听觉反馈,auditory feedback
1)auditory feedback听觉反馈
1.In order to verify the feasibility of the application of auditory feedback to mobile Robot teleoperation,a sensor data-sound mapping scheme using sonification was developed,and based on it a psychophysical experiment was devised.为了验证听觉反馈在移动机器人遥操作中应用的可行性,作者应用可听化技术设计了一种传感器信息-声音映射方案,并在此基础上进行了心理物理学实验。
2.And the faculty of auditory feedback serves as one of the FL's integrated components.语音听觉反馈能力属于人类抽象语言能力的一个重要组成部分。
3.Songbirds and humans both rely critically on auditory feedback for learning and maintaining accurate vocalizations.对近年来听觉反馈在鸣禽鸣唱学习可塑性方面的研究进行综述。

1.That’s positive audible feedback.那就是正面听觉反馈
2.Negative audible feedback has several things working against it.这是负面反馈带来的问题,不关听觉反馈的事。
3.Negative audible feedback: Announcing user failure负面听觉反馈:宣告用户错误
4.Emitting noise when something bad happens is called negative audible feedback.有问题时发出噪声称为“负面听觉反馈”。
5.Of course, the audible feedback must be at the right volume for the situation.当然,听觉反馈必须在正确的音量状态。
6.As with visual feedback, computer games tend to excel at positive audio feedback.和视觉反馈一样,计算机游戏擅长于正面听觉反馈
7.When success with our tools yields a sound, it is called positive audible feedback.当工具使用成功时发出声音,它就称为“正面听觉反馈”。
8.The true value of positive audible feedback is that its absence is an extremely effective problem indicator.正面听觉反馈真正的价值在于,它的缺失是非常有效的问题指示器。
9.Perhaps the most damning aspect of negative audible feedback is the implication that success must be greeted with silence.也许负面听觉反馈最受谴责的方面在于其暗含成功只需沉默,人类喜欢听到一切正常的声音。
10.On most systems, error message boxes are normally accompanied by a shrill beep, and audible feedback has thus become strongly associated them.在大部分系统中,错误消息框通常伴随高而刺耳的“嘟嘟”声,听觉反馈因此与它们强烈相关。
11.Because the negative feedback is issued at a time when a problem is discovered, it naturally takes on the characteristics of an alarm.负面听觉反馈有多个缺点,因为它是在出问题时发起的,所以自然承当了警报的角色。
12.The kind of auditory feedback we’re proposing is not the same as the beep that accompanies an error message box. In fact, it isn’t a beep at all.我们建议的这种听觉反馈不要和错误信息框发出的嘟嘟声相同,事实上,它根本不是嘟嘟声。
13.The effectiveness of positive audible feedback originates in human sensitivity. Nobody likes to be told that they have failed.正面听觉反馈的有效性起源于人类的敏感性,没有人喜欢别人告诉他失败了。
14.Experiment with Hearing and Vision Signal Feedback in Increasing Accuracy of the Students Kickball of Long Pass;视觉和听觉信号反馈对提高长传踢球准确性的实验研究
15.Get a feedback loop and listen to it.建立良好的反馈渠道,并听取反馈信息。
16.Rich visual modeless feedback丰富的视觉非模态反馈
17.If a clerk enters something erroneous, he needs to be informed of it via both auditory and visual feedback.如果输入了一些错误数据,他需要通过听觉和视觉两种反馈获得信息。
18.Study of Artificial Hand Control Based on Tactile and Slip Feedback;基于触滑觉反馈的假手控制系统研究

audio feedback monitor听觉反馈监控器
3)delayed auditory feedback machine延迟听觉反馈器
4)delayed auditory feedback延缓听觉反馈
5)Positive audible feedback正面听觉反馈
6)the hearer's feedback听者反馈

听觉反馈听觉反馈auditory feedback  听觉反馈(auditory feedbaek)亦称“声反馈”。生物反馈仪以声音形式所显示的反馈信号,主要形式有:纯音调变化,长脉冲变化,短脉冲变化,“滴滴”声变化。生物反馈放松训练中,仪器显示的音调愈高、响度愈强或脉冲音愈急促,表示受训者愈紧张,反之表示愈松弛。受训者根据反馈音的意义,用控制呼吸等方法使反馈音变弱、变慢直至消失,就能学会对紧张情结的自我控制。在提高肌肉力星的肌电反馈训练中,患者要尽量使反馈声变强,并维持一定的时间。声音的强度与肌肉的强度有一致性。但是将反馈仪的声控开关扳至“逆向’,,声音的含义就相反,在放松训练中出现声音表示松弛,声音消失表示紧张。在增强肌力训练中,声音消失表示肌张力提高。听觉反馈对言语学习是必要的条件,聋儿的发音器官和脑中枢大都门_常,他们之所以不会说话是因为得不到听觉反馈 (杨立能撰梁宝勇审)