1.Comparative study between cognitive behavior therapy and drug therapy for patients with anxiety;焦虑症认知行为治疗与药物治疗对照研究
2.Comparative study of brain evoked potentials in patients with depression or anxiety;抑郁症、焦虑症患者事件相关电位对照研究
3.Clinical Observations on Treatment of General Anxiety Disorder by Combination of Acupuncture and Medicine;针药结合治疗广泛性焦虑症临床观察

1.Features of Epidemiology and TCM Pathogenesis in Insomnia with Anxiety Symptom;失眠症伴焦虑症状的发病和病机特点
2.Contrast Studies of MMPI between Anxiety and Depression焦虑症和抑郁症患者的MMPI对照研究
3.Serum Lipid Concentration in Patients with Major Depression, Anxiety Disorder and Comorbid Anxiety and Depression;抑郁症、焦虑症和焦虑抑郁障碍共病的血脂水平研究
4.Purpose To observe the curative effect of music electroacupuncture on anxiety neurosis.目的观察音乐电针治疗焦虑症的疗效。
5.Exercise Prescription and Curative Effect Observed焦虑症的运动处方设计和疗效观察
6.Are anxiety disorders undertreated in patients with multiple sclerosis?多发性硬化患者有焦虑症治疗不足吗?
7.Experimental Study on Depression and Anxiety Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine抑郁—焦虑症的中医药治疗与实验研究
8.The Role of Emotion Regulation in the Treatment of Child Anxiety Disorders;情绪调节在儿童焦虑症治疗中的作用
9.Curative Effect of Mental Intervention to Patients with Dental Anxiety牙科焦虑症患者心理干预的疗效分析
10.Dipole Source Analysis of Auditory P300 Potentials in Patients with Anxiety Disorder焦虑症患者的听觉P300偶极子源分析
11.Effect of tandospirone in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder坦度螺酮治疗广泛性焦虑症疗效观察
12.Comparative study of SPECT between patients with depressive disorder and anxiety disorders抑郁症与焦虑症脑血流灌注SPECT显像对照研究
13.A controlled study on defense style in Obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety disorders patients强迫症与焦虑症患者防御方式对照研究
14.People with anxiety disorders will also have sweaty palms, and be easily distracted.患焦虑症的人手掌容易出汗以及心烦意乱
15.neurotic worries, outbursts, letters神经症引起的焦虑、 神经官能症的发作、 反映出异常焦虑情绪的信件
16.chronic and abnormal anxiety about imaginary symptoms and ailments.对于假想的病症产生不正常的焦虑。
17.He has exhibited symptoms of anxiety and overwhelming worry.他表现出来的症状为焦虑和极度不安。
18.An Investigation of Transfer Anxiety of CCU Patients重症监护患者转移焦虑的调查与分析

Anxiety disorders焦虑症
1.The treatment of generalized anxiety disorders:citalopram vs.alprazolam;西酞普兰与阿普唑仑治疗广泛性焦虑症对照研究
2.A clinical trial of tiapride combining with clonazepam in the treatment of Anxiety disorders;泰必利联用氯硝西泮治疗焦虑症临床观察
3.Trazodone vs alprazolam in the treatment of anxiety disorders;曲唑酮与阿普唑仑治疗焦虑症比较研究
3)Anxiety disorder焦虑症
1.Study on contingent negative variation in anxiety disorder;焦虑症患者的条件负变化实验研究
2.A related study of the level of anxiety trait and the heart rate variability in anxiety disorder;焦虑症的特质焦虑水平与心率变异性相关研究
4)anxiety neurosis焦虑症
1.A study on background、 suicide and comorbidity in anxiety neurosis and obsessive- compulsive disorder;焦虑症和强迫症的发病背景和共病现象研究
2.Tandospirone vs Doxepin in treating anxiety neurosis;坦度螺酮与多虑平治疗焦虑症对照研究
3.To study the function of autonomic nervous system of patients with anxiety neurosis,heart rate variability(HRV)was analyzed in 40 patients with anxiety neurosis and in 40 healthy control.对40名焦虑症患者和40名健康志愿者进行短时程(10分钟)心率变异性(HRV)分析,发现焦虑症患者组平均心率高于正常对照组,焦虑症患者组SDNNr、MSSD、PNN50及HRVI均低于正常对照组。
1.ResultsEPS was found to significantly predict physical SQOL domain while anxiety and positive symptoms predicted psychological,social and environmental SQOL domains,respective.结果药物锥体外系副作用对于患者生活质量的躯体领域有显著影响;阳性症状和焦虑症状对于患者生活质量的心理领域、社会领域和环境领域有重要影响。
2.Methods: Self-Ratin Anxiety Scale (SAS) and Self Depression Scale (SDS) were respectively used to analyze the change of depression and anxiety such in four different periods of before diagnosis, induced therapy, complete remission and no remission or relapse, and the effects of psychotherapy used in different period were also evaluated.方法分别用焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁自评量表(SDS)分析白血病患者诊断前、诱导治疗阶段、完全缓解、治疗无效或复发等四个不同阶段的抑郁症状和焦虑症状的发生情况,并评价在不同阶段采用不同心理护理的效果。
3.Methods Pittsburgh sleep quality index(PSQI)and Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA)were adopted to investigate 120 nursing undergraduate students randomly chosen from Nursing School of Jilin University to discuss the relationship between sleeping disorder and anxiety.目的研究本科护生的睡眠障碍与焦虑症状两者间的关系。
6)anxious symptom焦虑症状
1.A contrast study of combination of venlafaxine and alprazolam in the treatment of depression concomitant with anxious symptoms;万拉法新联合阿普唑仑治疗伴焦虑症状抑郁症对照研究

焦虑症焦虑症anxiety neurosis  是以发作性或持续性情绪焦虑、紧张、恐惧为其临床基本特征的一种精神疾患,常伴自主神经功能紊乱和运动性不安。多发生在具有焦虑倾向的小孩。治疗:可用安定、安宁、利眠宁等抗焦虑药物。