废用性肌萎缩,disuse atrophy
1)disuse atrophy废用性肌萎缩
1.Background: More and more researchers in clinical and space medicine have being focused on skeletal muscle disuse atrophy.因此对比冬眠黄鼠与后肢废用大鼠骨骼肌的不同变化,既可初步探讨冬眠黄鼠的抗肌萎缩机制,也可为预防和治疗废用性肌萎缩提供新思路。

1.A Comparative Study on Two Kinds of Animal Models of Disuse Muscle Atrophy and Several Classification Methods of Muscle Fibres;两种废用性肌萎缩动物模型与几种肌纤维分型方法的比较研究
2.Role of ROS in the signal regulation of protein metabolism in disuse-induced muscle atrophy废用性肌萎缩中ROS对蛋白质代谢的信号介导作用
3.Study on Protective Effect of Compound Ⅰ and Ⅱ on the Disuse Muscle Atrophy and Their Mechanism;复方健肌Ⅰ号和健肌Ⅱ号对废用性肌萎缩的防护作用及其机制的研究
4.The Study of Ligusticum Chuanxiong and Its Main Components and Ground Squirrel during Hibernation Anti-muscle Atrophy of Mechanisms川芎及其主要成分和达乌尔黄鼠冬眠期抗废用性肌萎缩的机制研究
5.Effects on Disused Skeletal Muscular Atrophy by Extract of Ginkgo Biloba EGB761;银杏叶提取物EGB761对废用性骨骼肌萎缩的影响
6.Influences of Oral Creatine Supplementation and Anti-Resistance Training facilitates on GLUT4 Protein of Muscles Disuse Atrophy;补充肌酸和抗阻训练对废用性萎缩肌肉GLUT4蛋白的影响
7.Effect of Intrinsic IGF-I on Rat ’s Muscular Disuse Atrophy and Exercise Recovery;大鼠骨骼肌废用性萎缩与运动恢复中内源性IGF-I的作用
8.Effects of Hepatocyte Growth Factor on Contract Function of Disused Gastrocnemius Atrophy in Rats;肝细胞生长因子在防治大鼠腓肠肌废用性萎缩中的作用
9.Effect of Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) on Morphology and Enzymic Histochemistry of Disused Muscular Atrophy;肝细胞生长因子对废用性骨骼肌萎缩形态学及酶组织化学的影响
10.Effects of Hepatocyte Growth Factor on Cell Apoptosis and Proliferation in Disused Muscular Atrophy;肝细胞生长因子对废用性骨骼肌萎缩细胞凋亡与增殖的影响
11.Role of muscle spindle in weightlessness-induced amyotrophia and muscle pain肌梭在失重性肌萎缩与肌肉痛中的作用(英文)
12.progressive spinal muscular atrophy脊髓性进行性肌萎缩
13.syphilitic spinal muscular atroph梅毒性脊髓病性肌萎缩
14.duchenne muscle dystrophy杜氏持续性肌肉萎缩症
15.Muscles that are not used will atrophy.肌肉经常不用就会萎缩。
16.The Studies and Application of Gene Diagnosis for Spinal Muscular Atrophy;脊髓性肌萎缩症的基因诊断及其应用研究
17.hic muscular atrophy杜-阿二氏病;脊髓病性肌萎缩;脊髓性进行性肌萎缩
18.atrophied limbs, muscles萎缩的肢体、 肌肉.

disuse amyotrophy肌肉废用性萎缩
1.Prevention of disuse amyotrophy of lower extremities by exercises of isometric muscles contraction after inmobilized with plaster spica of hip;髋人字石膏制动下肢等长收缩训练预防肌肉废用性萎缩
3)muscle disuse atrophy废用性肌肉萎缩
1.vastus lateralis after the subjects were immobilized on their right legs for two weeks to disuse atrophy then supplied creatine and training for ten weeks and to measure Myogenic Regulation Factors(MRFs)MyoD?Myogenin and Myf-5 ,to discuss the molecular mechanism which creatine could accelerate the rehabilitation of muscle disuse atrophy.研究结果显示 :补充肌酸使股外侧肌废用性肌肉萎缩后恢复期各亚型肌纤维增粗 ,Ⅱ型肌纤维较Ⅰ型肌纤维增粗显著。
1.Objective:The aim of this study was to investigate, in a rat model, whether a state of hyper- or hypofunctional periodontium had an effect on the rate of bone remodeling induced by orthodontic treatment.通过拔除实验组大鼠右下颌所有磨牙使其上颌左、右第一磨牙咬合力改变,3周后分别形成牙周膜代偿性机能亢进模型和牙周膜废用性萎缩模型,据此实验组又分为萎缩组与亢进组(各16只)。
5)myopathic atrophy肌病性萎缩
6)neuralgic amyotrophy神经痛性肌萎缩
1.Objective To investigate the clinical features and characteristic of auxiliary examination of neuralgic amyotrophy(NA).目的探讨神经痛性肌萎缩的临床及辅助检查特点。
2.ObjectiveTo investigate the clinical features and nursing care of neuralgic amyotrophy.目的探讨神经痛性肌萎缩的临床及护理特点。

肌萎缩性侧索硬化症肌萎缩性侧索硬化症 一种原因未明的进行性的神经系统变性疾病,可能与遗传、中毒、损伤、感染有关。突出的病理变化为皮质延髓束和皮质脊髓束的变性,脊髓前角细胞以及脑干运动神经核的损害。锥体束的变性最早出现在脊髓比较低的部位,随病程进展,逐渐向高位脊髓及脑干推进。肌肉表现有神经性肌萎缩的典型征象。临床特点为:多数病人发生于30~50岁之间,男性较女性发病率高。患者可有麻木和发凉等感觉异常,肌肉无力,挛缩,肌束颤动及萎缩,持久性腱反射亢进和病理反射,随时间增长,无力症状扩展到躯干及颈部,最后累及面部及延髓支配的肌肉,出现其相应症状和体征。本病无特殊治疗措施。