1.Avian Chromosome Preparation and its Application in Animal Breeding;禽类染色体制备及其在育种中应用
2.Application of Mathematical models in the study on Avian production;数学模型在禽类生产研究中的应用
3.Morphology Study of Sperm-host Glands in the Oviduct of Avian;禽类输卵管精子腺的形态学研究

1.A bird of the suborder Oscines.鸣禽一种鸣禽类亚目的鸟
2.Of, relating to, or belonging to the Oscines, a large suborder of passerine birds that includes most songbirds.鸣禽类的鸣禽类的、与鸣禽类有关的或属于鸣禽类的,该类包括多数歌鸟雀形目鸟的一个大亚目
3.avian myeloblastosis virus禽类成髓细胞瘤病毒
4.edible viscera of a fowl.可食用的禽类的内脏。
5.colour phase(禽类)季节性的羽毛变色
6.drawing machine, industrial, for poultry禽类开膛机,工业用
7.Investigation on Knowledge,Attitude and Behavior of Avian Influenza among Poultry and Non-poultry Workers in Pearl River Delta珠江三角洲禽类从业人员和非禽类从业人员禽流感知信行调查
8.We eat the flesh of animals, birds, and fish.我们吃兽类、禽类和鱼类的肉。
9.Domestic fowls, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, or geese, raised for meat or eggs.家禽用作蛋品或肉类的家养禽类,如小鸡、火鸡、鸭或鹅
10.Fully cook your food, especially meat, poultry and eggs.食物一定要煮熟,尤其是肉类、家禽类以及蛋类。
11.the tail of a dressed fowl.煮熟的鸡鸭等禽类的屁股。
12.The industry in Thailand has grown quickly.泰国的禽类生产一直发展迅猛。
13.Three swimming birds are the swan, the duck, and the goose.天鹅、鸭子和鹅是三种会游水的禽类
14.Study on Traceability System of Livestock Products for the 2008 Olympic Games;2008奥运会畜禽类产品的追溯体系研究
15.Comparative analysis of two kinds of domestic poultry bone-meat separating equipment made in China两种国产禽类骨肉分离机的对比分析
16.of or relating to the songbirds.属于或关于鸣禽鸟类的。
17.disease of domestic fowl and other birds.家禽或鸟类的一种疾
18.a domesticated gallinaceous bird though to be descended from the red jungle fowl.家禽鸟类,红原鸡的后代。

1.Comparative analysis of two kinds of domestic poultry bone-meat separating equipment made in China两种国产禽类骨肉分离机的对比分析
2.The meassure of reducing phosphorus pollution was sum up with nutrition, plant breeding and treatment of poultry dung.本文从营养、作物育种及粪便处理三个方面综述了降低禽类粪便中磷含量的有效措施。
3.The active components,biological functions of extract of Ginkgo biloba and its application in poultry production are reviewed in the paper.概述了银杏叶的活性成分、银杏叶提取物的生物学功能及其在禽类生产中的研究应用进展和展望。
1.The results showed that the Es in these birds had some diversities.试验采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)法测定了京海鸡、虎皮鹦鹉和扬州鹅三个不同禽类群体的酯酶(Es)多态性。
2.High reproductive capacity, low feeding cost and more protein in eggs make developmental perspective of biological engineering technology of embryo in birds glorious.禽类繁殖力高,饲养成本低;禽蛋干物质含量高,蛋白质含量多,蛋白容易收集保存,不易受外界污染,这些都使禽类胚胎生物工程技术展现出美好的发展前景。
3.This paper summarized the progress of the research on birds follicular sgrowth.本文综述了禽类卵泡的生长发育和闭锁的调节机制的研究进展。
1.Defensins discovered in fowls are ususlly β-defensin.抗菌肽在禽类体内表达的主要是β-防御素,禽类防御素的生物学活性显示其具有潜在的经济意义,作用机制独特,是目前基因工程研究的热点之一。
5)avian follicular cell禽类卵泡
1.According to the recent research data,this article systemicly formulate the effect of gonadotropin releasing hor-mone(GnRH),folicle-stimulating hormone(FSH),luteinizinghormone(LH),estrogen,progestin, prolac- tin(PRL),Mel,and inhibin(IB) on avian follicular cells apoptosis from the reproductive endocrine angle.从禽类生殖内分泌角度出发,依据近年来国内外的科学研究资料系统地综述了促性腺激素释放激素(Gonadotropin releasing hormone,GnRH)、促卵泡激素(Folicle-stimulating hormone,FSH)、雌激素(es- trogen)、孕激素(progestin)、促乳素((Prolactin,PRL)、褪黑素(Mel)、抑制素(Inhibin,IB)对禽类卵泡细胞凋亡的调控,为研究禽类繁殖性能及生殖毒理机制提供科学理论参考。
6)quality of animal and poultry products畜禽肉类
