1.Determination of 4 Drugs of Ephedrines in Urine by GC/MSD;尿中4种麻黄素类药物的GC/MSD测定
2.Clinical observation on prophylactic ephedrine attenuates the hemodynamic response to propofol;小剂量麻黄素预防丙泊酚诱导期间低血压的临床观察
3.Ephedrine infusion intravenously used in prevention of blood cycle inhibition induced by epidural-anesthesia in women underwent cesarean section;微泵静脉注射麻黄素预防剖宫产术硬膜外麻醉的循环抑制

1.Chinese ephedra yielding ephedrine.中国麻黄属植物,产生麻黄素
2.L-methylephedrine hydrochloride盐酸左旋甲基麻黄素
3.Any of various Asian shrubs of the genus Ephedra, especially E. sinica, from which the drug ephedrine is obtained.麻黄任一属于麻黄属的多种亚洲灌木,尤指麻黄,从中可以提取麻黄素
4.Management enterprises of ephedrine are strictly prohibited to sell ephedrine to any enterprise or individual without a certificate of purchase and use.麻黄素经营企业严禁向无购用证明的企业或个人销售麻黄素
5.Customs exercises supervision and control over ephedrine export and examines the license and issues customs clearance against the ephedrine export license.海关依法对麻黄素出口实行监管,凭麻黄素出口许可证验证放行。
6.Strengthening ephedrine warehouse and transport control.( 三)加强麻黄素的仓储和运输管理。
7.Speculation and transfer of certificates for ephedrine purchase and use shall be prohibited.禁止倒卖和转让麻黄素购用证明。
8.Regulations on the control of ephedrine have steadily been improved.逐步完善管制麻黄素的法规。
9.Use of cash shall be prohibited in the purchase and marketing activities of ephedrine.在麻黄素购销活动中禁止使用现金。
10.Planned production of ephedrine shall be carried out at designated points in fixed quantity.一)对麻黄素实行定点、定量、计划生产。
11.EXTRACTION OF EPHEDRINE FROM EPHEDRA SINICA STAFF LEACH LIQUOR Ⅱ.--Performance of Extraction Column溶剂萃取法从麻黄草浸渍液提取麻黄素Ⅱ.——萃取塔的功应
12.Content determination of Ephedrine Hydrochloride Nasal Drop by HPLCHPLC法测定盐酸麻黄碱滴鼻液中盐酸麻黄素的含量
13.Ports of ephedrine export shall be designated by the General Administration of Customs, ports not designated by the General Administration of Customs are not allowed to export ephedrine.麻黄素出口口岸由海关总署指定,非经海关总署指定的口岸,不准出口麻黄素
14.The State practices license control system for the export of ephedrine.国家对麻黄素的出口实行许可证管理制度。
15.He was found to have traces of the banned substance, ephedrine, in his blood stream.在他的血液中发现有违禁物质麻黄素的迹象。
16.China is one of the major producing and exporting countries of natural ephedrine.我国是天然麻黄素的主要生产国和出口国之一。
17.No other units or individuals shall engage in ephedrine export business.其他单位和个人一律不得从事麻黄素出口业务。
18.Departments of public health must enhance control over prescribed ephedrine preparations.卫生部门要加强对麻黄素单方制剂的管理。

3)ephedrine hydrochloride盐酸麻黄素
1.Determination of cortisone acetate and ephedrine hydrochloride in compound cortisone and ephedrine nasal drops;复方麻可滴鼻液中醋酸可的松盐酸麻黄素的含量测定
2.Simultantous determination of ephedrine hydrochloride and hydrocotisone in the nose drops by HPLC;高效液相色谱法同时测定滴鼻剂中盐酸麻黄素和氢化可的松的含量
3.Objective: To test the preparation and quality control of 1% ephedrine hydrochloride gel.目的 :探讨 1%盐酸麻黄素凝胶剂的制备及质控方法。
4)Ephedrine effluent麻黄素废液
1.Studies on hemi-biosynthesis of L-ephedrine Biosynthesis of L-PAC by use of immobilized yeast cell;左旋麻黄素半生物合成的研究 固定化酵母细胞生物合成L—PAC(L—苯基乙酰基甲醇)
6)waste water containing ephedrine麻黄素废水
1.The treatment of waste water containing ephedrine was studied by a flocculation and electrolysis method.本文探讨了用絮凝—电解法联用处理麻黄素废水,研究了絮凝剂种类、用量、体系pH值及电极材料,槽电压对处理结果的影响,实验表明,用絮凝—电解法联用处理麻黄素废水可使其透光率达99%以上,COD下降95%。
