异速生长分析,allometric analysis
1)allometric analysis异速生长分析
1.Allometric analysis on variables of humerus and clavicle of adult s rhesus macaques in Taihang mountains has been done by the standard of maximum length of humerus.以肱骨最大长为参照 ,对成年太行山猕猴肱骨与锁骨变量进行了异速生长分析 ,结果表明 :肱骨头周长 ,骨体曲度矢高和三角肌止点呈正异速生长 ;全长 ,体中部最大径和肱骨头纵径接近等速生长 ;上端宽 ,下端宽 ,体中部最小径 ,体最小周长 ,肱骨头横径和滑车小头宽呈负异速生长 。

1.AN ALLOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF THE CHANGCHUN SYSTEM OF TOWNS:1949-1988长春地区城镇体系时空关联的异速生长分析:1949~1988
2.Allometric Analysis on the Weight of Metacarpals and Metatarsals of Macaca mulatta in Taihang Mountains太行山猕猴掌骨和跖骨重量与颅长的异速生长分析
4.Derivations of Beckmann s Allometric Growth Equation from Beckmann′s Class-Size Model of City Hierarchies;Beckmann城市体系异速生长模型的理论基础与实证分析
5.Yet only discernible variation is in growth rate.但仅在生长速度上能分辨的差异。
6.The Governing Equation of the Spherical Crystal Nucleus Growth and the Analysis of Growing Velocity of the Interface;球状晶核生长控制方程及边界生长速度分析
7.The allometric models on the relationships between area and population of urban systems: underlying rationale, generalized equation, and empirical analyses;城市人口-城区面积异速生长模型的理论基础、推广形式及其实证分析
8.Electrodeposition heterogeneous structure of the growth mechanism of nano-analysis电沉积纳米异质结构生长机制的分析
9.Analysis on variations of the growth characters of seedlings breeded by the seeds of Liriodendron tulipifera during Seedling-period北美鹅掌楸实生苗苗期生长性状变异分析
10.The spatial complexity of the law of allometric growth and urban population density;城市密度分布与异速生长定律的空间复杂性探讨
11.Effects of Enhanced Ultraviolet-B Irradiance on Physiology、Compositions、Resource Allocation、Construction Cost and Allometry of Amaranthus Retroflexus增强UV-B辐射对反枝苋资源分配与异速生长关系的影响
12.An Empirical Analysis on the Growth of Total Factor Productivity of China s Service Industry;中国服务业全要素生产率增长及空间差异分析
13.The Growth Difference and RAPD Molecular Marker Analysis of Two Different Color Groups in Monopterus Albus两种体色黄鳝群体的生长差异及RAPD分析
14.Analysis on growth dynamics and difference in fruit traits of different Species of Pawpaw泡泡树不同品种果实性状差异及生长动态分析
15.Genetic Variation of Growth Hormone Gene on Ningqiang Pony宁强矮马生长激素基因(GH)的遗传变异分析
16.Anomalous scaling of the growth equations with spatially and temporally correlated noise含时空关联噪声生长方程的标度奇异性分析
17.Potential Suitability Analysis of Heterobostrychus aequalis in China双钩异翅长蠹在我国潜在的适生性分析
18.Variations of Growth and Fiber Properties of Half-sib Family Progeny of Betula platyphylla白桦半同胞子代生长及木材纤维性状变异分析

1.Effects of enhanced ultraviolet-B irradiance on size hierarchy and allometry of wheat and millet in greenhouse;温室条件下增强UV-B辐射对小麦、谷子大小等级性和异速生长的影响
2.Phenotypic plasticity,allometry and invasiveness of plants;植物的表型可塑性、异速生长及其入侵能力
3.Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on morphology, physiology and allometry of Amaranthus retroflexus;增强紫外-B对反枝苋的形态、生理及异速生长的影响
3)allometric growth异速生长
1.Development and allometric growth patterns of larval Acipenser schrenckii.;施氏鲟仔鱼发育及异速生长模型
2.The spatial complexity of the law of allometric growth and urban population density;城市密度分布与异速生长定律的空间复杂性探讨
3.The law of allometric growth and theoretical foundation of several suburbanization models;异速生长定律与城市郊区化的分维刻画
5)growth analysis生长分析
1.Based on plant growth analysis theory, this paper studied the plant growth characteristics of winter wheat under sprinkler and surface irrigation conditions.采用作物生长分析的方法,研究了喷灌和地面灌溉条件下冬小麦生长动态的变化规律。
2.8’ in the hilly dryland was analyzed by using growth analysis.采用植物生长分析法 ,对丘陵旱地甘薯豫薯 8号进行物质生产性能分析。
3.The plant growth analysis was used to study the accumulating and partitioning process of dry matter in cotton under the condition of three kinds of high yield colony (1800kg·hm -2 ).采用植物生长分析法 ,研究了北疆高产( 1 80 0 kg· hm- 2 )棉花干物质积累与分配、叶面积指数、净同化率、相对生长率、群体生长率的动态变化规律 ,分析了北疆公顷产 1 80 0 kg高产棉花物质生产的特点 ,提出了各生育时期有关干物质生产分配的生理指
6)growth increment analysis生长量分析
