猪血,porcine blood
1)porcine blood猪血
1.The Research Progress on Hemoglobin Polypeptides Derived from Porcine Blood;猪血中血红蛋白多肽的研究进展
2.Study on the reaction conditions of the hydrolysis of porcine blood by combinative enzyme;复合酶水解猪血液工艺条件的研究
3.Study on the preparation of protein powder from porcine blood with protease hydrolysis;酶法猪血食用蛋白粉的研究

1.Comparative Study on Hematologic Parameters in Three-crossbred Pigs and Ningxiang Pigs三元猪和宁乡猪血液学参数比较研究
2.Studies on Preparing Hemin from Porcine Blood;利用猪血制备氯化血红素技术的研究
3.Serological Investigation of Porcine Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Virus猪血凝性脑脊髓炎病毒的血清学调查
4.Enzymolysis Conditions of Porcine Blood and the Effects of Enzymolyzed Porcine Blood Meal on Protein Utilization and Growth Performance of Piglets;猪血酶解参数及酶解血粉对仔猪蛋白质利用和生产性能的影响
5.Extraction of IgG from Swine Blood and Influence of IgG on Performance and Blood Parameters in Piglets;猪血IgG的提取及其对仔猪生产性能和血液指标的影响
6.Studies on the Isolation and Purification of Porcine Hemoglobin and Polymerized Porcine Hemoglobin;猪血红蛋白及其戊二醛聚合猪血红蛋白的分离纯化工艺研究
7.Comparison for Serum Insulin in Xiang Pigs of Different Month of Age不同月龄香猪血清胰岛素水平的比较
8.Blood Valuse and Their Dynamic Changes of Xiang Piglets from 1 to 4 Months of Age1—4月龄香猪血液值及其动态变化
9.Studies on Fractionation and Extraction of Immunoglobuling from Porcine Blood;猪血G型免疫球蛋白的分离提取研究
10.Study on the Enzymatic Production of Peptides from Porcine Hemoglobin;酶解猪血红蛋白制备小肽方法的研究
11.Preliminary Study on the Extraction and Modification Porcine Hemoglobin;猪血红蛋白的提取及修饰的初步研究
12.Dress out a pig给猪放血开膛以备出售
13.Serolgy Investigation of Haemophilus parasuis in Some pig Farms of Jiangxi Province江西省部分猪场副猪嗜血杆菌病血清学调查
14.Experimental Study on Promoting Angiogenesis of Ischemic Myocardium with Gene of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor in Swines;BFGF基因促猪缺血心肌血管新生的研究
15.Serology Survey on Haemphilus Parasuis in Qinghai Province青海省副猪嗜血杆菌病的血清学调查
16.Establishment of cerebral vasospasm model after subarachnoid hemorrhage in pigs猪蛛网膜下腔出血后脑血管痉挛模型
17.The Changes of Peripheral Blood Leucocytes Subpopulation after Challenge with CSFV Virulent Strain Shimen人工接种猪瘟病毒对猪外周血白细胞的影响
18.Platelet Change of Porcine Circovirus Type 2-like P1 Infected Swine猪感染类猪圆环病毒因子P1后血小板的变化

pig blood猪血
1.Optimize the technical conditions of hydrolyzing pig blood by compound enzyme复合酶水解猪血工艺条件优化研究
2.The superoxide dismutase (SOD) was extracted from fresh pig blood by improved technics, and its pure degree and molecular weight were mensurated by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and the effect of temperature and pH value on stability of SOD were investigated.以新鲜猪血为原料,采用改进的提取工艺分离纯化超氧化物歧化酶(SOD),并通过SDS-PAGE等方法对酶样品能进行研究。
3.In this article,the authors studied the scale -up technology of isolation and purification of IgG from pig blood.介绍以放大的盐析法从猪血中提取IgG。
3)swine blood猪血
1.Purification of superoxide dismutase from swine blood;猪血超氧化物歧化酶的纯化研究
2.Study on the integrated extraction technics of swine blood cells;猪血细胞综合利用工艺研究
3.But it was found that the best condition of purifying superoxide dismutase in swine blood by heating denatureation was at 55 ℃ and for 15 minutes from the investigation of .采用热变性法,研究不同的温度和不同的处理时间对提纯猪血中SOD的影响。
4)hog blood猪血
1.The influence of hyperthermia on extracting superoxide dismutase from hog blood;温度对猪血提取超氧化物歧化酶的影响
2.Objective:To study the technological procedure of extraction and preparation of superoxide dismutase(SOD),hematin and peptone from hog blood.目的:研究从猪血分离制备超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、血红素(Hematin)和蛋白胨(peptone)的工艺流程。
5)pig plasma猪血浆
1.Extracting several functional protein from pig plasma in sequence;猪血浆中多种功能蛋白的连续提取工艺
2.A capillary GC method with FID detector for determination of atropine in pig plasma was established.采用气相色谱法测定猪血浆中阿托品的浓度。
3.This experiment uses(HPLC) to determine the chlortetracycline residues amount in the pig plasma.采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定猪血浆中的CTC残留量。
6)fresh pig blood鲜猪血
1.Methods:Red blood cell(RBC) was isolated from the anti-coagulated fresh pig blood,It was hemolyzed by heated water,then heme was extracted with 3% acetone-hydrochloric acid.方法:采用新鲜猪血抗凝离心后取血球,水浴加热溶血后,用3%盐酸丙酮提取血红素,提取液加鞣酸/氯化锶沉淀分离出血红素。

猪血【通用名称】猪血【其他名称】猪血 (《别录》) 【来源】为猪科动物猪的血,动物形态详"猪肉"条。 【化学成分】猪血含水分95%,蛋白质4.3%,脂肪0.2%,碳水化物0.1%,灰分0.5%;钙69毫克%,磷2毫克%,铁15毫克%。血豆腐(煮过的猪血凝块)含水分79%,蛋白质18.9%,脂肪0.4%,碳水化物0.1%,灰分1%。 【性味】咸,平。 ①《千金·食治》:"平,涩,无毒。" ②《纲目》:"咸,平,无毒。" 【功用主治】治头风眩晕,中满腹胀,嘈杂,宫颈糜烂。 ①《别录》:"主奔豚暴气,中风头眩,淋沥。" ②《千金·食治》:"主卒下血不止,美清酒和炒服之。" ③《日华子本草》:"生血,疗奔豚气。" ④《纲目》:"清油炒食,治嘈杂有虫。" ⑤《医林纂要》:"利大肠。" 【用法与用量】内服:煮食或干燥为末。外用:生血涂敷,或干燥粉末喷撒。 【选方】①治中满腹胀,旦食不能暮食:不着盐水猪血,漉去水,晒干为末,酒服取泄。(《怪证奇方》) ②治痘疮倒靥,用猪尾血一匙,调龙脑少许,新汲水服。(《纲目》) 【临床应用】治疗宫颈糜烂 取新鲜猪血加工干燥成粉末后,加入15%白芨粉及3%熟石灰混合,用于局部撒布。每日上药1次。用时先以1%乳酸液冲洗阴道,然后将药粉均匀地喷撒于宫颈糜烂面上,再以带线棉球填塞,次日取出。对颗粒型者,先将颗粒薄膜擦破,使之出血少许,然后上药,效果较好。治疗单纯性糜烂67人,痊愈54人;颗粒型28人,痊愈16人;乳头型2人,略有好转。