1.Effect of noninvasive limb ischemic preconditioning on myocardium matris metalloproteinases induced by ischemia/reperfusion in rats;无创性肢体缺血预适应对大鼠缺血再灌注损伤心肌基质金属蛋白酶的影响
2.Delayed protection of limbs atraumatic ischemic preconditioning against myocardial injury in rats;无创性肢体缺血预适应对大鼠心脏的延迟保护作用
3.Clinical Investigation on the Application of Immunosuppressive Agents after Limb Allograft Transplantation;同种异体肢体(手)移植术后免疫抑制剂的应用研究

1.A bodily limb or appendage.四肢或身体的附属肢体
2.phantom limb(截肢后依然感到肢体存在的)幻肢(感)
3.atrophied limbs, muscles萎缩的肢体、 肌肉.
4.Now the body is not made up of one part but of many.身子原不是一个肢体、是许多肢体
5.To cut, tear, or pull off the limbs of.肢解切割、撕裂或扯裂…的肢体
6.The position assumed by an extended limb.伸肢定位用伸出的肢体判断出的位置
7.Limb-sparing surgeries deeloped for sarcomas of the extremities (late 1970s).肢体肉瘤保肢手术发明(70年代晚期).
8.Limbs-Salvage Limb Osteosarcoma By Intervention And Radioation For Three Cases介入加放疗保肢治疗肢体骨肉瘤(3例)
9.1 Cor. 12:14 For the body is not one member but many.林前十二14身体原不是一个肢体,乃是许多肢体
10.impedance plethysmograph amplifier阻抗式肢体容积放大器
11.That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.林前12:26若一个肢体受苦、有的肢体就一同受苦.一个肢体得荣耀、有的肢体就一同快乐。
12.deprive of the use of a limb, esp. a leg.剥夺某人的肢体如腿。
13.deform a structure, limb, spine使一结构、 肢体、 脊柱变形.
14.a condition of disability resulting from the loss of one or more limbs.缺少肢体的残疾状态。
15.lose a vital member, such as an arm失去一重要肢体, 如胳膊.
16.A limb terminating in such a structure.末端有这种构造的肢体
17.and only with their body or with the use of apparatus,只用他们的肢体或器材,
18.bind(a wound,limb,etc)with bandages(用带)包扎(伤口、肢体等)

1.The Effect of Shenfu Injection on Reperfusion Injury of Rabbit Extremities;参附注射液对兔肢体缺血再灌注损伤的影响
2.Objective: To discuss how to practise microsurgery toical repair of the involved extremities in patients with the multiple y-injured injury patient s extremities after or at the same time ofsimultaneously with the emergency life-saving operation and how to bring ”the whole functional rehabilitation chain” into full play during the therapy process.目的 :探讨急诊实施抢救生命手术的同时行肢体显微外科手术修复 ,并注意发挥“全程功能康复链”在治疗过程中的作用。
3.Method : Twelve cases of extremities soft-tissue defects, accompanied with exposed bon es and tendons underwent operations of trunk-flap graft.目的 :分析躯干部皮瓣移植修复肢体软组织缺损的手术适应症及与此手术相关的康复措施 ,提高皮瓣移植手术效果。
1.The Changes and Impact of Mesentery Microcirculation and Hemorheology in Rats with Hind Limbs Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury;肢体缺血再灌注损伤对大鼠肠系膜微循环和血液流变性的变化及意义
2.The Changes of Fas Protein in the Hippocampus after Ischemic-reperfusion of Limbs;大鼠肢体缺血—再灌注后海马Fas蛋白表达的变化
3.Objective To prove the clinical effect of portable auto-haemostat machine on body's limbs.目的:验证便携式肢体自动止血器的人体临床效用。
1.Clinical features and treatment of extremity desmoid tumor;肢体韧带样瘤的临床特点与治疗
2.The clinical significance of P27 expression in extremity leiomyosarcoma;P27在肢体平滑肌肉瘤组织中的表达及临床意义
3.Objective:To investigate the expression of p57 and nm23 in leiomyosarcoma of extremity and analyze their significance in diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.目的:检测肢体平滑肌肉瘤组织中p57及nm23的表达,分析p57及nm23对平滑肌肉瘤的诊断、治疗及预后的意义。
1.Mechanics study on body striking effect of strikers;对散打运动员肢体打击效果的力学探讨
2.From the perspective of teaching dance,modern dance is introduced into dance classes in teachers college,aided by the pedagogic notion "body develops mind and mind guides body".从舞蹈教学出发,把现代舞引进高等师范舞蹈课堂,辅以“肢体开发思想,思想引导肢体”的舞蹈教学理念,强调了现代舞对学生肢体、思维以及综合能力的开拓作用,使学生在进行了现代舞的技术训练后,思维更活跃,身体更解放,最终成为“最自由的身体蕴藏着最高的智慧”的创造性人才。
3.The differences between the human brain and the body make people s needs to show diversities and foresights and have the contradictions between the needs and the ability of self-realization.人脑与人的肢体的差异以及进化的不同步性,使人类在自身过程中出现了这样一对矛盾:需求多样性、前瞻性与人自我靠肢体能力实现其需求之间不同步;工具与社会的产生是人类计算的结果。
6)human limbs人体肢体
1.Multi force balances development for human limbs;人体肢体多台测力天平的研制
