齿状-中位核,dentate-interpositus nuclei
1)dentate-interpositus nuclei齿状-中位核
1.Microinjection of Muscimol into cerebellular dentate-interpositus nuclei affects acquisition of classical eyeblink conditioning in guinea pigs;蝇蕈醇小脑齿状-中位核微注射对豚鼠经典眨眼条件反射建立的影响
2.Synaptic ultrastructural changes of cerebellar dentate-interpositus nuclei after acquisition of classically conditioned eyeblink responses in guinea pigs经典眨眼条件反射建立后豚鼠小脑齿状-中位核突触超微结构的变化

1.Synaptic ultrastructural changes of cerebellar dentate-interpositus nuclei after acquisition of classically conditioned eyeblink responses in guinea pigs经典眨眼条件反射建立后豚鼠小脑齿状-中位核突触超微结构的变化
2.Role of Cerebellar D-I Nuclei during Acquisition of the Classically Conditioned Eyeblink Responses in Guinea Pigs;豚鼠小脑齿状—中位核在经典眨眼条件反射建立过程中的作用研究
3.Effect of Recognition Study Associated with the Expression of Synaptophysin in the Cerebellar D-I Nuclei in Guinea Pigs豚鼠听觉识别学习过程中小脑齿状—中位核突触素的表达变化
4.the bulb of a tooth齿穴中的乳头状突起物
5.The dentate gyrus controls overactivity from reaching seizure-prone brain cells further along the circuit.齿状核负责抑制易放电脑细胞的过度活动。
6.Study on Dentate body of Cerebellum Morphology in Han people in Southwest of China人小脑齿状核的立体剥制及形态学研究
7.Application of MathCAD in the design of Modification of Planet-gear Speed ReducerMathCAD在少齿差行星齿轮减速器变位设计中的应用
8.It floats before you, a bulbous body with a central, unblinking eye, and a large maw filled with daggerlike teeth.它在你面前飘浮着,球根状的身体上有一只位于中央一眨不眨的眼睛,一张尖牙利齿的血盆大口。
9.An Algorithm to Measure the Profile of Gears under Eccentric State Based on Dichotomy定位偏心状态下基于二分法的齿廓测量算法
10.The Analysis and the Prospect of the Present Situation of the Administration Services Concentrated Accounting in China;我国行政事业单位会计集中核算现状分析及展望
11.Jagged rocks stuck up through the grass.锯齿状的岩石从杂草中突了出来。
12.Chinese clematis with serrate leaves and large yellow flowers.有锯齿状叶子和大黄花的中国铁线莲。
13.False signal and its filtering in position measurement on hobbing滚齿机位置测量中的“假”信号与滤波
14.A Study of Effect of Cbfa1 on Tooth Development;核心结合因子a1在牙齿发育中功能的研究
15.Situated toward the middle of the front of the jaw along the curve of the dental arch.朝向齿弓中线的位置沿齿弓弧线向下巴前部正中的
16.The Fracture Resistance of Flared Root Canal Tooth Restored with Different Post Systems;不同桩核修复系统对喇叭口状残根修复后牙齿抗折性能的影响
17.long addendum gear长齿顶齿轮;径向正变位齿轮;径向正变位齿轮
18.Treatment position and oriented guide of the operation of odontoid fracture(with 3 cases)齿状突骨折手术治疗体位和定位引导(附3例报告)

dentate nucleus齿状核
1.The microvasculature of the dentate nucleus (DN) was studied on 12 children s brains after intra -arterial carbon-ink injection and 10 adults brains after intra-arterial red emrulsion injection.应用12例经甲醛碳素墨水灌注的儿童脑及10例经红色乳胶灌注的成人脑,光镜及手术显微镜下观察齿状核微血管构筑形式。
3)dentate nuclei小脑齿状核
1.C-fos protein expression in the cerebellar dentate nuclei and Purkinje cells of the amygdala-kindled rats;杏仁核点燃癫癎鼠小脑齿状核和浦肯野细胞fos蛋白的表达
4)dentatorubral tract齿状红核束
5)dentato rubral atrophy齿状核红核萎缩
6)Interpositus nucleus中位核

齿位1.按年龄大小所定的席次。 2.排列的官位。 3.年龄与官位。特指长寿与高位。