慢内向电流,slow inward current
1)slow inward current慢内向电流
1.One of the oscillating patterns occurred without a slow inward current(SIC);the other was superimposed on the SIC.长时程的去极化电流可以诱发两种模式的阈下振荡,一种振荡是叠加在慢内向电流(slow inward current,SIC)之上的,另一种振荡则不伴有SIC。
2)slow inward sodium current慢钠内向电流
3)inward current内向电流

1.To record and detect the inward currents of mouse mesenchymal stem cells modified by mHCN2 gene.mHCN2基因修饰的大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞内向电流的记录及检测
2.Outward currents therefore increase electronegativity in the cell interior.外向电流因此能增加细胞内的负电性。
3.reverse gate current逆门极电流反向栅电流
4.Study on Reverse Logistics Mode of Domestic Useless Electronic Products;国内废旧电子产品逆向物流运作模式研究
5.Directional Research on Internal Magnetic Shielding Scheme of Large Current Transformer大电流互感器内磁屏蔽方案的方向性研究
6.A current that flows in an opposite direction to the flow of another current.逆流,反向电流;逆电流与另一水流或电流的流向相反的水流或电流
7.Specifically Enhancing Inward Rectifier Potassium Current (I_(K1)): A New Antiarrhythmic Pathway特异性增强心肌内向整流钾电流(I_(K1))-抗心律失常新途径
8.An inward flow or current, as of air.向内的流体一股向内的气流或水流,如空气
9.input current at positive-going threshold voltage正向阈电压下输入电流
10.input current at negative-going threshold voltage负向阈电压下输入电流
11.electronic reverse current controller电子反向电流控制器
12.The current flowing in one direction is called direct current .沿着一个方向流动的电流叫做直流电。
13.Conversion of alternating to unidirectional current.整流交流电转变到单向电流
14.To reverse the direction of(an alternating electric current)each half - cycle to produce a unidirectional current.变换电流方向颠倒每一半周(交流电流的)方向,以产生单方向性电流
15.Direct current flows in one direction only. Alternating current flows first in one direction and then in the other.直流电流仅向一个方向流动,而交流电流则先向一个方阿流动,继而又向另一个方向流动
16.Effect of salicylic acid on stomatal movement and K~+ current on plasma membrane of guard cell in Vicia faba L.水杨酸对蚕豆保卫细胞气孔运动及质膜内向K~+电流的影响
17.By AC it is meant that the current is flowing first in one direction and then back again.交流电是指电流先流向一个方向,然后反方向流动。
18.The difference between a direct and an alternating current is that a direct current always flows in one direction.直流电和交流电的区别在于直流电总是向一个方向流动。

slow inward sodium current慢钠内向电流
3)inward current内向电流
4)inward K+ current内向钾电流
5)inward rectifier potassium current内向整流钾电流
1.Effect of imidapril on transmural heterogeneity of inward rectifier potassium current of hypertrophic myocytes in rabbit;咪达普利对家兔肥厚心肌内向整流钾电流跨室壁异质性的作用
2.In the present study, we examined the major action potential repolarization-related ion channel currents in rat ventricular cardiomyocytes, including transient outward potassium current (Ito), inward rectifier potassium current (IK1) an.通过制作约40%体表面积(total body surface area,TBSA)III度烫伤大鼠模型,在伤后12h大鼠心功能明显减弱时分离其心肌细胞,采用膜片钳技术观察心肌细胞APD以及动作电位复极化相关的重要离子通道电流,包括瞬间外向钾电流(transient outward K+ current,Ito),L-型钙电流(L-type Ca2+ current,ICa-L)和内向整流钾电流(inward rectifier K+ current,IK1)。
3.[Objective] To study the differentiation of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into cardiomyocytes in vitro and the characteristics of inward rectifier potassium current (IK1) of induced cells.【目的】体外诱导大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)分化为心肌细胞并探讨其内向整流钾电流(IK1)特征。
6)inward rectifying current内向整流电流
1.In the present work, whole cell, voltage clamp recordings were made from visually identified cone photoreceptors in bullfrog (Rana Catesbeiana) retinal slice preparations under infra red illumination to characterize the properties and function of inward rectifying currents(I h).应用牛蛙视网膜薄片标本,在红外可视条件下,运用全细胞记录技术研究了视锥内向整流电流的特性。

标准冲击电流波形(见冲击电流发生器)标准冲击电流波形(见冲击电流发生器)standard impulse current wave form  blaozhun ehonglld}0n4一u box]ng标准冲击电流波形(standard impulse currentwave form)见冲击电流发生器。