突触传递,synaptic transmission
1)synaptic transmission突触传递
1.Effects of morphine tolerance and dependence on the fast excitatory synaptic transmission in sympathetic ganglia of rats;吗啡耐受与依赖对大鼠交感神经节快兴奋性突触传递的影响
2.Effect of astrocyte-derived estrogen on the regulation of the synaptic transmission in rats;大鼠星形胶质细胞源性的雌激素对突触传递功能调节的实验研究
3.Effects of etomidate on local synaptic transmission in substantia gelatinosa neurons of the adult rat spinal cord;依托咪酯对成年大鼠脊髓胶状质局部突触传递的作用

1.The effects of tetrandrine on synaptic transmission;粉防已碱对大鼠颈上神经节突触传递的影响
3.Effect of (-)clausenamide on potentiating synaptic transmission in dentate gyrus:Role of synapsin ⅠsynapsinⅠ参与(-)黄皮酰胺增强齿状回突触传递功能
4.Effects of Ketamine on Synaptic Transmission、NMDA-NO-cGMP Passageway and Neurotransmitters in Sympathetic Ganglia of Rats;氯胺酮对大鼠交感神经节突触传递、NMDA-NO-cGMP通路及神经递质的影响
5.These results suggest that opioid pep--tides predominantly reduce synaptic transmission in NAcc.上述结果提示:在伏核内,阿片肽的作用在于降低突触传递
6.The Toosendanin Induced Blocking Action of Synaptic Transmission in the 6th Abdominal Ganglion of Cockroach, Periplaneta Americana川楝素对(虫非)蠊第Ⅵ腹神经节突触传递的阻断作用
7.Effects of ETOMIDATE ON Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity in HIPPOCAMPAL CA1 REGION OF RATs;依托咪酯对大鼠海马CA1区突触传递和可塑性的影响
8.Effects of Morphine on Synaptic Transmission, Cellular Signal Transduction and Cellular Morphology in Sympathetic Ganglia of Rats;吗啡对大鼠交感神经节突触传递、胞内信号转导及形态学的影响
9.Effects of GB on the Bioelectric Activity and Synaptic Transmission of the Neurons in Celiac Ganglia of Guinea-pig in Vitro;银杏内酯B对豚鼠腹腔神经节细胞生物电及突触传递的影响
10.Effects of Egb on the Bioelectric Activiyty and Synaptic Transmission of the Neurons in Celiac Ganglia of Guinea-Pig in Vitro;银杏叶提取物对豚鼠腹腔神经节细胞生物电及突触传递的影响
11.Effects of PNS on Synaptic Transmission of Rat Hippocampal CA1 Region and Its Mechanisms;三七总皂苷对大鼠海马CA1区突触传递的作用及机制
12.Effect of Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors on Long-term Potentiation of Synatpic Transmission in Hippocampus离子型谷氨酸受体对海马突触传递长时程增强的影响
13.Regulation of the BDNF on LTP of Motor Skill Learning脑源性神经营养因子对运动技能学习突触传递长时程增强的调节
14.Effects of puerarin on hippocampal synaptic long term potentiation in vascular dementia rats葛根素对血管性痴呆大鼠海马突触传递长时程增强的影响
15.Effect of chrysophanol on synaptic transmission in the dentate gyrus of hippocampus in rats大黄酚对大鼠海马齿状回突触传递长时程增强的影响
16.Effects of Auditory Deprivation on Developmental Changes in Intrinsic Properties and Synaptic Function of Neurons in Rat Primary Auditory Cortex;大鼠初级听皮层神经元内在电生理学特性和突触传递功能的发育变化及听觉剥夺的影响
17.The Effect and Mechanism of Pregnenolone Sulfate on Evoked Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in Rat Prelimbic Cortical Neurons;硫化孕烯醇酮对前边缘皮层内侧区诱发兴奋性突触传递的作用和机制
18.The Effects of Melittin on Spontaneous Glutamatergic Transmission in Rat Substantia Gelatinosa Neurons;Melittin对成年大鼠脊髓后角胶状质细胞自发性兴奋性突触传递的作用研究

slow synaptic transmission慢突触传递
3)synaptic traosmitter突触(传)递素
4)electrically transmittingsynapse电传递突触
5)HVC-RA synaptic transmissionHVC-RA突触传递
1.The electrophysiological properties of HVC-RA synaptic transmission in the adult zebra finch in vivo;成年斑胸草雀在体HVC-RA突触传递的电生理特性(英文)
6)Rapid synaptic transmission快速突触传递
