负性情绪,negative emotion
1)negative emotion负性情绪
1.A control study of personality characteristics,life events,negative emotion between patients with acute myocardial infarction and health adults;急性心肌梗塞患者与正常人个性特征生活事件和负性情绪对照研究
2.A Study of Related Factors Between Negative Emotion and Acute Myocardial Infarction;急性心肌梗死患者与负性情绪的相关因素探讨
3.Analysis on negative emotion and influential factors of spouses loss;丧偶人群负性情绪及影响因素分析

1.A Study on the Correlation of High School Students Emotion Regulation Strategies and Negative Emotions;中学生情绪调节策略与负性情绪的相关研究
2.Theoretic Framework of Neural Methods of Positive/negative Emotional Parallel;正负性情绪平行神经模型的理论建构
3.On the Causse and Defence of the Negative Emotions of the Teachers of Higher Vocational Education;试论高职教师负性情绪的产生与防卫
4.Research on Teacher's Negative Emotion and It's Influence upon School Moral Education教师负性情绪对学校德育的影响研究
5.Correlations between sex, negative emotion and suicidal attitude in medical students;性别、负性情绪对医学生自杀态度的影响
6.The Cross-cultural Measurement of Positive and Negative Affect Examining the Dimensionality of PANAS正、负性情绪的跨文化心理测量:PANAS维度结构检验
7.A Study on the Relationship of College Stress, Social Support and Negative Emotion of College Students;大学生校园压力、社会支持与负性情绪关系研究
8.The Study on Impoverished University Student s Negative Emotions and the Effecting Factors;贫困大学生负性情绪及其相关因素研究
9.Implications of Attachment Theory in Regulating College Students Negative Emotions;依恋理论对调节大学生负性情绪的启示
10.Investigation on Source and Behavioral effect of Drug addicts Negative Sentiments;吸毒人员负性情绪的成因及对行为影响的调查
11.The Mechanism of the Effect of NA on Work Stress;负性情绪在工作压力作用中机制的研究
12.Effects of Positive and Negative Emotion on Neuroendocrine and Immunity;正负性情绪的神经内分泌和免疫反应研究进展
13.Analysis and adjustment of students negative emotions in volleyball teaching;排球教学中学生负性情绪产生的原因及调控
14.Sleep Status and Negative Mood in Male senior High School Students;铜山县高中男生睡眠状况与负性情绪的关系
15.A Study on Physiological Responding and Subjective Experiences of Emotion Regulation on Positive and Negative Emotion正负性情绪调节的生理反应及主观体验研究
16.Summary on the Relationship of College Stress and Negative Emotion of College Students大学生校园压力与负性情绪关系研究综述
17.On Characteristics of Negative Sentiment and Self-regulating Strategies of the College Students浅析当代大学生负性情绪特点及自我调节策略
18.Attentional Bias for Negative Emotional Facial Expressions in Major Depressive Disorder重度抑郁症对负性情绪面孔的注意偏向

Negative emotions负性情绪
1.Analysis and adjustment of students negative emotions in volleyball teaching;排球教学中学生负性情绪产生的原因及调控
2.Emotional tradeoff difficulties refer that decision makers usually feel it difficult to tradeoff alternatives because of negative emotions experienced when they have to tradeoff valued goals.情绪性权衡困难是指决策者在对与价值目标相关的特性进行权衡时会产生负性情绪,从而在情感上难以对不同的特性进行权衡。
3.From the angle of study pressure,family economic status,loving and so on, the cause of the negative emotions is analysed,and timely,effective psychological nursing is probed into so as to reduce or eliminate deterioration of the negative emotions and further to vavoid causing the possibility of getting into the emotional barrier.从学习压力、家庭经济、恋爱等多方面因素分析大学生负性情绪产生的原因 ,探讨适时有效的心理护理 ,减少或消除大学生负性情绪恶化进而陷入情绪障碍的可能性 。
3)negative mood负性情绪
1.Efficary of Interventions on pain and negative mood in patients with X syndrome;X综合征患者疼痛及负性情绪的干预效果研究
2.To investigate the influence of psychosomatic treatment on the negative mood of the patients with advanced cancer.[目的]探讨身心综合治疗对晚期肿瘤病人负性情绪的影响。
4)positive/negative affect正负性情绪
5)Moods before operation术前负性情绪
6)Negative emotional response负性情绪反应

情绪人情绪人emotional man 情绪人(emotional man)也是人性假定的一个侧面,与“理性人”相对应。指在管理过程中,那些表现得缺乏理智、蔑视事实,甚至歪曲事实,易于感情用事、具有高度偏见的人。通常,教育程度低、智力差、缺乏自我控制能力的人都容易成为“情绪人”,即被感情和一时冲动所左右。有时,也同人的群众角色、不负责任有关。 (孙俊山撰张交审)