1.Study on freeze-drying technology of lactic acid bacteria hs-3 and ws-3;hs-3、ws-3乳酸菌发酵剂冻干研究
2.Optimization of Culture in Vacuum Freeze-drying Lactobacillus;冻干乳酸菌菌种增菌培养基增殖因子的优化
3.Damages to lactic acid bacteria during freeze-drying and their protection;乳酸菌冻干损伤与保护的研究进展

1.For these cases lyophilization or freeze drying is available.这时可用低压冻干法(或称冷冻干燥法)。
2.(Vacuum) Freezing & Drying Technology FORTRAN 77真空)冷冻干燥技术
3.lyophilized porcine dermis irradiated灭菌冷冻干燥猪真皮
4.She was also given amino acid preparations and fluid with frees-dry human Blood plasma.给予氨基酸及冻干血浆
5.Research and Development of NobilisideA Freeze-drying LiposomesNobiliside A冻干脂质体的研究
6.Freeze-drying of Oxygen-carrying Substance and Storage of the Freeze-dried Solids;载氧药物的冷冻干燥和冻干品的保存稳定性
7.Studies on the optimized freeze drying process for lyophilized live Japanese encephalitis vaccine冻干乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗的冻干工艺优化研究
9.New Methods for Purification and Freeze-drying of Recombinant Human Interferon α2b;重组人干扰素α2b的纯化和冻干新方法
10.In this paper the atmospheric absorbent fluidized freeze dryingis compared with vacuum freezedrying in many ways.介绍了常压吸附流化冷冻干燥,并与真空冷冻干燥做了多方面比较。
11.To preserve(food, for example) by rapid freezing and drying in a high vacuum.使冷冻干燥通过在高度真空状态下迅速冷冻并干燥来保存(如食物)
12.Studies on Process of Human Red Blood Cells Loaded with Trehalose before Lyophilization and Characteristics of Rehydrated-Lyophilized Human Red Blood Cells;人红细胞冻干前负载海藻糖及冻干再水化后特性研究
13.Studies on Process of Human Platelets Loaded with Trehalose before Lyophilization and Characteristics of Rehydrated-Lyophilized Human Platelets;人血小板冻干前负载海藻糖及冻干再水化后特性研究
14.Study on Excipient of Freeze-drying Varicella Vaccine(Live)and Optimizing the Freeze-drying Curve;水痘疫苗冻干保护剂的探索与冻干工艺曲线的优化
15.Analyze the Equipment of Vacuum Freeze-drying and Research Vacuum Freeze-drying Technics of the Cucumber by the Experiment;真空冷冻干燥设备的分析和黄瓜真空冷冻干燥工艺的实验研究
16.Hepatitis A Freeze-dried-mumps Combined Ratio for the Protection of Lyophilized Vaccine Research;冻干甲型肝炎—腮腺炎联合疫苗冻干保护剂配比的研究
17.The Vacuum Freeze-desiccation Technology and the Research Progressions of Its Application in Chinese freeze Drying Drugs Preparation;冻干技术及其在中药冻干制剂中应用的研究进展
18.Analysis and Comparison and Exploration of Atmospheric Absorbent Fluidized Freeze Drying and Vacuum Freeze Drying of Solidfood;固态食品常压吸附流化冷冻干燥与真空冷冻干燥分析比较及探索

Freeze drying冻干
1.The quality was studied on the viable cells number,quick solution and fermentation in contrast with the freeze drying and vacuum drying yoghurt powder.本文采用冻干和真空干燥两种方法生产酸奶粉,对其活菌数、速溶性和发酵性等品质指标进行了对比研究,结果发现:两种干燥方法所得酸奶粉的品质差异较大,冻干酸奶粉的活菌数、速溶性和发酵性均较真空酸奶粉好。
2.The purpose of this study is to optimize the freeze drying condition of whitebait,including the mode of pre-freezing and heating procedure of plate.研究并优化了银鱼冷冻干燥时的工艺条件,包括预冻方式、加热板程序对冷冻干燥过程的影响,得出银鱼冻干工艺条件为:采用中速冻结的方式将银鱼预冻,在10 Pa左右的真空度、冷凝器温度为-45℃的条件下,采用的加热板加热程序分别为0℃保持3 h,10℃保持0。
3.In the paper we reviewed the cellular damage during freeze drying was mostly the injuries cell membrane strcuture and the mechanism of lactic acid bacteria cell membrane cellular damage during freeze drying.综述了冷冻干燥对细胞造成的损伤主要是破坏了细胞膜结构,同时阐述了冻干对乳酸菌细胞膜造成损伤的机理,概括了国内外近年来降低乳酸菌冻干损伤的一些保护措施研究现状,指出在冻干前经过适当的预处理是可以降低细胞在冻干后的死亡率。
1.Preservation of human red blood cells by lyophilization;冷冻干燥法保存人红细胞
2.Experimental Study of Protective Techniques before Platelets Lyophilization;血小板冻干保存前预处理技术的实验研究
3.Methods:The docetaxel liposomes were prepared using a film dispersion method followed by a lyophilization technique.目的:制备多烯紫杉醇冻干脂质体并对其性质进行考察。
1.Study on cryoprotectants of Lactobacillus acidophilus freeze-drying powder;嗜酸乳杆菌冻干菌粉保护剂选择的研究
2.Research on the survival of lactobacillus in the freeze-dry soy yoghurt;乳酸菌在豆酸奶冻干粉中的存活状况初探
5)freezing and drying冻干干燥

冻干人抗血友病球蛋白药物名称:冻干人抗血友病球蛋白英文名:别名: 冻干人抗血友病球蛋白;冷沉淀物;凝血第Ⅷ因子 适应症: 本品适用于防治血友病甲(先日性凝血因子Ⅷ缺乏症)、获得性凝血因子Ⅷ缺乏症和血管性假血友病的补充疗法。对血友病乙(缺乏凝血因子Ⅸ)无效。 用量用法: 静滴:通常每次5~10U/kg,用25~30℃的注射用水100ml溶解,于20分钟内输完。每隔12~24小时1次,连用3~5日即可。在出血量较大或大手术时,剂量可加大2~3倍,间隔时间可缩短,滴速60滴/分钟,输液器应有滤网装置。 注意事项: 大剂量输注(每日超过20U/kg)时可出现肺水肿。本制品应与受血者ABO血型相同。 规格: 针剂:200U(相当于200ml血浆中所含的AHG),另含纤维蛋白原0.1~0.2g。 类别:促凝血药