低分子量肝素,low molecular weight heparin
1)low molecular weight heparin低分子量肝素
1.Clinical observation of low molecular weight heparin for therapy of chronic cholestatic hepatitis B;低分子量肝素治疗慢性淤胆型乙型肝炎的临床观察
2.Comparison of low molecular weight heparin to standard heparin in hemodialysis;低分子量肝素与普通肝素在血透抗凝中的对比观察
3.Effect of low molecular weight heparin on hemostasis,fibrinolysis and anticoagulation systems in treatment of unstable angina pectoris;低分子量肝素对高龄不稳定型心绞痛患者凝血、纤溶和抗凝指标的影响

1.Studies on Oral Drug Delivery Systems of Low Molecular Weight Heparin;低分子量肝素钠口服给药系统的研究
2.The Effect of Heparin and Low-molecular Weight Heparin on Expression of Advanced Glycation End Products(AGE)Receptors on Human Monocytes;肝素和低分子量肝素对人单核细胞表面AGE受体的影响
3.Experimental Study on Low Molecular Weight Heparin Therapy for Alkali Burnof the Rat Cornea;低分子量肝素治疗大鼠角膜碱烧伤的实验研究
4.Neuroprotective Effects and Related Mechanisms of Ultra Low Molecular Weight Heparin;超低分子量肝素神经保护作用及其机制的研究
5.Clinical efficacy of low molecular weight heparin of different dosages in treatment of fetal growth restriction不同剂量低分子量肝素治疗胎儿生长受限的临床效果
6.Influence of Low Molecular Weight Heparin on Perioperative Bleeding after Rear Operation of Thoracolumbar Spinal Bursting Fracture低分子量肝素对胸腰椎爆裂骨折后路手术出血量的影响
7.Study of Clinical and Hemorrheology on Low Molecular Weight Heparin in Treatment of TIA低分子量肝素治疗短暂性脑缺血发作的临床及血流变研究
8.Low Molecular Weight Heparin on Coagulation and Fibrinolysis System of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome: Clinical Study of Its Effects, Avalability;低分子量肝素对ACS患者凝血和纤溶影响及疗效观察
9.The Neuroprotective Effects and Mechanisms of LMWH;低分子量肝素对神经细胞的保护作用及其机理研究
10.Effect of Low Weight Molecular Heparin on Hypertensive Disorder Complicating Pregnancy in Rats;低分子量肝素治疗妊娠期高血压疾病大鼠的研究
11.Changes of Plasma Thrombin-Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor in the Senile with Unstable Angina Pectoris and the Influence of Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin;老年不稳定性心绞痛患者血浆TAFI的变化及低分子量肝素对其影响
12.Effects of Low Molecular Weight Heparin on Cell Cycle and Expression of P27mRNA in Human Stomach Cancer Cell Line SGC-7901;低分子量肝素对人胃癌细胞株SGC-7901细胞周期及P27mRNA表达的影响
13.The Effects of Low Molecular Weight Heparin on Fracture Healing in Aged Rats;低分子量肝素对老年大鼠骨质疏松性骨折愈合过程的影响
14.The Effect and Mechanism of Ultra Low Molecular Weight Heparin on Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats;超低分子量肝素抗脑缺血再灌注损伤作用及其机制研究
15.Study on the Oral Preparation of Low Molecular Weight Heparin Calcium and the Bioavailability低分子量肝素钙口服制剂的制备及其生物利用度的测定
16.Observation of a Combined Therapy with Low Molecular Heparin and Monopril (Fosinopril) in Diabetic Nephropathy低分子量肝素与蒙诺联合治疗糖尿病肾病疗效观察
17.A large amount of blood oozing induced by low-molecular-weight heparin calcium in patients undergoing total hip joint replacement低分子肝素钙致全髋关节置换术患者大量渗血
18.Purification of Low Molecular Weight Heparin from By-product肝素钠生产副产物中低分子肝素钠的分离纯化

1.The Experiment Study on LMWH Inhibiting the Expression of Livin and Inducing the Apoptosis of Osteosarcoma Cells;低分子量肝素抑制骨肉瘤LIVIN基因表达并诱导细胞凋亡的实验研究
2.The Treatment of Unstable Angina Pectoris(UAP) with Low Molecular Weight Heparin(LMWH) and Aspirin;低分子量肝素联合阿司匹林治疗不稳定性心绞痛
3.Preparation and Structure-Activity Differences of Low Molecular Weight Heparins (LMWH);低分子量肝素的制备及其结构与活性差异(英文)
3)low-molecular weight heparin低分子量肝素
1.Inhibiting effects of low-molecular weight heparin and adrenocortical hormone on hemolysis of red cells in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria in vitro;低分子量肝素和肾上腺糖皮质激素对阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿症患者红细胞体外溶血抑制作用的研究(英文)
4)low-molecular-weight heparin低分子量肝素
1.Inhibitory effects of low-molecular-weight heparin on retinal neovascularization;低分子量肝素抑制视网膜新生血管形成的实验研究
5)Low molecular weight heparin calcium低分子量肝素钙
1.Study on the oral preparation of low molecular weight heparin calcium;低分子量肝素钙口服制剂的研究
6)low molecular weight heparitin低分子量类肝素

低分子量肝素药物名称:低分子量肝素英文名:Low Molecular Weight Heparin别名:低分子肝素 ,速避凝 ,那屈肝素钙外文名:Nadroparin Calcium , Fraxiparine药理作用:因子ⅹa活性,对凝血酶及其他凝血因子影响不大。其抗凝血因于ⅹa活性/抗凝血酶活系用化学或酶法使普通肝素解聚而成,平均分子量约为4~6kD。具有选择性抗凝血性比值一般为1.5~4.0,而普通肝素为1左右,分子量越低,抗凝血因子ⅹa活性越强,这样就使抗血栓作用与出血作用分离,保持了肝素的抗血栓作用而降低了出血的危险。 药代动力: 低分子肝素的抗凝血因子ⅹa活性t1/2。明显长于普通肝素,体内t1/2约为普通肝素的8倍,其抗凝血因子ⅹa活性的生物利用度是普通肝素的3倍。静注维持12h,皮下给药的生物利用度几乎达100%。1次/d即可,使用方便。 适应症: 临床用于预防手术后血栓栓塞、预防深静脉血栓形成、肺栓塞、血液透析时体外循环的抗凝剂、未稍血管病变等。少数资料报道尚可用于因肝素引起的过敏或血小板减少症的替代治疗。尚有报道用于一些栓塞性疾病的特殊治疗。本品临床应用尚处于研究探索阶段,最佳剂量和标准化问题,有待解决。 用法用量: 用药剂量因人而异,宜个体化给药。 不良反应: 不良反应与注意事项同肝素,用量过大仍可导致自发性出血,使用时需进行血液学监护。 规格:注射剂:5000AXaICU(相当于2050AxaIU)/0.2ml,7500AXaICU(相当于3075AxaIU)/0.3ml10000AXaICU(相当于4100AxaIU)/0.4ml15000AXaICU(相当于6150AxaIU)/0.6ml20000AXaICU(相当于8200AxaIU)/0.8ml25000AXaICU(相当于10250AxaIU)/1.0ml类别:抗凝血药