected sex....失去童贞或者进行无保护的性行为
15.Study on Mood, Personality Traits and Habitus in Primary Insomnia;肝郁证原发性失眠症患者情绪状态、行为特征、体质类型特点初探
16.Evaluation of cognitive-behaviour therapy combined with drug treatment on insomnia认知-行为疗法结合药物治疗原发性失眠症的疗效评价
17.auditory aphasia【医】听觉性失语症
18.The patients was an73 year old man who had a progressive memory loss without other illness, and who had worsened over a the3 years prior to imaging.患者是73岁男性,不明原因的进行性记忆丧失,在拍片前3年中逐渐恶化。

primary progressive原发进行性
3)developmental aphasia发展性失语
4)Primary insomnia原发性失眠
1.Treating primary insomnia with acupuncture and manipulation;针刺配合推拿治疗原发性失眠临床观察
2.MethodsSixty-three patients diagnosed as Primary insomnia enrolled this study by undergoing overnight night polysomanographic examination.目的探讨原发性失眠患者的血清5羟色胺(5HT)和去甲肾上腺素(NE)与心理功能损害的关系。
3.Objective:To explore the quality of life in patients with primary insomnia.目的:探讨原发性失眠患者生活质量及影响因素。
5)Holmes's degeneration霍姆斯变性(原发性进行性小脑变性)
6)Primary Insomnia原发性失眠症
1.The TCM Clinical Characteristics of Primary Insomnia;原发性失眠症的中西医临床特征初探

小儿获得性癫痫性失语小儿获得性癫痫性失语  即“Landau-Kleffner综合征”,是小儿所特有的癫痫综合征。起病多在2~8岁间,男多于女。主要的临床表现是失语、脑电图异常和癫痫发作,但三者并非同时发生,起病时的首发症状多以失语开始。本病病因不明,约10%有家族癫痫史。神经系统未见阳性体征。