社会行为,social behavior
1)social behavior社会行为
1.Mediating Effect of Children s Self-Concept on the Relationship Between Parents Negative Punishments and Children s Social Behaviors;自我概念在父母阴性惩罚与儿童社会行为发展间的中介效应分析
2.A quantitative indices system of social behavior factors in casualty forecasting;影响减员预测的社会行为因素量化指标
3.How Electronic Media Affect the Social Behavior?:A Review of Meyrowitz s Theory;电子媒介如何影响社会行为——梅罗维茨传播理论述评

1.bio-social behavioural modification techniques生物社会行为改造技术
2.You must adapt to the norm of the society you live In在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则
3.You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in.在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则.
4.His behavior transgressed the moral rules of the social conduct.他的行为违背了社会行为的道德准则。
5.Research on On-line Pro-social Behavior of the Postgraduate Students虚拟社区中研究生亲社会行为的探析
6.The Research on Prosocial Value Orientation and Prosocial Behavior;大学生亲社会价值取向与亲社会行为研究
7.The Youth s Lack of Pro-social Behavior and Social Interferenuce;青少年亲社会行为缺失的原因分析与社会干预
8.the act of meeting for social purposes.为社会目的聚集的行为。
9.civilized society, behaviour有礼貌的社会、 行为.
10.Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences社会、行为与经济科学局
11.socially acceptable behavior社会上所能容忍的行为
12.standard of public conduct公共行为准则,社会风气
13.conformity to social expectations.行为与社会的要求一致。
14.On the Social Basis of Doctor s Consciousness and Behaviors about Their Social Duty;论医师社会责任意识行为的社会基础
15.Structure and Action: Rationality Behavioral in the Modern Society;结构与行动:现代社会中的行为理性化
16.Steering Committee on Social and Behavioural Research社会和行为学研究指导委员会
17.initiation rites,eg those performed when a new member joins a secret society入会仪式(如秘密社团为新会员举行的).
18.On Social Deliberative Mechanism of Trade Associations;论社会协商机制——以行业协会为视角

Social behaviour社会行为
1.Many social behaviours in each step of it′s colony life circle are investigated by observing the natual life and culturing the colony in lab.研究了日本弓背蚁的社群生活史;结合室外观察和室内饲养方法,对日本弓背蚁社群生活史各阶段社会行为进行了初步研究。
2.The frequency and duration of investigation and aggression of dominant males were significantly higherthan that of subordinates during the whole observation period (10min), however, the differences in social behaviours .在观察期内,虽然一对鼠中优势鼠的非社会、社会探究、攻击行为都明显地高于从属鼠,但它们在遭遇后的第1个回合的交往中,2只鼠的社会行为没有明显的区别,而是从第2个回合开始,优势鼠和从属鼠的社会行为差别才表现出来,行为序模式的概况是非社会行为、社会探究、争斗行为之间相互独立,为负相关关系,而其各自内部均为正相关关系,其中社会探究行为发生顺序的主要趋势是从身体前部的鼻吻指向身体后部的外阴区。
3.Meeting with a series of problems in the course of social development, how to control and manage social behaviour efficiently has become the key point.面对社会发展过程中出现的一系列问题,如何有效地对社会行为进行控制和管理成为了人们探讨的热点。
3)social behaviors社会行为
1.Based on a sample of 612 children from primary and secondary schools and their parents,the structural equation modeling results showed the authoritarian parenting style could influence children s social behaviors directly and indirectly.通过对612名北京市中小学生及其父母的问卷调查,用LISEREL软件对数据进行分析的结果表明,父母专制型教养风格通过直接和间接两条途径,作用于儿童的社会行为发展。
2.The study examined the relationship within and between dimensions of children s social behaviors among 435 children from 3 to 6 years old.本研究采用随机抽样法对12个小、中、大班共435名幼儿的社会行为各维度内部及相互关系进行了研究。
3.The study examined 112 3~6 years old children s use of emotional expression rules and its relation to family emotional expression and social behaviors.通过幼儿情绪表现规则知识的访谈、家庭情绪表露问卷和幼儿社会行为评估问卷调查,考察了112名3~6岁幼儿情绪表现规则知识的发展及其与家庭情绪表露、社会行为的关系。
4)antisocial behavior反社会行为
1.Development of antisocial behavior can be affected by environmental factors such as family and social context,but also by genetic factors such as genes for monoamine oxidaze A,serotonin transporter,and D2 dopamine receptor.反社会行为倾向的发展不仅受家庭、社会、环境因素的影响,也受基因因素的影响,如单胺氧化酶基因、5-HT转运蛋白基因、多巴胺D2受体基因等。
5)prosocial behavior亲社会行为
1.Senior students self-concept, parents rearing style and their prosocial behavior;高中生的自我概念、父母教养方式与其亲社会行为的关系研究
2.Experimental study of small group P.E.on promoting college students prosocial behavior;体育小群体教学促进大学生亲社会行为的实验研究
3.The research of the related factors during TV s influence on the children s prosocial behavior and related prevention;探索影响电视在儿童亲社会行为发展过程中作用的相关因素以及干预对策
6)the theory of social behavior社会行为论

社会行为社会行为social behavior  社会行为(50。ial behavior)依社会情境而转移的个体行为。狭义指社会心理的外部表现,其表现形式包括表情、姿态、言语、语气、活动等等,又称外显的社会行为。广义的也包括内在的社会心理,即内潜的社会行为。社会行为依存于社会心理,一个人的价值观决定了他处理问题时怎样分别轻重缓急,而他的道德观决定了他的道德行为。因此,通过对个体的社会行为的观察,我们常可推知他的社会心理。例如,根据一个人的行为是否常常损人利己,可推知他的道德观。社会行为对社会心理也会产生反作用。只有通过社会活动,人才能认识社会,并逐渐形成相应的价值观、人生观、道德观等。例如,角色扮演就可以塑造个体的社会态度。研究社会行为的目的就在于揭示社会心理的发生、发展规律,其研究方法主要有系统观察法、实验法、测量法和调查法等。 (林乘贤撰沈德灿审)