汉语失读症,Chinese alexia
1)Chinese alexia汉语失读症
1.In recent years,with the development of cognitive neuropsychology,the researchers have investigated the Chinese alexic patients,revealed the special clinical feature of Chinese alexia,and discussed the pathogenesis of it.近年来,随着认知神经心理学的发展,学者根据汉字的自身特点,对汉语失读症患者进行检查,揭示了汉字失读不同于拼音文字的特殊表现,进而对汉语失读症的发生机制进行了探讨。

1.The Preliminary Experimental Neuralpsychological Research of Chinese Alexia;汉语失读症的实验神经心理学初步研究
2.Research on Naming and Related Symptoms and Mechanism of Aphasia in Chinese;汉语失语症命名及相关症状机制研究
3.The Differential Diagnosis Flow Diagram of Aphasia Types in Chinese Aphasia汉语失语症失语类型的鉴别诊断流程(二)
4.Introduction to Chinese Standard Aphasia Examination汉语标准失语症检查法的编制与常模
5.Clinical Characteristic of Chinese Aphasia after Cerebral Ganglion Injury in 19 Cases Stroke Patients丘脑卒中为主的汉语失语症临床特征
6.Clinical Study on Aphasia for Uighur and Chinese维吾尔语和汉语双语失语症的临床研究
7.A study of the relation between Chinese agraphia and the location of brain damage;汉语失写症与脑损害部位关系的研究
8.Relationship between Aphasia Types and Lesion Distribution of Aphasia Patients Whose Native Language are Chinese母语为汉语的失语症类型与病变部位的关系
9.Reliability of Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination-Chinese Version波士顿诊断性失语症检查汉语版的信度
10.Clinical correlative study of three examinational scales for aphasia in Chinese三种汉语失语症检查方法的临床相关性研究
11.Computer-assisted evaluation on fluency of the patients with Chinese aphasia汉语失语症计算机辅助流利性检测的研究
12.The Study of Chinese Vocabulary Orthographic、Semantic and Phonological Processing in Patient with Broca Aphasia汉语Broca失语症患者词汇形音义加工的研究
13.Identifing the source of repetition difficulties of aphasic patients by Psycholinguistic Assessment in Chinese Aphasia应用汉语失语症心理语言评价探查失语症患者复述困难产生原因的研究
14.She developed a mild anomic aphasia in addition to continued alexia without agraphia.除了持续的不伴有失写的失读症外,还逐渐出现轻度的流利性失语。
15.of or relating to or symptomatic of alexia.属于、关于失读症的,或有失读症征兆的。
16.On Aphasia of Chinese Comparative Literature--Exemplified by Reading of Laocoōn中国比较文学的失语症——以《读〈拉奥孔〉》为例
17.Everyday Chinese-Brighter Read in Classical Chinese每日汉语-古汉语趣读
18.Discussion on results of 48 cases of aphasia in CVD assessed by “Chinese language test of aphasia (draft)”脑血管病引起的失语症48例《汉语失语症检查法(草案)》检查结果的讨论

Chinese aphasia汉语失语症
1.Objective:To prospectively study the relationships among spontaneous recovery, the lesion regions, and types of Chinese aphasia in patients after stroke.目的 :前瞻性研究脑卒中后汉语失语症类型与病变部位的关系及对其自然恢复的影响。
2.Objective To investigate the characteristic of Chinese aphasia after cerebral ganglion injury in stroke patients.目的观察以丘脑卒中为主的汉语失语症患者的言语障碍特点。
3)aphasia battery of China汉语失语症检查法
1.Methods Collecting 84 cerebral hemorrhage cases with the aphasia, analyzed the types of their character using the aphasia battery of China(ABC) and study the relationship between the aphasia, the hemorrhagic focus and the other factors.方法收集本科住院的84例有失语症的脑出血患者,采用汉语失语症检查法检查失语的类型及特点,结合临床及CT、MRI结果分析它们的发生及类型与病灶和其他因素的关系。
4)aphasia examination汉语标准失语症检查
5)pure alexia纯失读症
1.Objective: To analyze the linguistic, cognitive and imaging features of a pure alexia case.目的:从语言、认知、影像学角度对1例纯失读症患者进行分析。
2.Objective : To find the character-or - word impairment mechanism in Chinese pure alexia, we administer a detailed and deep research into a Chinese pure alexic through the experimental neuropsychological method.【目的】利用实验神经心理学的方法对一汉语纯失读症患者进行详细、深入地研究,旨在初步探求汉语纯失读症的字词加工障碍机制。
1.The Preliminary Experimental Neuralpsychological Research of Chinese Alexia;汉语失读症的实验神经心理学初步研究
2.Understanding the basic mechanism of reading is the foundation for studying the pathogenesis of alexia and its rehabilitation care.对阅读基本机制的了解是研究失读症发病机制和对失读症进行康复治疗的基础。
3.[Aims]We made the experimental neuropsychologic research for Chinese Alexia, from the difference of the Chinese character and alphabetic writing.【目的】立足于汉字与拼音文字的区别,通过对失读症患者进行深入的实验神经心理学研究,基于汉字的独特性方面,从部件加工的角度,探讨文字在人脑中的加工机制,了解汉字失读症产生的神经心理学基础。

感觉性失语症感觉性失语症sensory aphasia  感觉性失语症(sensory aphasia)又称“威尼克氏失语症”(Wernieke,saPhasia)。病变位于颜上回之后部,由于其中储存的听觉语音记忆痕迹受影响,造成理解口语和口语表达困难。此时病人听力正常,但听不懂别人及自己说的话:严重时答非所问,病人常滔滔不绝地独自说个不停,但用词混乱,使人无法理解。病人对自己的病态毫无觉察,类似精神分裂症病人的思维破裂症状。障碍较轻时,病人对别人的言谈可部分听懂,但常发生错误。往往同时伴有失读症和失写症,但不如口语理解和表达障碍那样严重。 (赵亚忠撰刘协和审)