东方蝾螈,Cynops orientalis
1)Cynops orientalis东方蝾螈
1.Morphologic observation and anatomical study on Cynops orientalis;东方蝾螈的形态观察和解剖学研究
2.Regression of Cynops orientalis′ Body Measurement;东方蝾螈外部体型指数回归方程的建立
3.One hundred embryos of Cynops orientalis were used for observing normal structure of bottle cells during gastrulation and effect of their removal on embryo development by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).以100只东方蝾螈早期胚胎为材料,用SEM和TEM对瓶状细胞形态结构和除去瓶状细胞的胚胎进行观察。
2)Cynops orientalis embryo东方蝾螈胚胎
1.DNA Damage on Newt Testicle Spermatogonia Induced by Acrylonitrile;丙烯腈对蝾螈睾丸精原细胞DNA的诱导损伤
2.To investigate the morphological basis for transduction, coding and synaptic transmission, the fine structure of the utricular macula in the larva of the Japanese red bellied newt was examined by light and transmission electron microscopy.以幼年蝾螈为对象,光镜和电镜观察椭圆囊囊斑的微细和超微结构。

1.ovoviviparous amphibian of the Alps.阿尔卑斯山卵生的蝾螈
2.newt that is similar to Taricha granulosa in characteristics and habitat.在特征和习性方面类似粗皮蝾螈蝾螈
3.Studies on the Skeleton System of Genus Echinotriton and Tylototriton (Caudata: Salamandridae);棘螈属和疣螈属(有尾目:蝾螈科)骨骼系统的研究
4.any of several rough-skinned newts found in western North America.产于北美西部的几种体表粗糙的蝾螈
5.small large-eyed semiaquatic salamander of the United States northwest.美国西北部大眼半水栖的小型蝾螈
6.salamander of the Pacific coast of North America.北美洲太平洋沿岸的蝾螈
7.Eft Aquatic species are called newts; terrestrial species are called efts.水栖者称蝾螈,而陆栖者称水蜥。
8.primarily a cave dweller in the Mount Shasta area.主要为穴居的沙斯塔山地区的蝾螈
9.large salamander of North American rivers and streams.北美江河溪流中大型的蝾螈
10.red terrestrial form of a common North American newt.普通北美蝾螈的红色陆栖形态。
11.any of several small slim salamanders of the United States Pacific coast.美国太平洋海岸的几种小而细长的蝾螈
12.European salamander having dark skin with usually yellow spots.黑色皮肤上通常有黄色斑点的欧洲蝾螈
13.yellow-spotted brown salamander of California woodlands.加利福尼亚森林地带褐色并有黄色斑点的蝾螈
14.glossy black North American salamander with yellow spots.北美洲闪亮的黑色身体上带有黄色斑点的蝾螈
15.small to moderate-sized terrestrial or semiaquatic New World salamander.小型到中等的陆栖或半水栖的新大陆蝾螈
16.brownish-black burrowing salamander of southeastern United States.产于美国东南部的穴居蝾螈,背部略带褐色。
17.aquatic North American salamander with red feathery external gills.北美长有红色柔软如羽毛的外部鳃的水栖蝾螈
18.European cave-dwelling aquatic salamander with permanent external gills.长有永久性外部鳃的欧洲穴居水栖蝾螈

Cynops orientalis embryo东方蝾螈胚胎
1.DNA Damage on Newt Testicle Spermatogonia Induced by Acrylonitrile;丙烯腈对蝾螈睾丸精原细胞DNA的诱导损伤
2.To investigate the morphological basis for transduction, coding and synaptic transmission, the fine structure of the utricular macula in the larva of the Japanese red bellied newt was examined by light and transmission electron microscopy.以幼年蝾螈为对象,光镜和电镜观察椭圆囊囊斑的微细和超微结构。
1.A new species of salamander Pachytriton archospotus from Hunan Province,China(Amphibia,Salamandridae);中国肥螈属(两栖纲:蝾螈科)一新种——弓斑肥螈Pachytriton archospotus sp. nov.
2.A New Species of Paramesotriton—Paramesotriton longliensis(Caudata:Salamandridae);瘰螈属一新种——龙里瘰螈(有尾目:蝾螈科)
5)Cynops cyanurus蓝尾蝾螈
1.This paper to be counted the blood cell numbers,measured their size and survcicd their proportion on Cynops cyanurus the results as follows:The erythrocyte is big,oval,average diameter is 25.本文对蓝尾蝾螈(Cynops cyanurus)血液进行显微观察、计数、细胞大小测量及数量比例测定。

东方蝾螈科 名:蝾螈科 salamandridae中文名:东方蝾螈(中国火龙)英文名:chinese fire-bellied newt学 名:cynops orientalis属 名:cynops食 性:以各类昆虫、小鱼或蝌蚪类为食。分 布:中国中部及东部。型态特徵:耳腺发达,眼部后方无红斑。外观虽与日本红腹蝾螈酷似,然而本种却为全长90mm的小型种。即使变态为成体,体侧仍残留有侧线器官。生活习性:栖息於山地池塘或水田等静水域,以及山溪流中流速较缓的水域。春季时,会在每一水草上各产下1颗卵。幼生发育至全长35-40mm后,即可进行变态。