第一主成分,the first principal component
1)the first principal component第一主成分
1.This paper introduces an important Perron-Frobenius theorem in algebra,and discusses the first principal component served as the principle and condition of the system evaluation index.介绍了代数学中的一个重要定理(Perron-Frobenius定理),论述了第一主成分作为系统评估指数的原理和条件;对两类系统排序评估方法,即主成分分析法(PCA)与层次分析法(AHP)的排序公式进行了分析、比较,指出了PCA与AHP内在的、本质的联系及其适用情况,为正确选择使用PCA与AHP评价方法提供了指导。
2.We find that the first principal component ordering and credit hour ordering are similar.利用多元统计中的主成分分析研究学生成绩,发现第一主成分排序与学分绩排序结果基本相同,提出用第一主成分代替学分绩对学生进行综合评价更加合理。
3.The paper compares and analyses Tianjins comprehensive economic power in China,suggests that the first principal component should be used as the measure of an areas synthetic economic power,and puts in order for 30 areas of China.本文用此方法 ,对天津市的综合经济实力在国内的地位进行了比较分析 ,提出用第一主成分作为一个地区综合经济实力的度量 ,并给出了 30个地区的综合经济实力的排序 。
2)The first principal第一主成分贡献率
3)the first principal component第一主成份
1.Through SAS for calculation and analysis,the author puts forward the first principal component as the measurement of regional consumption levels and gets the orders of general consumption level for the regions,which shows the regional economic development and comprehensive strength from another aspect.利用主成份分析法,对我国28个省,自治区,直辖市的6种消费指标进行综合评价,通过使用统计软件SAS进行计算和分析,提出用第一主成份作为地区消费水平的度量,得到了这些地区综合消费水平的排列次序,从另一侧面反映了各个地区的经济发展,综合实力状况。
4)the third principal component第三主成分
5)Second principal component第二主成分

1.The two principal components explained 90.6% of the total variance of the flavors in Jinhua ham.第一和第二主成分总计解释了金华火腿风味成分变化总方差的90.6%.
2.Section 2. deals with estimating a regression model that depends on principal component factors instead of explanatory variables.第二部分用主成分因子代替解释变量估计得到回归方程。
3.Are There any Primary and Secondary Positions of Domestication and Foreignization in translation;“归化”、“异化”有无第一、第二的主次之分
4.In the second part, we will narrate the first strategic adjustment in the CTF in order to clarify the target of the undergoing strategy.第二部分,我们将主要对成都木综厂一九九二年进行的第一次战略调整做出论述。
5.Following the regeneration section of the system, the product passes through the second major component, the timing pump.产品经过回流段以后,通过第二个主要组成部分,调速泵。
6.Analyze the Theme Structure of Zhong Xinmin s 2nd Symphony;妙思——钟信明《第二交响曲》主题构成解析
7.Oxygen is the second largest component of the atmosphere, comprising 20.8% by volume.氧是空气的第二大组成成分,体积占20.8%。
8.Article32 Punishments are divided into principal punishments and supplementary punishments.第三十二条刑罚分为主刑和附加刑。
9.Good idea, Molly. What do you think about the second part?好主意,莫莉。你觉得第二部分怎么样?
10.A Thematic Analysis of John Hawkes Second Skin;约翰·霍克斯《第二张皮》的主题分析
11.The Research on Theme in Brahms Piano Concerto No.2;勃拉姆斯《第二钢琴协奏曲》的主题分析
12.Choice of Leading Industries and Empirical Analysis about the Second Industry;第二产业主导产业的选择与实证分析
13.Part II : Chapter one , Chapter two , mainly describe the characteristics and changes of the proprietary in the cyberspace.第二部分:第一、二章,主要论述网络空间中财产权的特点和变化。
14.The second part analyzes the main piece of DON QUIXOTE .第二部分是对《堂吉诃德》主干部分的分析。
15.Article2 Civil air defense is a component part of national defense.第二条人民防空是国防的组成部分。
16.And when the earth's magnetism suddenly decreases, the number of men or women who kill themselves increases.第二章 听力突破与高分速成
17.Newton's second law can be expressed as a differential equation.牛顿第二定律可表达成微分方程。
18.The first stage is the elimination of water two monomer molecules to produce a dimer.第二步是两个单体分子之间折出水,生成二聚体。

The first principal第一主成分贡献率
3)the first principal component第一主成份
1.Through SAS for calculation and analysis,the author puts forward the first principal component as the measurement of regional consumption levels and gets the orders of general consumption level for the regions,which shows the regional economic development and comprehensive strength from another aspect.利用主成份分析法,对我国28个省,自治区,直辖市的6种消费指标进行综合评价,通过使用统计软件SAS进行计算和分析,提出用第一主成份作为地区消费水平的度量,得到了这些地区综合消费水平的排列次序,从另一侧面反映了各个地区的经济发展,综合实力状况。
4)the third principal component第三主成分
5)Second principal component第二主成分
6)first maturation division,first meiotic division第一次成熟分裂
