动物克隆,animal cloning
1)animal cloning动物克隆
1.This paper emphasized the effects of genomic imprinting on development and animal cloning,exhibited the function of imprint genes by analyzing their origin,and discussed t.介绍了印记基因对个体发育及动物克隆的深远影响。
2.The theory of animal cloning was discussed and the possible mechanisms of donor nuclear reprogramming were briefly summed up.对动物克隆的理论基础进行了探讨 ,综述了在动物克隆时 ,供体核的基因组再程序化的可能作用机制。
3.The development of the animal cloning technology was described in this paper.本文综述了国内外动物克隆技术的进展,并结合猪克隆对动物克隆技术的要点、路线以及当前存在的问题等方面作了较详细的论述。

1.Animal Clone and the Mammary Gland Bioreactor of Transgenic Animals;动物克隆与转基因动物乳腺生物反应器
2.This year the Pew research added questions about animal cloning.今年皮尔研究增加了动物克隆的问题。
3.He said his organization has had an animal-cloning success rate of more than 30 percent.他说他的组织拥有高于30%的动物克隆的成功率。
4."Cloning has not been accomplished in any primate," said Billings, "In species where it has taken place, there were a lot of abnormalities."比林斯说,"任何灵长类动物克隆都未曾完成,而在已经克隆的种类中,已出现了许多异常现象。"
5.The technology would be similar to that used to clone animals.克隆人的技术与克隆其他动物的技术相似。
6.Many people think that it is wrong to make animals.许多人认为克隆动物是不道德的。
7.Molecular Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Musclin of Different Animals;几种动物Musclin基因的克隆与表达
8.The Research Progress of Mammal Somatic Cell Cloning哺乳动物体细胞克隆技术的研究进展
9.The success rate with cats was as low as with these animals.克隆猫的成功率和克隆其他动物的成功率一样都不是很高。
10.Clone is the nonsexually-produced descendants of a single plant or animals.克隆就是无性繁殖单个的植物或动物后代。
11.Animal cloning has been beset by problems, including the creation of hideously deformed animals, but scientists said these could be overcome.克隆动物曾遇到过一些问题,有的克隆动物患有严重残疾,不过学家们称这些问题能够解决。
12.Clones could also help save endangered animals such as the African wild cat from disappearing.克隆还可以拯救濒临灭绝的动物,比如非洲野猫。
13.Other cloned animals had been found to have high rates of abnormalities.克隆动物出现畸形和异常的几率相当高。
14.Dolly the sheep,the world's first cloned mammal,is dead. She was six.世界上第一只克隆哺乳动物--绵羊多莉死了,6岁。
15.Study on the Clone and Expression of Human Lactoferritin Gene and Production of Transgenic Animal人乳铁蛋白基因克隆、表达及转基因动物制备
16.Clone of MOC1 Promoter and Its Inductive Material Selection in Rice;水稻MOC1基因启动子的克隆与诱导物的筛选
17.Cloning of D-Loop and HIF-1 Alpha Gene from Vertebrates in Qing-zang Plateau;青藏高原脊椎动物D-Loop和HIF-1 alpha的基因克隆
18.Cloning of CYP3A88 in Experimental Miniature Pig and Sequence Comparision with Other Animals小型猪CYP3A88基因克隆与其他动物的序列比较

animal clone动物克隆
3)Cloned Animal克隆动物
1.Application of Microsatellites in the Study of Somatic Cell-Cloned Animals;微卫星技术在体细胞克隆动物研究中的应用
4)Animal cloning克隆动物
1.Animal cloning,with its great value in life science and animal industry,is oneof the most important research fields in current biotechnology.克隆动物是目前生物技术领域研究的热点之一,其科学意义和应用价值重大。
5)cloning animals and plants克隆动植物
6)Somatic cloning animals体细胞克隆动物

长隆夜间动物世界是位于中国广东省广州市番禺区迎宾路。是由同市的香江野生动物世界新组建的长隆集团投资近10亿人民币,于2000年12月开幕。作为中国首个夜间动物园,该动物园的主题是令游客可以欣赏动物在晚间时的生态。长隆夜间动物世界主要分为演艺广场﹑乘车探险区及步行猎奇区三个区域。演艺广场及长隆大马戏这是一个可以容纳12000人的广场,提供马戏娱乐给到场的游客。马戏设备完善,包括当前国际最先进的灯光﹑音响,还有专门为大型表演而设的投影灯幕等高科技设备。除了有各种驯服的动物表演之外,还有特技演员的杂艺娱乐和高难度表演。2006年在长隆大马戏表演的不是本地人, 是来自世界各国的, 包括有俄罗斯、阿根廷、阿拉伯、肯尼亚等, 所以十分有异国风情。乘车探险区游客乘坐古老装饰小火车,在月色下经过七个主题景区:中华山地﹑南美河谷﹑南非高原﹑印度森林﹑澳洲灌木林﹑东非草原﹑西非沼泽。在每个景区里,野生动物会随时出现。例如在河谷岸边可见南美貘﹑黑颈天鹅;草原区有在夜间出没的狮子;黑色的森林内与狼﹑孟加拉虎擦身而过……坐在有坚固围栏的小火车内,游客可以安全近距离的观赏野生动物在夜间的动态。步行猎奇区在这个主题区游客可以漫步其中,除了感受浓密的树丛中各种植物如夜来香﹑白玉兰﹑米仔兰﹑茉莉花等发出的芳香味外,更时不时看到一些较温驯的动物出没,计有长颈鹿﹑飞鼯鼠﹑岩羊群﹑牦牛等。